Planet |
Korriban |
Type |
Terrestrial |
Terrain |
canyons, dry riverbeds, tombs, ruins |
Temperature |
& Dry |
Hydosphere |
Arid |
Gravity |
Heavy |
of Day |
hours |
of Year |
days |
Species |
none |
Function |
Tomb |
Level |
N/a |
Population |
None |
Spaceport |
None |
Government |
None |
Exports |
relics |
Imports |
None |
System/Star |
Horuset |
planet Korriban. World of the Sith.
The information presented here is not official.
This is the planet Korriban as it exists in the
Warriors of Gar universe. |
Sith Holocron welcomes you to the Dark Side...

You are
not yet worthy to open the Holocron
Many millennia
ago the planet of Korriban was considered the homeworld of
the Sith. The dry rocky planet has long been extinct
of that evil order but their legacy has left behind
thousands of ancient monuments, mausoleums and tombs.
Although the
Emperor's agents have looted many powerful ancient
artifacts it is believed that many may still be hidden in
long forgotten tombs. The Empire maintains a patrol
of the Korriban system with a System Patrol Craft under
the command of Captain Kobol. The Empire also
maintains a small orbital space station with minimal crew
with a compliment of twelve TIE starfighters.
The station also falls under Captain Kobols command.
Type |
Captain |
Race |
Human |
Age |
40 |
Quote |
one passes this blockade under my watch." |
Starship |
Patrol Craft
- Ironclaw IV |
ID |
Ugavine |
you think I don't know what is down there? Do you
think I don't know about the Sith? The monsters?
I know. I've been down there. No one should
know the terrors of Korriban."
2D+2 |
3D+2 |
3D |
Blaster |
6D |
Bureaucracy |
7D |
Astrogation |
5D+2 |
Dodge |
5D |
Systems |
6D |
Piloting |
5D |
Lore |
4D+1 |
Gunnery |
5D |
3D+1 |
2D+1 |
2D |
Bargain |
4D |
Stamina |
3D+2 |
Security |
4D |
Command |
7D |
Computers |
3D+1 |
Search |
4D+1 |
Kobol was a lieutenant when he was first assigned to
Korriban. He was a junior officer part of a
detachment sent down to Korriban to escort a research
team. At the time he thought the job was a waste of
Imperial resources, until the third day of the expedition.
On the third day several of the 'experts' disappeared.
Shortly after the Imperial platoon was under attack by
forces unknown. Creatures that refused to die from
even heavy blaster fire, and more. Several officers
almost seemed to become possessed. Over half the
platoon were wiped out with Kobol himself suffering
serious injury. When Kobol attainted the rank of
Captain he requested to be posted to Kobol patrol.
This was a position the Imperial command were happy to
grant the request. Most officers would find such
duty tedious, but Kobol had to return. Kobol had to
make sure that no one went to the planet Korriban.
Knowing the torments and monsters that await even the the
most prepared traveler Captain Kobol knows it is his duty
to stop them.
Kobol is a strict man who still suffers nightmares from
his ordeal on Korriban those many years ago. While
he may often be perceived as your regular Imperial officer
Captain Kobol has a great fear of what he sees as the
Valley of the Dead
For millennia
the Sith were buried in elaborate mausoleums in the Valley
of the dead. These giant tombs are carved into the
canyon walls and protected with powerful ancient magics.
Ancient Sith Spirits haunt the Valley of the Dead and Dark
Side cults still worship their long dead masters.
Cult of the
Kiela (with
orange cowl) is the High Priest of the Devoted, a Dark
Side cult worshipping the ancient Sith Spirits.
Though the numbers in his cult are low the Sith spirits
that haunt korriban tolerate their presence. The
same cannot be said for some of the monsters that roam the
dark recesses of the planet. The Cult of the Devoted
must keep a constant vigil for the dark entities that
would do more than rip apart their bodies, but tear into
their very soul. Kiela is a devoted man who sticks
ridgedly to the rituals of the order. His number one
cleric is Stigmarten (in the green cloak).
Stigmarten is hungry for power. He is not interested
in leading the cult, but seeks to unlock the remaining
tombs and learn their dark secrets.
+1 years after the Battle of Yavin
Agents of the
Emperor, though not Imperials in general, automatically
gain +1 Sympathy to the Cult of the Devoted. Gaining
Sympathy from the Cult usually requires some kind of
service or sacrifice.
Joining the
Cult of the Devoted
Visiting the
planet Korriban is forbidden under Imperial Law and it's
location deleted from most star charts. Therefore
there are very few candidates to join the Cult.
Those few that do get the option of joining the Cult must
undergo a series of tests of loyalty and devotion to the
Sith and the Dark Side.
