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Alien Race: Digit


Digit are an odd dragon-like race.  They are very rare and usually encountered in remote spaceport bars trading information for a drink.  The exact nature and origin of Digit is unknown.  No one knows their homeworld and due to their odd defense system, teleportation, no one has ever been able to study one.  Their natural ability to teleport is an odd ability that xeno-biologists believe could have only developed due to an extreme threat, possible predator, in their natural environment.  Though how their teleport ability actually works is still a mystery.

Physical Description:  Digit appear as small, squat, slightly tubby dragons.  Their skin is almost rubber rather than scales confusing xeno-biologists as to whether they are mammal or reptilian.  Digit have a thin tail and folded wings.  It is very rare a digit will be seen extending it's wings leaving many to believe that they cannot fly.  This is not the case, in fact they are very agile whilst in the air.

Cultures:  If Digit cultures do exist they are unknown.  No two Digit have ever been seen together.  It is not even known how Digit reproduce.

Personality Most digit tend to be cynical and sarcastic.  Their language is usually offensive and derogatory.

Language:  Unknown, though all encountered speak Basic.

Example names:  Digit, Junx, Draco, Dung, Fu

Age:  Unknown

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: -3 Strength, -2 Constitution, +4 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence

Small Sized: +1 modifier to Defense

Speed:  Base Speed 14.

Species Abilities

Bite As an unarmed strike Digit may use it's bite attack, Damage 1D4+1.

Flying  Digit can fly as Swoopers (but rarely do so because they can't be bothered).

Teleport  A Digit may teleport it's Wisdom modifier x100 meters as an action.  Teleport is an automatic defense.  So long as the Digit is aware of the attack they gain +10 to Defense.  There is no known way of blocking a Digit from Teleporting and they may use this ability without restriction.

Story Factors  Racial secrecy.  Digit will never talk of their homeworld or culture.  They will not put themselves in unnecessary danger and will always Teleport at the hint of any physical threat.