and Other Worlds
Star Wars HoloNet Members Project by
Ugavine (a.k.a. Sithspawn)

Type |
Terrestial |
Climate |
Temperate |
Terrain |
jungle, Mountains, plains |
Atmosphere |
I (breathable) |
Gravity |
Standard |
of Day |
standard hours |
of Year |
local days |
Species |
Gamorreans |
Languages |
Gamorrese |
Population |
million |
Starport |
Field |
Level |
Feudal |
Government |
Clans |
Exports |
primitive weapons |
Imports |
weapons |
System/Star |
Opoku |

to the often brutish porcine Gamorreans the planet Gamorr
is a planet of varying terrain and environments.
Mountains dominate vast areas of the planet. The
temperate zones are covered in forests and grasslands
while dense jungles cover the equatorial regions. To
the north and south are frozen wastelands home to the
rarely seen Gamorrean Ice clans. The majority of the
population of Gamorreans can be found building their
settlements in the temperate regions. Gamorrean
settlements vary from simple wood villages, usually found
in woodland areas, to grand stone fortresses often found
atop hills or carved into a cliff-face.
Tour Log Warning: DO NOT VISIT GAMORR!
The planet
Gamorr itself is often described as beautiful. With
it's exotic woodland, clear water streams, snow-topped
mountains and moist fungi groves; the world would be a
paradise if it were not for the inhabitants war-like
tendencies. Gamorr has many wonders, and a large
array of wildlife from the fierce Watch-Beasts (named by
the unimaginative Gamorreans), the blood sucking Morrts
and the Shuffling Snoruuks, an odd edible fungus.
The tilt of the planet causes four distinct seasons.
Gamorrean way of life is organised around the seasons with
summer being the height of war-time!
Over 25,000
years ago a scout ship landed on Gamorr. Five
opposing armies came to meet the travelers form the stars,
and waged fierce war against each other for several days
until there was a victor. Finally, the victorious
army had the honour of approaching the aliens. They
then proceeded to bash and smash the aliens and their
starship to pieces. After a couple more failed
attempts at making peaceful contact the Gamorreans were
approached with weapons, something the Gamorreans of old,
just like the present day, appreciated. Among the
earlier visitors to Gamorr were slavers working for the
Hutts. The close proximity to Hutt Space meant the
Gamorreans would inevitably end up slaves to the giant
Over the
centuries things have changed on Gamorr very little,
although wars between clans are fewer in recent years.
Gamorrean history is often only recorded by the victor.
Even then there have been too many records to count of the
"Grun'tug Gore" war, which when
translated to basic simply means "The battle we
sentient species of Gamorr are the Gamorreans. This
hulking green skinned porcine race are renown for their
great strength and short temper. Gamorrean society
is a feudal clan based one, with no formal planetary
government. The females, sows, are responsible for
all the work, from home-making to making weapons.
The male boars spend all their time fighting, practicing
fighting or occasionally hunting. During the Spring
months the boars will get ready for war, and when Summer
arrives the mighty Gamorrean armies clash in bloody
conflict. The Autumn and winter months are spend
recuperating and healing wounds. Gamorrean boars
live a short and violent life.
majority of Gamorrean conflicts are over land, which is
owned by the Matrons, the most powerful of the sows.
Ownership of property is handed down, split evenly amongst
the daughters. Each clan is ruled over by the most
powerful Martron and the boar Chieftain or Warlord.
A clan is usually around 20 sows and 50 boars, plus young.
Fortresses vary greatly in size depending on the size and
power of the clan. Most commonly a fortress is
nothing more than a wood or stone wall around the clan
village, which is usually just a few wooden huts.
There are a few major fortresses, such as Glonnk Clan
fortress, with it's imposing stone and steel outer walls
and battlements. Gamorr is also littered with the
crumpling remains of many villages and fortresses that
have been destroyed by the never-ending wars.
Gamorreans much prefer simple melee weapons they are not
at a loss using blasters when off-world. Most
Gamorreans found away from Gamorr are mercenaries or thugs
working in the underworld of galactic society.
Though thought of as brutish Gamorreans are not as simple
minded as people may think. Greel, with his brother
Gorge, have become wealthy entrepreneurs running the Dool
fights on Reuss VIII and during the time of the New
Republic Voort `Piggy' saBinring was a valued member of
the famed Rogue Squadron. Though not unheard of,
Gamorrean Jedi are rare, though many of the larger clans
boast at least one shaman (force adept).

Mountain Clans are the dominant clans of Gamorr.