Leaving the
Cult of the Devoted
Very few get
the chance to leave the cult. Leaving the planet is
all but impossible. Though the cult may not actively
hunt down those who leave them, the Sith Spirits who they
worship may well do. All Sympathy is lost to those
that leave the cult.
The Tomb of
Lord Bloodaxe
The records of
the Sith Lord Bloodaxe are contradictory. Some say
he lived 4000 years ago, other say he lived 10,000 years
ago. Either way he was an immensely powerful and
evil man, though not considered one the the major Sith
Lords. If his statues can be believed he was a tall
well built human. Lord Bloodaxe terrorised the
galaxy before being hunted down and finally defeated by
the Jedi. His spirit rests in a smaller tomb in the
Valley of the Dead that had yet to be disturbed until The
Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, sent his apprentice
Darth Maul to retrieve the ancient artifacts from the
tomb. To the anger of the Dark Lord, Darth Maul was
unable to retrieve the relics. It would appear that
Lord Bloodaxe's ancient sorcery was powerful indeed.
Only a blood descendant can break the protection of the
The spirit of
Lord Bloodaxe does not haunt the tomb for he was utterly
destroyed by the Jedi. However, his tomb is not
undefended. Many traps await unwary explorers, and
zombies raised through Sith Sorcery still roam the tomb.
If anyone were to break into the Inner Sanctum they will
find the resting place of Lord Bloodaxe surrounded by a
small moat of blood with three powerful relics atop his
sarcophagus . There is a Sphere of Darkness
surrounding the sarcophagus that can only be passed by a
pure-blood Bloodaxe.
The Blood Axe
This is the
weapon of Lord Bloodaxe. Lord Bloodaxe would be seen
slewing through his enemies swinging the Blood Axe high.
The Blood Axe was forged with ancient magic in a forge
mixed with the blood of 100 Jedi. In the final
incantation Lord Bloodaxe spilt his own blood sealing the
Blood Axe with a fate that would only allow a pure blood
Bloodaxe wield the weapon.

to use |
Axe |
Cost |
available on Blackmarket price would be in the
region of 750,000 cr. |
Type |
Melee |
Group |
Weapons |
damage |
4D8 +
Force Point loss (see below) |
damage |
Str + 4D
+ Force Point loss (see below) |
Availability |
4, X
(Unique) |
Notes |
Bloodaxe is a medium sized axe that can be swung
single-handed. It's high damage comes more
from the Sith Runes than the actual design of the
If a target is hit,
and takes damage, from the Bloodaxe they lose 1
Force Point. A target can only lose 1 Force
Point per combat round and there is no other loss
once their Force Points are reduced to zero. |
Notes |
Bloodaxe should be in the Tomb of Bloodaxe on
Korriban, however it is not. It's
whereabouts are unknown.
The Blood Axe can
only be wielded by a pure-blood Bloodaxe.
Anyone other than a Bloodaxe who picks up the
Blood Axe receives 10D damage. |
The Blood Ruby
A simple but
effective Sith talisman. Not worn by Lord Bloodaxe,
rather it would have been worn by his most prized henchman
or even servile creature. The Talisman makes it's
wearer invisible to the force. They cannot be sensed
or harmed by the force in any way.
The 50mm Blood
Ruby is clasped in the center of a silver disc 110mm in
diameter carved with Sith runes.
to use |
None |
Cost |
available on Blackmarket price would be in the
region of 750,000 cr. |
Type |
Talisman |
Availability |
4, X
(Unique) |
Notes |
wearing the Blood Ruby the wearer cannot use Force
Skills or spend Force or Character Points.
The wearer is immune to all force attacks.
D6 notes: If hit by
a Lightsabre by a Jedi using Lightsabre Combat the
wear only receives the regular 5D damage.
D20 Notes: Jedi
lose their increased Lightsabre damage against the
wearer of the Blood Ruby. |
Notes |
Blood Ruby is almost indestructible. It can
be destroyed if the ruby is struck hard by a Sith
Sword. |
The Gauntlet
of Bloodaxe
This is the
most powerful and painfully destructive artifact that Lord
Bloodaxe ever constructed and wielded in combat. The
Gauntlet gives it's wear the ability to use advance
telekinesis against a victims blood. By will alone
the wearer of the Gauntlet can command their opponents
blood to boil or burst through their skin. Either
way killing them in the most evil and painful manner.
to use |
Alter |
Cost |
available on Blackmarket price would be in the
region of 3 million cr. |
Type |
Weapon |
damage |
Treat as
Force Grip (see below) |
damage |
Treat as
Telekinetic Kill (see below) |
Availability |
4, X
(Unique) |
Notes |
Gauntlet of Bloodaxe gives a bonus onto the Alter
skill, or even grants non-force users the ability.
