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Lightsaber Styles

How you decide to allow Lightsaber styles is up to you as GM.

Personally I allow the PC to learn a new style for every +2D they gain in Lightsaber skill.

Form I: Shii-Cho The oldest known form of lightsaber combat, it was a simplistic style that was derived from traditional swordsmanship. It balanced traditional manoeuvres intent on maiming and killing with a focus on disarming an armed foe and was used against multiple opponents. It was a popular form among Padawans in the Jedi Order. The downside is that it doesn't take full advantage of the lightsabers unique properties (Omni directional "edge" and lack of mass).

Normal combat: Ignore the first -1D penalty when attacking multiple opponents.

Duelling: May duel two opponents.

Form II: Makashi A style regarded for its elegance, graceful presentation, and balletic approach in wielding a lightsaber. It is excellent for saber-to-saber combat, and was developed to combat the rise of enemy lightsaber wielders. It was notable for its primary focus on facing a single opponent, preventing disarmament, and quick, very precise strikes. However, it is poorly suited for multiple enemies and defence against long-range attacks.

Normal combat: Lightsaber +1D vs single opponent

Duelling: Lightsaber +1D vs single opponent in Duelling step

Form III: Soresu A defensive style that utilized tight, controlled movements and strict economy of action. It was developed in response to the growing prevalence of blasters throughout the galaxy. It took advantage of the lightsaber blade's ability to deflect blaster bolts. Though practitioners of this form focused on defence against attacks of any nature in any situation and committed to analyzing their opponents and openings created, often from the frustration and fatigue of the enemy, while not succumbing to fatigue or making mistakes themselves. It remained popular even during the creation of other lightsaber forms. However, it was limited in its offensive capabilities.

Normal combat: May use Lightsaber skill to block blaster bolts and redirect them.

Duelling: Lightsaber +1D at Duelling step and when opponent has Advantage when opponent has a Blaster.

Form IV: Ataru An acrobatic and aggressive lightsaber combat style that focuses almost exclusively on offense, aiming to end the fight as quickly as possible. It placed greater emphasis on using the Force to enhance movements in all areas of combat and required great room to attack from all directions. Due to its nature, it was considered a demanding fighting style both physically and through the Force. It was also severely limited in its defensive capabilities.

Normal combat: Lightsaber +(DEX dice code)

Duelling:  Lightsaber  +(DEX dice code) when you have Advantage.

Form V: Shien/Djem So Two fluid disciplines of lightsaber combat, which were considered physically demanding styles due to their requirement of quick transitions from dedicated defensive stances to all-out attacks. The Shien variant emphasized blaster redirection, and practitioners could utilize a reverse blade grip. The Djem So variant taught users manoeuvres for saber-to-saber combat and blaster deflection.

Normal combat: May use Lightsaber skill to block blaster bolts and redirect them.

Duelling:  If you block an opponents Advantage you gain Advantage.

Form VI: Niman Considered the most popular lightsaber combat form in the Jedi Order, it balanced the qualities presented in all the other forms and lacked any of their major weaknesses, but it also did not incorporate any of their notable strengths. Less demanding than all the other previous combat styles, its approach was a careful balance between offense and defence but leaned towards the latter and extensive integration of Force powers.

Normal combat: Don't use the Wild Die

Duelling:  Don't use the Wild Die

Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad Considered the most aggressive and unpredictable form and therefore the most controversial, it was a combat style with a history of the Jedi High Council forbidding it and later allowing only select users to practice the style. It was a style considered both physically and emotionally exhausting.

Normal combat: Lightsaber & Damage +2D.  A 1 on the Wild Die gives a Dark Side Point.

Duelling:  Lightsaber +1D when you have Advantage.  A 1 on the Wild Die when you have Advantage gives a Dark Side Point.

Jar'Kai The method of using two lightsabers during combat, be they single blades or double blades altogether. Variants of Jar'Kai included utilizing more than two single-bladed or double-bladed lightsabers at the same time, depending on the physiological or technological capabilities of the combatant.

Normal combat: When using two lightsabers or double-bladed you nay re-roll Lightsaber Skill (Must take the second roll)

Duelling:  When using two lightsabers or double-bladed you may re-roll Lightsaber Skill each step (Must take the second roll)

Lightsaber styles -

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