
This race of extra-galactic humanoid nomads nearly destroyed
the New Republic. Extremely xenophobic religious zealots
intent on the destruction of all other life.
The Yuuzhan Vong despise mechanical technology, instead
employing bioengineered creatures to meet nearly all their
needs from everyday items, weapons and even their starships
are living creatures.
The Yuuzhan Vong cannot be harmed, senses or use The Force.
For more information see
Vong Warrior
Dex 3D, Know 1D, Mech 2D, Perc 1D, Str 3D, Tech 2D
Melee (Ampistaff) 4D, Dodge 4D, Thud Bug 4D, Survival 3D,
Brawl 4D, Stamina 4D
Force Immunity: Yuuzhan Vong are immune to all Force powers.
Amphistaff, Thud Bug, Coufee, Warriors Vonduun Crab Armor
Yuuzhan Vong
Elite Warrior
Dex 3D, Know 1D, Mech 2D, Perc 1D, Str 3D, Tech 2D
Melee (Ampistaff) 5D, Dodge 5D, Thud Bug 5D, Thrown Weapons
4D, Survival 4D, Brawl 5D, Stamina 5D
Force Immunity: Yuuzhan Vong are immune to all Force powers.
Amphistaff, Thud Bug, Blorash Jelly, Plasma Eel, Coufee,
Warriors Vonduun Crab Armor
Yuuzhan Vong
Dex 2D, Know 3D, Mech 2D, Perc 1D, Str 3D, Tech 2D
Melee 4D, Dodge 4D, Yuuzhan Vong Technology 6D, Survival 4D,
Medical 5D, Yuuzhan Vong Tech (Shaping/Biotic
Implantation/Biotic Healing) 5D
Force Immunity: Yuuzhan Vong are immune to all Force powers.
Amphistaff, Thud Bug, Plasma Eel, Coufee, Warriors Vonduun
Crab Armor
Yuuzhan Vong
Jedi Hunter
Dex 4D, Know 2D, Mech 3D, Perc 3D, Str 4D, Tech 2D
Melee (Ampistaff) 7D, Dodge 5D, Thud Bug 6D, Thrown Weapons
5D, Survival 5D, Brawl 6D, Stamina 5D, Search 5D
Force Immunity: Yuuzhan Vong are immune to all Force powers.
Amphistaff, Razorbug, Coufee, Blorash Jelly, Plasma Eel,
Warriors Vonduun Crab Armor
Weapons and
Amphistaff (Str+1D)
Skill: Melee
The Amphistaff is an organic staff capable of shifting forms
including quarterstaff and spear. The Amphistaff can also
spit poison. If a charcater takes damage from the Amphistaff
they must also make a Stamin: Difficult check or also be
Blorash Jelly
This thrown Weapon is an amorphous mass that entangles it's
target. It is incredibly adhesive.
Skill: Thrown weapons
Effect: Dex -2D
To remove requires Strength: Difficult or needs to be
Incapacitated. Strength 3D
Coufee (Str+2)
A double-edged dagger carried by most Yuuzhan Vong.
Magma Pebble
Skill: Thrown weapons
Damage 4D vs Droids
This small pebble is plasma encased in a shell. In contact
with a droid it releases it's plasma to burn through the
droids armour.
High ranking Yuuzhan Vong have one of their eyes surgically
replaced with this organic implant. It resembles the users
eye but is in fact a mouth that can pit poison up to 10
Attack/Damage 5D vs targets Stamina
Plasma Eel
A bioengineered grenade. While carried the Plasma Eel will
curl around it's wielders waist or arm. Then used it morphs
into a staff which causes a plasma explosion on impact.
Skill: Thrown weapons
Damage 5D
This is a Bio-engineered small disc sized insect with razor
sharp edges that flies towards a target.
It will attack twice before returning to it's owner.
Skill: Thrown Weapons to release
Razorbug attack: 4D (can be dodged or parried)
Damage: 5D
Thud Bug
This Bio-engineered creature flies towards a target and will
continue to attack until defeated or the target
Skill: Thrown Weapons to release
Thud Bug attack: 4D (can be dodged or parried)
Damage: 4D
Vonduun Crab
Small bioengineered crabs layer themselves over their host
providing different levels of protection.
Glistawen (Str +1)
Warriors Armour (Str +2)
Subalterns's Armour (Str +2)
Commanders Armour (Str +1D)
Warmaster Armour (Str +2D)
A tiny grublike creature used as a recording device.
An organic breathing filter that allows it's wearer to
breath whilst in a poisonous environment.
Ooglith Cloaker
An organic cretire that covers it's wearers body making them
harder to spot.
Hide/Sneak +2D
Ooglith Masquer
An organic creature similar to the Ooglith Cloaker that
allows it wearer to disguise themselves a s specific
species. eg. Ooglith for human, Gablith for Duros.
Disguise +2D
This tiny bioengineered creature is implanted in the ear and
acts as a language translator.
Languages +3D
These creatures are created in pairs and act as
communication devices, even able to communicate across
galactic distances. When activated the small creature morphs
to resemble the appearance of the speaker, even mimicking
their voice.
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