The Big Drink can be found in a remote corner of the Outer
Rim just past Bakura. There are no major hyper-routes into the
sector, so travel is usually slow and tedious required at least four stops
for calculating astrogation co-ordinates.
Being so far out The Big Drink has not yet been bothered
by the Empire, although the sector was a part of the Old Republic.
Ties to the Republic were broken during the Clone Wars where the system
joined the Separatists led by Count Dooku. The sector government,
based on the planet Pondula III, became corrupt. Darktail, a Dark
Side adept, was elected President. This led to a conflict with the
Jedi. Darktail dissappeared, believed slain by the Jedi, and the
government collapsed. Several 'powers' tried to seize control of the
sector but failed. Soon The Big Drink was a lawless sector was rife
with crime. Even though the Sector Rangers kept a presence in the
Sector their numbers were not enough to act as a police force.
The threat of the Empire has stilled many of the petty criminals of the
sector, but The Big Drink is now controlled by several competing Criminal Syndicates.
The Big Drink is on the edge of the Outer Rim and the
Unknown Regions. This leads to many strange and rare aliens often
being seen in the sector. It is not uncommon to walk into a bar
frequented by several dozen different races, none of them recognisable.
The most recognisable, and common, race in the sector are the Quacka from
Pondula III, a race resembling anthromorphic ducks.
Calculating Astrogation: From Bakura it requires
five Moderate and one Difficult astrogation roll
with a Navigation computer. Up to date co-ordinates can usually be
bought from most Standard class spaceports in the Outer or Mid Rim for 150
credits which bring the difficulty numbers down one level. Should any
roll fail consult the Astrogation Mishap chart. It will then require the
characters to roll a Very Difficult Astrogation to get back on
Ships have been known to get lost traveling to and from The
Big Drink, hence the system traffic is low, and most spacers you find in the
sector are excellent navigators.
Inter-System Travel Times
Krok |
Pondula |
Neptchus |
Zak'tiir |
Xiir |
Xiirtron |
Krok |
3 hours |
6 hours |
Pondula |
3 hours |
2 hours |
4 hours |
Neptchus |
6 hours |
3 hours |
Zak'tiir |
2 hours |
3 hours |
Xiir |
4 hours |
12 hours |
Xiirtron |
12 hours |
Sector Rangers
The Sector Rangers have long been based in The Big
Drink. Most of the Rangers are Quacka, out for adventure and
excitement, but fearing travel through Imperial worlds. This way
they get the excitement and stay close to home.
The The Sector Rangers act as a Police Force in the
lawless sector, both in space and on the ground. The Sector Rangers
have bases throughout the sector, but prominently on Pondula II at Reed
City Spaceport and on Krok With no other authority to fall back on
the Sector Rangers are the law but htey don't have the man, or duck, power
to realistically keep control of the sector. Their hands are full
enough rescuing lost traveler let alone having to deal with Noks pirates.
The Big Drink
Dexterity |
2D+2 |
Knowledge |
2D |
Mechanical |
2D |
Blaster |
3D+2 |
Bureaucracy |
3D+1 |
Astrogation |
4D |
Dodge |
3D+2 |
Streetwise |
2D+2 |
Starship Piloting |
3D |
Survival |
3D+2 |
Starship Gunnery |
3D |
Perception |
2D+2 |
Strength |
2D |
Technical |
2D |
Command |
3D |
Brawl |
3D |
Security |
4D |
Search |
3D |
Starship Repair |
3D+1 |
Equipment: Blaster Pistol, data pad,
High Quality Vac Suit.
'The Pond'

Planet |
Type |
Terrestrial |
Terrain |
and Marshes |
Temperature |
Temperate |
Hydosphere |
Saturated |
Gravity |
Standard |
of Day |
hours |
of Year |
days |
Species |
Quacka |
Function |
Homeworld |
Level |
Space |
Population |
Million |
Spaceport |
Standard Class (Reed City) |
Government |
Syndicate |
Exports |
low tech |
Imports |
Tech, repulsors, |
System |
Big Drink |
Star |
Pondu |
Reed City
This is the only real spaceport left on
Originally there were three spaceports, Reed City, Arch-Wing Central and
what would have classed as an Imperial class Spaceport at Pondula
City. The Clone Wars have left their toll with Reed City, a standard
class spaceport, the only real spaceport left on Pondula.