D6: Gives
Alter +5D. When used for Telekinetic Kill
only roll Alter vs. targets Perception (Not
Control). Non-Force users are treated as if
they have Alter 5D.
D20: Gives Force
Grip +10 bonus. When using Force Grip with
the Gauntlet the wielder takes no Vitality loss.
Non-Force users are treated as if they have a
Force Grip +10 ranks (+skill modifier). |
Notes |
Gauntlet of Bloodaxe can only be worn by a
pure-blood Bloodaxe. Anyone else putting on
the gauntlet receives 10D damage per round until
it is removed. The Gauntlet is
indestructible. |

locations of Interest on Korriban
Monument to
Darth Ravage
This is an
interesting monument in the fact that it still stands.
Darth Ravage was a powerful Sith Master that survived the
Battle of Ruusan. Darth Ravage led a break-away Sith
Order not subscribing to Darth Bane's Rule of Two.
Despite being classed as a renegade it is a testament to
his powers that his monument has been allowed to stay.
Even Darth Sidious chosen to let the monument stand.
The monument itself is an odd twisted form and not a
figure of the Sith Master. It's is crafted from
enchanted black marble carved with runes of unknown
GM Note:
The Spirit of Darth Ravage, if it still exists, is not on
The Tomb of
Lord Sinister
was always in the shadow of Dark Lord of the Sith Viscera.
He took his time, honed his powers and let the Dark Lord
take all the risks. Eventually Viscera met his death
at the hands of the Jedi and Lord Sinister was able to
take his rightful place as Dark Lord of the Sith.
Lord Sinister's reign as the Dark Lord was short lived,
and Lord sinister has held onto that rage into the
afterlife. Any who dare enter the Tomb of Sinister
will be easy pickings to the Dark Lord.
Treat Dark
Lord Sinister as a Sith Spirit.
See Dark
Side Sourcebook for stats: Force Adept 2, Soldier 3,
Sith Warrior 3, Sith Lord 4.
The Staff of
This item is
more a curse than anything else and could be found nearly
anywhere on Korriban. The Staff of Vile is not very
impressive. It is a one meter apparently wooden
staff encrust with silver trim, with a bust of the Sith
Warrior Vicious Vile on one end. The staff is
triggered if picked up. The bust becomes animated
and will talk incessantly, often with lewd and disparaging
remarks about the persons sexuality. This staff is
imbued with some of the life essence of Vicious Vile, a
Sith Warrior renown for his vulgar language and non-stop
talking. No matter what the character does they will
not be able to rid themselves of the staff. The
staff an levitate and move of it's own accord, and has
unlimited teleport powers (itself only) so cannot be
buried. Nor can the staff be harmed in any way.
Effects D20
1st check
- After a Day the character that triggered the staff must
make a Will save DC 10. Failing the roll means the
character suffers a temporary -1 to all Wisdom checks.
2nd &
3rd checks - After 1D6 days the character must make
another Will save DC 15. Failing the roll and the
character takes -1 permanent Wisdom damage. Due to
the non-stop talking keeping the character awake they must
also make a Fort save DC20 or suffer temporary -2 to all
4th check
- After a further 1D6 days the character must make a final
Will save DC20. If the roll is failed the character
goes mad suffering from dementia. The character
takes another permanent -1 Wisdom and gain the Insanity
Insanity Feat
Did you see that film last
night with thingy in?. You know, he used to play
what's it in thingy-bob? Did I tell you about
Albert? He's my pet blue invisible flying aardvark
who likes to eat cheese.
Character must have sustained some kind of mental trauma.
Gain +4 bonus to Bluff: confusion. This allows you
to bluff people (though this isn't done consciously) by
talking a load of rubbish. Suffer -4 to all
Diplomacy checks because people just think you're mad.
Effects D6
1st check
- After a Day the character that triggered the staff must
make a Willpower roll Difficulty:10. Failing the roll
means the character suffers a temporary -1pip to all
Perception skill checks.
2nd &
3rd checks - After 1D6 days the character must make
another save, Willpower roll Difficulty:15. Failing
the roll and the character takes -1pip permanent
Perception damage (applied to Attribute and all skills).
Due to the non-stop talking keeping the character awake
they must also make a Stamina check Difficulty:20 or
suffer temporary -1D to all Attributes
4th check
- After a further 1D6 days the character must make a final
Willpower roll, Difficulty:20. If the roll is failed
the character goes mad suffering from dementia. The
character takes another permanent -1pip Perception damage.
They character goes mad. They gain +2D onto Con
(Confusion) rolls, and suffer -2D on Bargain &