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Alien Race: Jackal

Physical Description:  The Jackal are bipedal canines with a thin brown fur, long bodies and long face. Jackals always appear to be growling, and this is in fact true, but is down to their aggressive nature rather than any physical trait. 

Cultures:  Jackal are a mongrel species hailing from no fixed abode.  Their clans have seemingly roamed the galaxy for several millennia.  Jackal DNA is very close to that of Bothans with scientists believing that the Jackal are either an off-shoot of Bothans or the result of Bothans cross breeding with another species many thousands of years ago.  Jackal have no sense of culture or pride and no official records exist of Jackal history.  Each Jackal clan is ruled by the Prime, often the strongest of the clan.  Jackal Prime is determined by rite of combat, with no honour involved.

The Jackal are natural predators and a mercenary race.  Several hundred years before the Clone Wars Jackal settled on a small moon in the Mid Rim.  Soon Jackal were bidding for the big contracts against even the Mercenary Guild of Coyn.  Then, after several altercations, they out-bid the Mandalorians for a mercenary contract.  The Mandalore declared war on the Jackal, a war the disorganised Jackal were not prepared for.  The Jackal world was destroyed, literally, with only a few small pockets of Jackal escaping.  Over the following years the Mandalorians would kill Jackal whenever they were encountered leaving the race on the verge of extinction.  When the Jedi wiped out the Mandalorians they were doing the Jackal a great favour.  Since the Clone Wars Jackal numbers have grown again.  Usually operating in small groups of three or four starships most Jackal encountered during the rule of the Empire will be pirates.

Personality The Jackal are nasty and bad tempered bullies, especially the Jackal Prime.  Subordinates often become withdrawn and shy around the Prime.  


Language:  Basic, Mongrel (a mix of Basic and Bothan)

Example names:  Juno, Jax, Kaa, Ruuf

Age:  Child 1-5; young adult 6-10; adult 11-30; middle age 31-38; old 39-45; venerable 46+ 


Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 1D/4D
Know: 1D/3D
Mech: 1D/4D
Perc: 1D/3D
Str: 1D/4D
Tech: 1D/3D

Bite: As part of a Brawl attack Jackal may make a bite attack, bite attack Damage Str+2

Typical Jackal
Dex 2D, Know 1D, Mech 2D, Perc 2D, Str 3D, Tech 2D
blaster 4D, dodge 4D, streetwise 2D, value 3D, search 3D, brawling 4D, piloting 4D

Bite As an unarmed strike a Jackal may use it's bite attack Damage 1D4+1