Reed City is compromised of three spherical zones and is
ruled, unofficially by the Crime Lord Big Bill. Sector Rangers do
have a presence in the city, though communication and co-operation from
local police forces is strained at the best of times.
Zone 1 - Spaceport
Most of the traffic in The Big Drink passes through Reed
City Spaceport at some time or another. Security is strict.
Hand weapons are permitted with the appropriate license, though the
strictness of security depends on who you see. The Sector Rangers
are strict to the letter of the law, though not over-powering like
Imperial officials. Local Police, often referred to as the Old Bill,
are much less stringent in their checks.
For any smuggler out there, or anyone else
trying to transit something they shouldn't be, I'd suggest turning
up in the daylight. That way you're more likely to be met by
the Old Bill. A few credits and you're through. But
careful what you show them as word may get back to Big Bill. |
Zone 2 - Industrial Zone
This is where you'll find most of the factories.
Reed City is not a day and night place, most factories close down early
evening, re-opening early mornings. The Quacka produce mainly low
tech items such as holo-vids, data pads and parts for airspeeders.
The largest factory is Duck-Wing Incorporated. Duck-Wing manufacture
starships such as stock light freighters and the Duck-Wing Starfighter,
although the Reed City factory really on produces small componets for the
starships. Their large factory is located several miles outside the
old Pondula City Spaceport and surprisingly was never targeted during the
Clone Wars.
Zone 3 - Habitation Zone
This is where all the city folk dwell. City life in
Reed City is surprisingly calm the the locals taking life in their
stride. Except for a few seedy areas Reed City is always kept
clean. Maintenance and cleaner droids can often be seen roaming the
streets. Reed City also boasts some of the finest shops in the Outer
Rim. Obviously it has nothing to compete with Core Worlds, but
throughout The Big Drink you'll find no bigger or finer selection of goods
than the Reed City Mall.
The Good |
All in all Pondula is a nice place, provided
you can tolerate the weather (it rains a lot). The
locals are friendly and don't ask too many questions. |
The Bad |
You're pretty much in the back end of
nowhere. Even getting to the The Big Drink isn't
easy, and it can be slow. And once you're there,
well it's not really for tourists. |
The Ugly |
Big Bill and the Nok Syndicate. Big
Bill and Nok have been fighting for years. Not an
all out shoot-out, but it may come to that yet. They
have pretty much eliminated all of the other competition,
and rumor is one side or the other is favoured by Black
Sun, though which side is anyone's guess. |
Torm's Planet Guide

The Marshes
The Marshes are the poorer areas of Pondula III. It
is here that you will find the more unscrupulous members of Quacka
society. Not Big Billspeople, more small time crooks and
smugglers. Not to say that Big Bill doesn't have control of the
Marches. It is around the Marshes that several illegal Mesmerfish
farms are hidden away.
Mesmerfish are native to the marshland of Pondula
III. When prepared they form a unique Spice that can only be found
in The Big Drink Sector.
Mesmer-Spice - D6
Effects: Each dose of
Mesmer-spice gives the user +1D to
all stamina and Dexterity checks for 1D hours.
Addiction: Each time someone takes
mesmer-spice they
must make an Easy Stamina (without the bonus).
A failed roll causes a permanent -1 pip to Knowledge & related skills
unless more Mesmer-Spice is taken within 24 hours.
Cost: 100 credits per dose.
The Quacka
The Quacka are the native race to Pondula III. Follow
the link to the Aliens Datalog on Quacka.
Other Worlds
How this dead world got it's name has become local
legend. It's said that the first Quacka space pioneers discovered
the planet long before contact with the Old Republic. Communications
were poor back then. The Quacka pilot, Starfeather, stepped from his
starship, looked at the barren depressing wilderness and quacked,
"what a crok!" This was totally misheard back at space
command as "I name this Krok." By the time
Starfeather returned to the Pond the planet Krok was splashed across all
media and it was too late to change.
The ancient Starfeather was pretty accurate in his view of
the world. No indigenous life has ever lived on this planet, but it
is the single largest planet in what is now the first system of The Big
Drink. Nowadays the world has several cities across it's
surface. There are several mining operations across the planet, but
the world is not rich in any precious ore. The Sector Rangers use
Krok as their main base of operations as it is closest to the Bakura run
where most travellers get lost.
A planet of unspoilt beauty the planet
Neptchus is relatively ignored in the Sector, or has up until
recently. Star Tours has recently started tourist excursions to the
planet. They advertise it as "the planet to get away from it
all." There are fresh meadows, untouched mountain ranges and
beautiful flora with apparently no hostile critters. There have been
rumours that monsters live in the seas and rivers, and there have been
numerous sighting, though no evidence from any reliable sources.
