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Alien Race: Selkath

from Knights of the Old Republic


The Selkath are the dominant sentient species of Manaan, a small aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. Though Manaan is far from the Core and does not lie in the path of any major hyperspace lanes, its status as the sole exporter of Kolto healing fluid proved pivotal during conflicts between the Jedi and Sith during the height of the Old Republic.

Physical DescriptionThe Selkaths’ marine origin is obvious in their appearance, which suggests an evolutionary heritage of amphibians or undersea mammals. They possess thee-fingered hands and fin-like feet. Their rubbery, mottled hides are most often blue or gray.

Personality:  While Selkath personalities range as widely as those of Humans, they have a tendency toward arrogance. They possess an awareness of their surroundings and a reputation as skilled healers. Most Selkath live their entire lives beneath the waves on Manaan, but some residents of Ahto City find their way off-planet and on to more adventurous lives

Language:  Basic, Selkath



Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 1D/4D
Know: 2D/4D+2
Mech: 1D/4D
Perc: 1D/4D
Str: 2D/4D
Tech: 2D/4D+2

Aquatic: +1D to swim checks and stamina checks under water

Poison: Selkath claws can inject venom into an enemy that deals 4D points of damage on a successful Brawl attack.

Typical Selkath
Dex 1D+2, Know 2D+2, Mech 1D+1, Perc 1D+2, Str 2D, Tech 2D+2
blaster 3D+2, melee 3D+2, dodge 3D+2, swim 4D, computers 4D+2, starship repair 3D+2


History of Manaan

Many centuries ago the planet Manaan was renown across the galaxy for Kolto production, Kolto being used for many medicinal purposes.  As the dark times grew near, the the Selkath tried in vane to remain neutral in the war between the Old Republic and the Sith.  Their attempts were in vane as the planet became embroiled in galactic politics that brought the war to Manaan, destroying Kolto production. From that point on Manaan went into technological decline.  The great City of Ahto, which was built to accommodate off-worlders was all but abandoned, the Selkath returning to the oceans.

As the Selkath government fell young rival warlords would fight for power bringing many civil wars.  By now the world of Manaan was all but forgotten from the galactic stage.

During the time of the Empire the Selkath became nothing more than a slave race, already living as near primitives when the thousand strong army of aquatic Stormtroopers arrived.  The Empire now maintains a garrison on their world with the system patrolled by two Star Destroyers.  The Selkath are forbidden from the watery depths of Manaan, and must now live in shanty towns on the surface, many not far from the once great Ahto City.

As far as the Empire knows, Manaan's entire native population has been forced from the depths, humiliated, and utterly demoralized.

As far as the Empire knows.

Of course, the complimentary copy of the Guide to Beautiful Manaan every tourist receives has a slightly different take on the Selkath.