can accurately be described as near-Trandoshans. They
are an off-shoot race that came from Trandoshan colonists
several millennia ago. Transhodians have gained much
greater technology than their cousins. This is a
combination of their intelligence and trading. Most of
the Transhodian high technology is reserved for military
purposes, including personal cloaking devices and
teleportation devices. Transhodian Special Forces are
some of the best warriors in the galaxy, in part due to
their advanced technology. They are also renown for
their mastery of the Tera Kasi Martial Arts form.
There are two
well known Transhodians in the galaxy. The first is
the Time Bandits own Bossko B. Bossko B. is the
lunatic who is just the coolest dude in the galaxy.
The second is a far less likeable character, the infamous
assassin Nish. Nish charges One Million Credits per
hit and has not yet failed. Due to his diplomatic
ties, along with skill and credits, Nish has evaded capture
of Galactic authorities (although this may have something to
do with being in regular employ by the Empire).
Description: Transhodians are a reptilian race
very similar in appearance to Trandoshans. the ridges
on their heads tend to be less prominent, and despite having
only three fingers the same as Trandoshans they are still
very dexterous with weapons and tools.
The Transhodians have remarkably few cultural traits.
The few religious members of their race tend to be shamans
or spiritualists, though Jedi were not unheard of before the
days of the Empire. The only obvious cultural observations
are military ones. Public holidays on Trashodan, their
homeworld, are usually celebrated with military displays and
Transhodian personalities are as varied as human. With
the recent anti-alien policies of the Empire this has made
many Transhodian spacers very nervous, and therefore aggressive.
Female Transhodians can be as equally aggressive as the
Basic, Dosh
names: Nish,
Child 1-8; young adult 8-14; adult 15-45; middle age 46-60;
old 61-70; venerable 71+
Modifiers: +1
Strength, -1 Wisdom, -1 charisma
Sized: No modifier
Base Speed 14.
Transhodians can breath just as easily under water and gain
a +3 bonus onto all swimming checks. Should they swim
deeper than 200 meters they must depressurise themselves
when returning to 200 meters. The time to depressurise
is 1/2 the time they spent below 200 meters. Failing
to depressurise
causes 4D10 Wounds (not vitality).
Spit 1/day a Transhodian may spit up an acidic
venom from their throat. The maximum range is 3 meters
and this counts as a ranged attack with a -4 attach
penalty. The character can get a DSP for using this
attack as it considered vile, disgusting and painful.
Damage 2D8, Critical 20.