The Neptchus Space Station
To boost tourism Star Tours made a deal
with Nad Tors, a rich investor in the Corporate Sector. Nad had one
of his small space stations set up in orbit as a stop-off for the
holidaymakers. Nad does have one weakness, gambling, and one person
knows how to exploit that weakness, Sithspawn Lairs own, Jan
Vincent Torm. The stakes were high with several million in the
pot. Nad looked at his cards, an Idiots Array, the money was
his. He bet the Neptchus Station to cover his bet and called.
Disaster. The cards shifted, as they do in Sabacc, and his 2 became
a -14. Torm revealed his hand, 23, Pure Sabacc and the space station
was his.
Business on the Space Station is very
slow. Although the station does not lose money, it doesn't make any
While the gas giant Zak'tiir does not boast any life
beyond a race similar to Beldons the system does have another, and more
popular space station resort, the Dirty Duck. A colossal
space station in a graveyard of ships from stock transports to bulk
freighters. This obviously leads to scavengers setting up
home. Ugnaughts, Squibs, Ugors and even Jawa have been seen in the
system looting the wreckage, arguing over salvage. The Dirty Duck is
an odd kind of shadowport, because everyone seems to know
about it. The Nok Syndicate are based here, and despite the run down
appearance of the station, the Dirty Duck is seen as the heart of The Big
This is a large gas giant much like the planet
Like Bespin this world is rich in Tabanna gas, tough mining is totally
regulated through the mining guilds. The Mining Guilds of Xiir
probably have the strongest security force in the Sector, and they have to
with the amount of piracy in the area. Nok can get a good price for
Tabanna gas on the black market. Due to the threat of piracy the
Mining Guilds starships are well armed, with the Mercenary Guild of Coyn even being used from time to time to guard cargos.
A world of legend, and a dying planet. The surface
of Xiirtron is cracked. Volcanic eruptions are regular with rivers
of lava covering the surface of this giant world. It is this planet
that was rumoured Xim the Despot hid his treasure, and where the ancient
Jedi revealed the Hutts plan to steal it for themselves. Many
believe that the stories of the Jedi making contact and finding the hidden
treasure here are simply that, stories. Few but the brave venture to
Xiirtron any more. It is not patrolled by the Sector Rangers so any
trouble you may encounter here and you're on your own.
Big Bill's
Big Bill, is a moody old duck. He runs 'The
Pond' from his plush apartment in Reed City. The local police are
mostly on his payroll. His criminal activities include racketeering,
gun running and spice smuggling. He has investments in Duck-Wing
Inc. which also gives him access to cheap starfighters. Big Bill has
not ventured outside of The Big Drink, and has never really shown any
ambition to. Big Bill is more content to close his feathers around
his home sector. While local officials still argue over who should
take control of the sector Big Bill is slowly manipulating himself into
position to take over as President.
Big Bill
Dexterity |
2D |
Knowledge |
3D+2 |
Mechanical |
2D+1 |
Blaster |
7D |
Bureaucracy |
6D |
Repulsorlift Op. |
3D+2 |
Dodge |
6D |
Streetwise |
7D |
Survival |
5D |
Perception |
4D |
Strength |
2D |
Technical |
2D |
Bargain |
6D |
Swimming |
7D |
Security |
4D |
Command |
6D |
Stamina |
4D |
Con |
6D |
Gamble |
6D |
Hide/Sneak |
6D |
Intimidation |
5D |
The Nok Syndicate
Nok is an aging
Nalroni. He muscled into the sector
towards the end of the Clone Wars towards the end of the criminal
fighting. New to the Sector his syndicate was strong and soon he had
only one rival, Big Bill. The Nok syndicates activities include
racketeering, piracy, loan sharking and money laundering for several
companies from the Corporate Sector. They operate out of the Dirty Duck
space station in the Zak'tiir system. Nok himself is rarely
seen nowadays as he has grown old and physically weak. The only
thing that seems to keep him going is the dread that fills his heart of
Young Nok taking over the family business. Young Nok is very Naive
when it comes to the business. He flitters away money on every vice
and does not have the respect fro the Syndicate like his father
does. Nevertheless it is Young Nok who is the forefront of the
criminal syndicate now, something Big Bill just laughs at.