The Centauri
are an Extr-Galactix race from what is known as Galaxy 4.
Their people cover several worlds, Alpha Centauri, Beta
Centauri, Omega Centauri and Delta Centauri.
The once
peaceful people have now turned to war to fight off the
threat of the 'gods', but they have been unsuccessful.
A small
settlement of Centauri exist on the Eastern continent of the
planet Gar, Beyod the Blood Drift. It is believed that they are the
descendants of Centauri who travelled through the Gar
many centuries ago.
Personality Alpha-Centauri are bold and
commanding. They are physically superior to other
Centauri and are recognised as the ruling class.
Beta-Centauri are softly spoken and are often scholars or
healers. Omega-Centauri are the warriors. They
are strong and aggressive. The Delta-Centauri are the
most curious and adventuresome of the race. They are
always friendly and inquisitive.
Language: Basic
Example names:
Asteroth, Flail, Thunder
Age: Child
1-10; young adult 11-14; adult 15-60; middle age 61-80; old
81-120; venerable 120+
Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 1D/3D
Know: 1D/4D
Mech: 1D/3D
Perc: 1D/4D
Str: 2D+2/6D
Tech: 1D/4D
Hooves: a Centaui's hooves cause Str +1D brawl damage
Cannot use the Ride skill or take any Riding
based Feats.
Typical Centauri
Dex 2D, Know 2D, Mech 1D, Perc 1D, Str 4D, Tech 2D
melee 4D, dodge 4D, technology 3D, brawling 5D, stamina 5D