
Mudmen hail from the
mysterious planet of Roon, hidden beyond the dust cloud
known as the Cloak of the Sith. They are an amorphous
race made of mud with low intelligence being barely
The Mudmen pose little
threat to the colonists of Roon. Shiny objects and
metal trinkets tend to attract the Mudmen.
Should a Mudman be harmed
it will split into two near identical, but small duplicates
of itself. These duplicates act independently, but can
join back together to reform the larger Mudman.
Attributes 10D
Dex 2D
Know 1D
Mech 1D
Perc 1D
Str 4D
Tech 1D
Mudman Skills;
dodge 3D, brawl parry 3D,
hide/sneak 3D, Search 3D, brawl 4D
If Wounded or more the
Mudman splits into two Mudmen with the same stats but -1D to
Strength & Strength Skills.
A Mudman with only 1D in Strength ignores Wounded and
Incapacitated damage but is destroyed if it takes Mortally
Wound damage.
A Mudman may voluntarily split.
As a Full Round action a Mudman may mege with it's other
selves of equal size, the newly formed Mudman had +1D to to
Strength & Strength Skills (Max. 4D)
If part of a Mudman is destroyed, the larger Mudman can heal
back up to it's starting Astrength by submerging in mud for
24 per every 1D strength it needs to gain back.
A Mudman cannot be healed
by the use of First Aid/Medical skill or via any Force
A Mudman is also immune
to any Mind Control or Attribute affecting Force Powers.
Excess Water can also
wound a Mudman causing them to split or be washed away.
Droids cartoon "The
Roon Games"

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