
The Hoojibs were a diminutive rave of
bunny-like aliens from the planet of Arbra. They generally
have pink fur and have large floppy ears. The Hoojibs feed
from pure energy, meaning they can be seen as rather a
nuisance to the general galactic public.
speak only via Telepathy, though cannot forcefully read
minds. As this is their only form of communication they
cannot talk with droids.
They are capable to leaping great distances for their size
and their huge ears help them glide when falling from a
great height.
Whilst the Hoojib maintain a civilised society they have
little need for technology. Only a few Hoojibs have
travelled beyond Arbra on the handful of statships that have
visited their world.
Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 1D/4D
Know: 1D/4D
Mech: 1D/3D
Perc: 1D/5D
Str: 1D/3D
Tech: 1D/3D
Telepathy: can talk only with telepathy within 20 meters.
Energy feeding: once per hour a single Hoojib can take an
all round action to drain a blaster of it's energy from
within 10 meters.
Jumping: Hoojibs gain a +1D bonus to Jumping and don't take
falling damage unless Stunned of Incapaticated.
Typical Hoojib
Dex 3D, Know 2D+1, Mech 1D, Perc 3D, Str 1D+2, Tech 1D
dodge 4D, bargain 4D, hide/sneak 4D, search 4D, climb/jump

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