They have the highest technologies, traded with off-worlders,
to build themselves the grandest of fortresses often
carved into a mountainside. The mountain clans
rarely trade with other clans, they are solely dependant
on the spoils of war. If a Gamorrean is found
off-world fighting in the gladiatorial areas of the
underworld he is quite probably from a Mountain Clan.
Woodland Clans are the most amenable of the Gamorrean
Clans. Their fortresses are often nothing more than
a walled village, which itself is usually just a
collection of mud and stone huts. While war amongst
the Woodland Clans is still common, their wars are usually
over land, with each clan being self -dependant and not
requiring treasures looted in their wars. The
Woodland Clans have more farmers amongst their numbers
than the other clans. Woodland Gamorreans are more
likely to become scouts and adventurers, but many have
still found themselves off-world working as mercenaries.
Sea Clan
Sea Clan
fortress are always fortified ports, with several small
fortified islands known of. The Sea Clan navies are
always alert for pirates, their biggest opposition.
The Sea Clans do much trade with one another with
transport across the oceans their biggest service.
Their sailing ships are as simple as can be, usually
manned by up to 40 Gamorrean clansmen with plenty of room
for cargo and supplies. A life at sea perfectly
suits a Gamorrean as their harsh brutal life is much the
same as living on land.
Ice Clan
The Ice
Clans are the most remote clans and are the least
warmongering, mostly because they are so few and far
between. To Gamorrean younglings of Mountain and
Woodland Clans the stories of Ice Clans is often thought
to be make believe, but they do exist, keeping themselves
to themselves. The life in an Ice Fortress is much
different to other clans with survival against the
elements a prime factor in their lifestyle.
Foodstuffs have to be stored up during the Spring and
Summer months as their prey hibernates through Autumn and
Winter. Ice Clan Gamorreans tend to be larger around
the waist, eating at every opportunity in case such an
opportunity does not come again soon. They ware also
more resilient to the extreme weather and more adept at
survival in the harsh arctic conditions.
- wonders of Gamorr
(Upside down) waterfall
remarkable natural phenomenon is still a bit a mystery to
scientists. The waterfall is located exactly on the
planets' equator. Water erupts from and underground
chasm, and such is the angle of the rocks that the water
is projected into the Horruhk River some fifty meters
above. All attempts to examine the waterfall have
been met by opposition from the Gamorreans. Some
clans believe the Horruhk River is a gift from the gods
and must be preserved, others fear that any investigation
may harm the natural beauty of the area, but most clans
simply find the visiting scientists easy targets to beat
The Ruuk
Forest is located in the Greater Ruuk Valley. Here you
will find the most amazing 'herd' of Snoruuk Mushrooms.
The Ruuk Forest appears to ripple as the they shuffle
around the valley and even the brutal Gamorreans have been
know to just stand and take in the hypnotic beauty of the
valley. Local clans regulate the farming of the Snoruuks
in Ruuk Forest so as not to spoil this magnificent place,
and it is forbidden for wars to take place with it's
Clan Fortress
Glonnk Clan Fortress is the most impressive and
intimidating fortification on the whole of Gamorr.
Built on the site of the ancient fortress that stood
several hundred years ago, Glonnk Fortress stands at the
base of the Grunortung Mountain range. The fortress
boasts a high defensive wall with four high guard towers.
The Chieftains throne room is decorated with mementos of
the clans victories, and most impressive is the skull of a
mighty Rockgaar, killed by the previous Clan Warlord.
There have been many attempts to breach the Glonnk
Fortress over the years, with the outer stone walls
showing the signs of war but by no means showing signs of
of Gamorr
mischievous Quizzers are an annoyance to the Gamorrean
populous. Quizzers stand only half a meter tall and
live in the treetops of Gamorr's forests. Quizzers
love shiny and bright objects, making the unwary traveler
an easy target for the little thieves. Many
travelers find Quizzers have stolen such items as comlinks
or even blasters. Quizzers live in small family
units keeping to the treetops as much as possible, their
clawed feet making it difficult for them to walk on the
ground. Female Quizzers give birth to between three
and five young. Quizzers communicate though a series
of barks, cheeps and howls.
Such an
annoyance the Quizzers have become that the Gamorreans
kill them at every opportunity. Should a quizzling,
a group of Quizzers, be found the Gamorrean declare
hunting season. Fortunately for the Quizzers they
adapt to change very quickly and all Gamorrean efforts to
wipe them out have failed.
Scavenger 3; Init +5 (+5 Dex); Defense 17 (+5 Dex, Size
+2); Spd 6 m on ground, 12 m in trees; VP/WP 12/6; Atk -1
melee (1D3-3 bite); SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will -1; Size
Tiny; Str 5, Dex 20, Con 6, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 3.
