Skull can be described as re-animated cyborg skeletons.
The Skull exist in a pocket dimension created around large
energy sources. The Skull cannot have evolved
naturally, though their origins are long lost. The
existence of this mysterious race has only recently been
confirmed by Imperial researchers. Skull pro-create by
stripping the flesh off the dead and re-animating their body
through cybernetics. The subjects brain cannot have
been harmed when they die and they cannot have been dead for
more than an hour. For this reason Skull rarely take
dead form the battlefield, rather they prefer to abduct
potential subjects. Newly born/created Skull have no
memory of their former life. It is known that the
Skull use technology to shift between realspace and their
own dimension, passing through Ethereal Space.
Skill dimension is and odd Plane of Existence that only
exists where there is a large energy source in Realspace.
Such examples are high technology cities, or space
stations. There have been documented reports of Skull
taking over space stations in order to preserve the
stability of their own world. Should the Realspace
energy source diminish, eg. space station is destroyed, the
Skull dimension in that area will slowly cease to
exist. Any being trapped their will eventually cease
to exist also. The Skull Dimension is a dark shadowy
realm with rocky terrain. The landscape is made more
easy as shadows are Realspace shadows can be seen, and
stepped through.
technology is highly advanced, though only used in limited
areas, primarily their weapons and in their cloaking
technology and dimension shifting technology. The
Skull Cloak is the most recognisable possession of the
race. They all wear these long dark brown
cloaks. These are actually sophisticated devices that
allow the Skull to pass between Realspace, Ethereal Space
and the Skull Dimension. These cloaks are powered by
processed Energy Shards, small crystalline splinters only
found in the Skull Dimension.
Description: The Skull are Cyborged Skeletons
wearing long dark cloaks often wielding an energy scythe.
Skull are ruled over by a Dictator known as Deth. Deth
is the title granted to all who rule. Skull are a race
of warriors, and although their culture and existence is
tied closely to the Dark Side the Skull make no conscious
evil decisions. Most denizens of the galaxy will ever
have heard of the Skull, let alone met one. Skull that
do dwell in Realspace often work as mercenaries of
Skull do not have any emotion. Even though killing is
a way of life to them they shown no remorse or joy in the
task. Skull cannot be insulted or goaded though can be
Unknown, though all encountered speak Basic.
names: Skrax,
Skel, Krag
Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 1D/4D
Know: 1D/3D
Mech: 2D/4D
Perc: 1D/4D
Str: 1D/4D
Tech: 1D/4D
Typical Skull
Dex 2D, Know 1D, Mech 2D, Perc 1D+1, Str 2D+2, Tech 2D
melee 4D, dodge 4D, technology 3D, search 2D+1, astrogation
3D, piloting 4D, starship gunnery 4D, Skull Cloak 4D
Cloak A Skull Cloak can shift the Skull between
Realspace, Ethereal Space and the Skull Dimension
(Mechanical: V.Easy). A
cloak has 10 charges. Any shift into or out of the
Skull dimension costs 1 charge. There is no charge
lost for shifting between Realspace and Ethereal Space as
long as their is a single charge left. Skull will
often keep a stash of Cloak power cells hidden somewhere
nearby but in the Skull Dimension.
trying to operate a Skull Cloak must make a Technology roll
diff. 20 to understand it's operation.
