millennia a small Ugnaught clan became infected with a vampiric virus.
This led to them being shunned by other Ugnaughts. The
virus physically weakened the race and rendered them sterile
forcing them to seek technological aids to survive.
As the Millennia passed
they were able to free themselves of the virus and have
transformed themselves from an Ugnaught Clan into a high
tech race with procreation by means of cloning technology.
Nosferartau tend to be extremely
arrogant. Though they believe in freedom for all
races, and are strongly opposed to slavery and the Empire,
they still consider themselves better than other species.
They especially look down on soldiers and ranked military
officers, but appreciate knowledge and technology.
They rank technicians and engineers above all others in
their society.
Nosferartau language is a very complex series of grunts and
squeals that is never taught to anyone. Nosferartau
can speak basic with ease.
names: Ugavine, Mogwye,
Zak-Zak, Q-Zark. Female Nosferartau add their mates
name to the end of their own eg. Marla Ugavine.
Age: Child
1-40; young adult 41-115; adult 116-160; middle age 161-250;
old 251-285; venerable 286+
Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 1D/3D
Know: 2D/5D
Mech: 1D/4D
Perc: 1D/4D
Str: 1D/3D+1
Tech: 2D/5D
Optional Rule:
Nosferartau can appear as miracle workers when working with
technology, but they can also be very absent-minded. On any TECHNICAL
skill roll the Wild Die has a greater
1 or 2 is a mishap
(normally this is just on a 1)
5 or 6 are re-rolled
(normally only on a 6)
Recommended Skills:
Dodge, Any Knowledge, Any Technical (especially Jury
They now reside on the Nosferartau Space Station.

Origins of the Nosferartau
The Time Lords created
the Nosferartau after infecting an Ugnaught named Ug-A-Vin
with a strain of Nosferatu, a vampire virus. The Time Lords
were then able to mold this off shoot of Ugnaughts to do
their work. Their Intelligence was boosted to a level where
they would have the knowledge to build the technology that
the Time Lords desired. Time Capsules were a part of this
technology. Eventually, after about 2000 years the
Nosferartau evolved beyond their creation and were able to
rid themselves of the Nosferatu strain.
Now known as the Nosferartau
they became allies with the Old Republic, aiding Jedi
Knights on their missions. But it was a great mind, Genius
Ugavine, descendant of the Ugnaught Ug-A-Vin, who foresaw
the dangers ahead. The Nosferartau built a giant Space
Station. Two generations later the Station was complete and
under the rule of Dr.Ugavine, grandson of Genius Ugavine,
and now Chief of the Nosferartau. Darth Vader was killing
the Jedi and their followers, and the Nosferartau were some
of the greatest Jedi believers. So now they hide, the
cloaked Nosferartau Station’s location is unknown.
Very absent-minded, with
inspirations beyond Genius. It is not unknown for a
Nosferartau to fail to change a fuse one minute, and
calculate Hyperspace co-ordinates from memory the next!
Most often Nosferartau are
jovial. They have a good sense of humour, mostly at
the expense of humans,
Nosferartau tend to be rather
arrogant, dismissing others technology as primitive (even
when it’s more advanced). They ignore danger, often
failing to warn others too (expecting them to know about
it). If a Nosferartau says, "this is bad," then it
means you’re in some serious trouble.
"No I didn’t, it wasn’t me!"
Note on Nosferartau
Nosferartau technology is far
more advanced that the best the Imperial military has to
offer. However, Nosferartau are not very logical or
efficient. Rather than build a starship from scratch they
will buy a new ship, take it totally apart, analyse it,
improve it, then put it back together again. This has led to
the Nosferartau economy being in a very poor state.
Size matters not. Most
Nosferartau devices require an immense amount of energy. Eg.
They may be able to create a worm-hole, but it could require
the exploding of a sun to do it!
More mundane device are
superior to regular models found in the spaceports of the
galaxy. A Nosferaratu pocket computer is equivalent to
a Corporate mainframe. A Nosferartau scanner will
return more information and have a greater range than a
regular scanner. Procuring this technology is very
difficult if not just because it is outlawed by the Empire.
Expect to pay between five to ten times the regular price of
the item. Through the black market is the only way to
procure such items.
Nosferartau Society
The few Nosferartau that
travel the galaxy tend to be in the company of the Rebel
Alliance or working for mega-Corporations. At home,
aboard the planet sized Nosferartau Station, they are most
at home. They surround themselves with droids and
technology. Why walk when you can use the hover-walk,
use jet boots or teleport. Teleportation cubicles can
be found as common throughout the Nosferartau station as
turbolifts can throughout an Imperial world. The
Nosferartau Station itself is constantly changing.
