The Nok-tek-cha,
most commonly referred to simply as 'The Other' come from a
planet deep with the Unknown Regions. Their are of
space is not vast, but is aggressively protected.
Their homeworld was once a beautiful lust planet, but due to
centuries of heavy industry the planet has become a polluted
wasteland. Water is contaminated and food is scarce.
To resolve their problems the Others have taken to robbing
neighboring systems of their own water supply, enslaving
their peoples and taking them as food.
The others are a vicious people.
They are very mistrusting, even of their own kind.
They treat other species as cattle, though they can be very
deceptive luring other with false pretentions. Despite their
deep nasty desires they usually come across friendly and
Language: The
Other speak Nok-tek. Officers will often learn basic,
or the native language of the world they plan to invade.
Example names:
Real names tend to be like
Nok'kkik'zzsar'chek or kul'tar'mirr'kik. Most Others
found off world will usually take another name, ofter from
the natives of the world they have invaded.
Age: Child
1-10; young adult 11-17; adult 18-50; middle age 50-80; old
81-109; venerable 110+
Modifiers: +2 Charisma, +1
Strength, -2 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence
Medium Sized: No
Speed: Base
Speed 10.
Skill Bonus:
In humid conditions the Others gain +1onto
all Dexterity based skill checks.
Venom. The Others may spit a
poisonous acidic venom to someone within 1 meter. They
can only do this once a week and it causes -2 temporary
Constitution damage to themselves lasting 48 hours.
The Poison inflicts 2D8 acid damage and the target must make
a Fortitude save DC 10 + character level of the attacker or
become poisoned. A Poisoned character loses 1D8
vitality or wounds per round unless treated. The
antidote is simple requiring a DC 15 Treat Injury roll with
the aid of a medpac.