Skills: Climb +1, Hide +7, Jump -2 Listen +0, Move
Silently +7, Search -2, Spot +3, Survival +1
Feats: Skill
Emphasis (Climb)
Qualities: Scent
Morrts are
small slug-like parasites found in the tropical regions of
Gamorr and are usually no more than 5cm long. The
morrts survive by attaching themselves to a hosts body and
feeding off their blood. When a morrt attaches
itself they excrete a mild anesthetic slime making the
process painless, this slime the Gamorreans use for
medicinal purposes. Removing a morrt is simply a
matter of lifting it off by it's tail. Gamorrean
physiology has adapted to these little parasites, with
morrts being the only creature that a Gamorrean openly
shows affection for. Having a high number of morrts
on their body is a sign of strength and honour in
Gamorrean society. It is not uncommon for a
Gamorrean Warlord to host over twenty morrts on their
body. The awarding of one of his personal morrts to
a champion is one of the highest honours that a Warlord
can bestow.
In the wild
morrts travel in swarms. Large swarms have even been
know to overpower a Gamorrean. Most domesticated
morrts are fat and docile and of threat to no one.
Parasite 1; Init +10 (+10 Dex); Defense 28 (+10 Dex, Size
+8); Spd 4 m; VP/WP 3/1; Atk -4 melee (Special:
bloodsucker); SV Fort +0, Ref +10, Will -2; Size Fine; Str
1, Dex 30, Con 2, Int 1, Wis 6, Cha 2.
Skills: Hide +13, Move Silently +13, Spot +0,
survival +0
- Bloodsucker: A host can have a number of Morrts on
their body equal to their CON modifier, but they must
still make a DC15 FORT Save every 24 hours or suffer -1
CON damage. For every Morrt above the Characters CON
modifier they must make a FORT Save every hour of DC15 +1
for every Morrt above their CON mod. or suffer 1
vitality/wound, +1 for every Morrt. e.g. CON 12,
modifier +1, if the character has 3 Morrts on them the
FORT Save is DC17, if he fails his save he suffers 4
damage (1+3). Any damage caused by Morrt
bloodsuckers cannot be healed while the Morrts are still
attached. Gamorreans are more resilient to Morrts
and can host a number of Morrts equal to their CON score
before suffering any ill effects or making any saves.
Qualities: Blindsight
Algark is a
highly toxic fungus growing deep in the Gamorr forests.
Algark appear as long stalks with a sail-like bud at the
top. When disturbed either by a strong gust of wind
or by a passing animal the bud releases a plume of deadly
spores. These spores attach themselves to the animal
and slowly start to spread, and eventually consuming the
creature. New stalks then grow from the corpse.
Stalks game notes: Should a character be aware of
a plume of Algark Spores they can try to avoid them with a
Reflex save DC 25. Note that the spores cannot
penetrate full armour or sealed vac suits. Once
infected the character must make a Fort Save DC15 or lose
1 point of Constiitution. A further save is required
every hour with the DC increasing by +3. Each failed
roll results in -1 to Constitution. Should a
characters Constitution score fall to zero they are
killed. Any Fort save that beats the DC by more than
5 causes their immune system to wipre out the Algark
Spores, no further saves are required and the character
will start to heal his Constitution damage. Algark
Spore infection can only be treated with the correct
antidote and First Aid roll DC15.
Snoruuk (Shuffling
Snoruuk are
and edible fungus that has the ability to slowly move
across the forest floors of Gamorr. These shuffling
fungus usually form rings from five to thirty fungi,
moving collectively. Snoruuk are a staple food
source of the Gamorreans, and can be herded, with much
patience, by simply tapping one of the fungi in the ring,
causing them to move in the opposite direction.
Snoruuk are totally blind and have no means of defense or
attack, they simple shuffle instinctively to their next
food source, feeding off small small grubs and absorbing
moisture from the grass. During the Winter months
the Snoruuk root themselves to the spot until Summer.
New buds are grown during the Spring months.
Herd Animal 1; Init -4; Defense 8 (-4 Dex, +2 Size); Spd
0.5 m; VP/WP 0/4; Attack: None; SV Fort -1, Ref -4, Will
-2; Size Tiny; Str 1, Dex 3, Con 4, Int 1, Wis 6, Cha 2.
Skills: Climb -2, Search -2, Survival +2
Qualities: None
grazing beast has been a source of food for both
Gamorreans and Watch-Beasts for as long as history can
remember. Moos have a high birth rate, females
usually birthing four to eight young, meaning their
population has never been in threat, at least not until
the last hundred years or so. A combination of
Gamorrean cities expanding, and the importing of Nerfs as
a grazing beast has caused the number of Moos to drop
drastically. Where in the past a Moos farmer would
shrug at the loss of a couple of Moos to wild Watch-Beasts
nowadays such beasts are fought off and grazing pastures
more well defended.