Where a corridor is one day a great hall may be there the
next. Nosferartau engineers just cannot stop messing.
Nosferartau remain in education until they are 40 years old
and even then studying is their most popular pass-time.
Nosferartau make excellent Engineers and Technicians.
Even Nosferartau children understand the principles behind
Hyperspace and Temporal Science.
The few Nosferartau that fail
the grade are forced into menial duties, either as miners or
in the ranks of the military. Military ranks are the
lowest position in Nosferartau society, with soldiers looked
down on by most members of society. On the other end
of the scale, great minds and engineers often rise to
positions of power in the Nosferartau political structure.
Good manners
Offering food is a sign of
good manners.
Always asking for more food
is also a sign of good manners.
Complimenting on the matrix
sub-routines of a particularly complex computer program
shows a sign of intelligence and understanding and is a high
Bad manners
Never say "I don't use
the holonet" in polite conversation.
Never refer to Nosferartau
technology as primitive (although they WILL refer to yours
as such)
Don't contradict a
Nosferartau if they refer to another's technology as
Titles & Attribute
Acquiring a doctorate is the
sign that the Nosferartau has successfully completed their
education. A Doctor is intelligent and a capable
engineer. A Nosferartau with a Doctorate will address
themselves as Doctor.
A Genius is a title held
above that of Doctor. A Genius will have very high
intelligence and will be a capable engineer. A
Nosferartau who holds this title will address himself as
A Tech will hold a doctorate
but will above all be an outstanding technician and
engineer. Unlike the titles of Doctor and Genius a
Tech does not address himself as Tech, but by his Doctor or
Genius title if he has one. Techs are the most revered
members of Nosferartau society and often get elected into
official positions.
The title Professor is a
mocking and derogatory one. Should a Nosferartau fail
to gain their doctorate they are referred to as Professor.
This term is doubly insulting if used against a Nosferartau
who does hold a title.
The title of Chief dates back
to the early tribal days of their society. Chief is
the highest position in Nosferartau society.
Nosferartau Politics
Although Nosferartau vote in
a Chief (this title dating back to their tribal days) he is
little more than a figurehead and ambassador for the race.
The Nosferartau have a True Democracy, which is now leading
them to financial ruin. Every adult gets a vote,
and every decision is voted upon. Politicians are
there to put up the pro's & cons and mediate.
People power rules the Nosferartau. This has led to no
taxes, and some silly laws, such as 'every adult once per
day while aboard the Nosferartau station is permitted a free
cup of hot chocolate.' and 'sonic-screwdrivers with a
yellow handle are not allowed on deck 162.'
The Nosferatu virus made the
Nosferartau sterile. The Nosferartau, being rather clever, decided to clone
themselves, kind of. Much like the Bith, matching
males & females go to the clinic where sample DNA is
taken and a little of children are produced. Most
families will have many children, often more than twenty,
although Dr.Ugavine & his mate Marla Ugavine only have a
single son.
Death of a hero
Should a Nosferartau of
importance be killed their is a chance that he or she may be
cloned. The individual must be of good repute and have
died in a selfless act. Upon death a hologram of the
deceased, produced from their last memory scan, may plead
his case to the Council of Authorities. Should they
agree then the decision is voted upon by the people.
Should the Appeal Against Death be successful then the
individual is cloned. Death by natural causes is not
permissible for cloning. Also, due to the misuse of
cloning facilities in the past (The Clone Wars) Nosferartau
take the cloning of an individual very seriously, and
cloning decisions are not taken lightly. Dr.Ugavine
was cloned after his death, however, he was not permitted to
retain his role as Chief.
Rules for Cloning
It costs 100,000
credits to have a memory scan done. Once the
character has paid the cost their current stats
are recorded. Should they be cloned these
are the stats to be used for the clone. The
clone will also on have memories up until this
point. Every additional memory scan costs a
further 50,000 credits. Cloning is very
Upon the characters
death their hologram is activated. The
character must now appeal against his death and
request cloning. GM discretion if an appeal
is successful.
Rules for Cloning
Will not be cloned
if died from old age.
Will not be cloned
if the character had any Dark Side Points at the
time they died.
Will not be cloned
if the character has not died yet (can't have two
of the same person running around)
Nosferartau Names
Males will usually have a
single name often with 'ug' somewhere in the name (eg.
Ugavine, Uggy). Hyphenated names are also popular (Ug-Torg,
Q-Zark). Females also have a single name until they
take a husband. The husbands name then becomes the
females surname (Marla marries Ugavine, she is now known as
Marla Ugavine). A Nosferartau will almost always be
addressed by any title they have, especially Doctors (eg.
Doctor Ugavine, Doctor Q-Zark, Genius Ug-Torg).
say, this Internet thing is a bit primitive!" |