Moos are
normally timid docile creatures, except in mating season,
early spring. During this time the Moos herd keeps
close together, stampeding any would be foes. Even
Gamorreans choose not to hunt wild Moos during the spring.
Large Herd Animal 1; Init +0; Defense 11 (Size +1); Spd 10
m; VP/WP 10/17; Atk +2 melee (1D6+2 bite); SV Fort +7, Ref
+0, Will -2; Size Large; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 2,
Wis 6, Cha 2.
Skills: Search +1, Spot +1, Survival +1
Feats: None
Qualities: Scent
The Snow
Bantha is in many ways similar to the regular Bantha found
across the galaxy. The Snow Bantha differs in that
it is slightly larger than the regular Bantha, has matted
white fur, and is more resilient to the cold arctic
conditions in which it lives. Wild Snow Bantha's
travel in herds living off plants found growing through
the snow in the coastal regions. Wild Snow Bantha's
are usually placid except when protecting their young.
The Snow Banthas domesticated by the Gamorrean Ice Clans
are usually used simply as transport across the arctic
plains. Several of the larger clans have however
trained Snow Bantha for combat. The Gamorrean Herd
Leader will ride the lead, and usually largest, Snow
Bantha ahead of the charging herd. Such stampedes
have been know to breach a fortresses defenses in the
first charge, such is their strength.
Bantha: Herd Animal
6; Init +0; Defense 8; Spd 6 m; VP/WP 60/50; Atk +9 melee
(2D6+12 Gore); SV Fort +14, Ref +2, Will +2; Size Huge;
Str 27, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 3.
Skills: Listen +6, Survival +9 (+4 bonus in arctic
Feats: Great
Qualities: Climate Bonus (Arctic), Trample
hulking terrifying monsters are the last remaining
creatures from Gamorrs prehistoric days. Most
creatures were wiped out by Gamorrs last Ice Age several
million years ago, but it is the Rockgaars incredible
hibernation ability that allowed a few of them to remain.
A Rockgaar is by far the most deadly creature that can be
encountered on Gamorr, so it is lucky that they are rarely
seen. Rockgaars hibernate for up to 250 years and
only surface to feed for a few days before once more
burying themselves deep below the planets surface. The
Gamorreans believe that there are fewer than 30 Rockgaars
left. However, scientists theorise there may still
be in excess of 1000 of these beasts with the older
monsters possibly hibernating for a lot longer than the
250 years the Gamorreans believe, possibly for thousands
of years! Should a Gamorrean clan ever discover a
sleeping Rockgaar they will try to kill it immediately,
though this usually results in the creature waking and
slaughtering it's would-be executioners.
A Rockgaar
is a hulking bipedal creature with two long arms arms.
It's skin is grey looking much like it is made from rock.
A Rockgaar moves in a gorilla-like manner, though it's own
weight makes climbing near impossible. It's clawed
hands appear like scoops, thus allowing the beast to
easily dig into the hard surface of Gamorr where it will
Colossal Predator 12; Init +0; Defense 22 (-8 size, +20
Natural); Spd 14 m; VP/WP 300/420; Atk +29 melee (2D6+15
Claw); SV Fort +28, Ref +8, Will +3; Size Colossal; Str
60, Dex 10, Con 50, Int 3, Wis 9, Cha 16.
Skills: Hide +17, Intimidate +12, Survival +10
Feats: Power
Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Qualities: Terrifying Presence, Maddened
Ar'garok (Greater Gamorrean War-Axe)
Much like
the Ar'garok, but much bigger and nastier due to the
addition of off-world vibro-technology. The Grung
Ar'garok must be wielded two-handed due to it's great
size. Few Gamorreans wield this weapon due to it
being hard to master effectively in combat, and because
only a few of Gamorrs finest weapon smiths have the skill
or to construct them.
Cost |
(1500 on Gamorr)
Damage |
2D12 |
Critical |
19-20 |
Type |
Slashing |
Range |
2m |
Size |
Large |
Weight |
10kg |
Group |
(Grung A'garok) |
Ar'garok (Light Gamorrean Axe)
smaller version of the Ar'garok is usually wielded in the
off hand giving the Gamorrean warrior an opportunist
second weapon.
Cost |
cr (150 cr on Gamorr) |
Damage |
1D10 |
Critical |
20 |
Type |
Slashing |
Range |
2m |
Size |
Medium |
Weight |
3kg |
Group |
Simple |
Special |
off-hand weapon, +2 Attack bonus for off-hand
attacks |
These are
the Gamorrean forearm guards worn by many Gamorrean
warriors. The guards are made from steel and usually
patterned or engraved with either the emblem of the Clan
or with the name of the warriors sow.
Cost: 100
credits per pair
Game stats:
Give Defense +1 in Melee combat except against lightsabres.
Tusk guards
Cost: 5
credits for two.
Tusk guards
are no more than fashion accessories, small pieces of
metal that a boar puts over his lower jaw tusks. The
wearing of tusk guards is usually to try and attract the
attention of a sow. In recent years finely crafted
and decorated tusk guards have been awarded by the Clan
Warlord to boars who have showed great courage and
brutality on the battle-field.
Horn Shine
Cost: 5
credits per vial (4 uses)
Made from a
combination of herbs and Nerf milk. Gamorrean boars apply
this foul smelling substance to their horns to bring up a
good shine when trying to attract the attention of a clan
matron. The smell is also considered an aphrodisiac,
though very few non-Gamorreans would agree.
Gamorrean Horn Shine can be made, with the correct
ingredients, with a simple Craft roll, DC5. A
Gamorrean wearing Horn Shine gains a +1 bonus to Bluff
and Diplomacy verses Gamorrean sows for 1D4 hours,
but suffers -2 to all Charisma checks against other races.
It has no effect against other Gamorrean boars.
for the Golden Sow - the baby daughter of the Clan
Orrhug Martron and Warlord has been kidnapped. There
are two nearby rival Clans, Glokk and Hrrgrok. The
Orrhug Warlord hires the PCs to discover which clan
kidnapped his daughter so that war can be declared.
Option 1:
One of the rival clan Chieftans did indeed kidnap the
child, PCs must get her back.
Option 2:
Slavers who recently landed have kidnapped the child.
Their intent is to force the clans into war, then the
survivors will be easy pickings. Once exposed the
slavers could be the target of three Gamorrean armies!
of the Empire - The empire once more tries to set up a
garrison on Gamorr, their defenses include heavy
turbo-lasers. The Rebel (PCs) are forced to stop to
make repairs, but the Imperial Garrison is the only place
with spare parts. Things get worse when the
Imperials discover the Rebel starship and impound it.
however, the Rebels learn that the Imperial Garrison has
been built on a Morrt den. Morrts are getting into
the base and causing trouble, so the Imperials are trying
to exterminate them. What will happen when the
Rebels tell the local Gamorrean Warlord that the Imperials
are killing all the Morrts!
& Antagonists
Vrorg'ug XVI
The heir to
great legacy of the Glonnk Clan, Warlord Vrorg'ug is the
youngest ruler of the clan in over thirty years. His
father was killed in a recent conflict, a war that has
proved an embarrassment to Glonnk Clan that Vrorg'ug must
be seen to avenge. Vrorg'ug has also been criticised
recently for his dealing with off-worlders. Many
believe that Glonnk Clan has no need for these further
deals, but there rumours are starting to spread.
They say they the former Warlord, Vrorg'ug XV, was making
deals with the Hutts, and that Vrorg'uk XVI is simply
biding his time to break the bargains that his father
visiting Gamorr could encounter Warlord Vrorg'ug XVI in
several ways. If they broke some law they could be
brought before him. If they are traders Vrorg'ug may
take an interest in them and invite them to the Fortress.
Or maybe the characters are agents of the Hutts checking
up on the Gamorrean leader.
Warlord Vrorg'ug XVI - high level: Adult Male
Gamorrean, Thug 2/Soldier 6; Init +0 (+0 Dex); Def 14 ( +0
Dex, +4 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP 54/14; Atk +13/+8 melee
(1d6+4, Club/Baton), +14/+9 melee (2d10+4, Vibro-Ax),
+8/+3 ranged (by weapon); SV Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +2;
FP:1; DSPs: 1; Rep: +2; Str 18 (+4), Dex 11 (+0), Con 14
(+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0).
Equipment: Club/Baton, Vibro-Axe
Skills: Climb +8, Craft (Vibro Weapons) +6, Demolitions
+9, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (Streetwise) +6, Profession
(Mercenary) +5, Read/Write Gamorrean, Ride +2, Speak
Gamorrean, Survival +2
Feats: Armor Proficiency (heavy, light, medium), Cleave,
Great Cleave, Martial Artist, Power Attack, Two-weapon
Fighting, Weapon Focus (Vibro-Ax), Weapons Group
Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy
weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons)