The Tapani Sector is
a vast area of space in the Expanse region of thew Mid
Rim. Tapani is split into various regions or provinces,
each ruled over by the nobles of the various Houses.
Court intrigue and diplomacy are the weapons used in the
Tapani Sector as Houses vie for power.
The Empire monitors, the sector very closely, although
the sector Moff holds no real power over the Houses.
Houses Melantha and Mercetti are the two power Houses of
the sector, both allied with the Empire in their own
way. House Pelagia is still recovering from an invasion
by house Mercetti as Pelagia was once home for many Jedi
and has openly opposed the Empire.
For a detailed description of the Tapani Sector please
see the Lords of the Expanse box set by WEG.
The Tapani Sector is home to several characters of the
Warriors of Gar and club Squirrel and the location for
many of our adventures.
Key locations
House Pelagia
While House Pelagia publicly accepts the Empire they are
still in secret sponsoring Rebel Alliance activities in
and out of the sector.
This it the capital world of House Pelagia. Pelagon is a
water world with the occasional island housing the
richest of the Pelagia Lords. Most of the population
dwell in the magnificent cities that dot the surface of
the planet.

North Ridge
The North Ridge is a vast undersea chasm of unknown
depths and home to various monstrous sea creatures.
Nearby is an underwater archaeological research station,
aptly named the North Ridge Research Station.
This is a small distant planet that was likely just a
small satellite moon then broke orbit billions of years
ago. The planet is covered in high snow covered
mountains, the weather is harsh at all times. Despite
this there are a number of small Pelagian outposts,
mainly from families ousted from their home during the
Mercetti invasion.

There is but a single outpost, Alpha Platform, with
landing platforms, and the weather is too harsh for any
kind of winter sports.
Gree Hypergate
Fridgia does however hold a secret. Deep below the
surface not far from Alpha Platform is a Gree Hypergate.
Only a handful of individuals know of the Hypergates
existence including Lady Mattherson and Queen Bloodaxe
of Gar. Should anyone find the Hypergate they would
still have the issue of knowing how to use it.
central world of the Tapani Sector does not fall under
the direct control of any House. It is neutral ground
for the richest and most elite of all Tanpani nobles and
Corporate businessmen.
Regular civilians need to be sponsored by a House to be
able to live and work on Procopia.
At the heart of all Tapani celebrations is the Shey
Tapani Palace. This magnificent palace holds all the
major Gala Balls including Tapani Day and celebrations.
Royal Hotel
Only officially licensed premises that can genuinely
trace their history back to the days of Shey Tapani have
the right to use the term Royal in their name, but none
is more prolific than the Royal Hotel. During holidays
and celebrations a room here can cost in the region of
half a million credits per night. No self-respecting
Tapani Lord would stay anywhere else... if they can get
a booking.
House Barnaba
Keeping much to itself, House Barnaba is now home the
Jeribiah Joseph (Club Squirrel).
Key events
- Savant Mattherson becomes High Lady of House Tapani after the High Lord
falls ill.
- The Tapani Incident – This is a Legends Warriors of Gar campaign.
- Former Rebel, Lard, becomes Moff of the Sector after driving Moff
Gustavu insane with his pedantic rules and regulations.
- Jeribiah Joseph become s a Baron of House Barnaba and a Vigo in Black
- The Kid becomes a Dark Side apprentice to Darth Vader
- Lord Durron assists his old friend Sir in finding a new hyperspace
route through Pelagia region rescuing log lost children
of Pelagia in the process.
- Lord Durron is involved with uncovering a Mercetti plot involving the
Mercrosa Order.
- Justice Action Network
Not all is glitzy and
gold in the Tapani Sector. There are those who are
unhappy with how the Lords of the Expanse have seemingly
surrendered to The Empire, and feel that the Rebel
Alliance is doing nothing to help. The Justice
Action Network are Rebel extremists with no affiliation
with the Rebel Alliance.
The JAN target what
they see as military and commercial targets that aid or
are allied to The Empire. Policing is strict on any JAN
operatives arrested. JAN do not see anyone who has
accepted Imperial rule as being innocent.
Piracy in the Expanse
The Tapani Sector is
a rich area of space, thus it is ripe pickings for
pirates and scoundrels out to make easy credits at the
expense of those who have them. Military ships
from all House along with Imperial star cruisers
constantly patrol the sector, but the pirates don't give
in easily, and there are plenty of small moons for them
to hide.
Of all the pirates
operating in the sector the most renown is a Trianni
called Freylorn Forlorn. Possibly the most
narcissistic being ion the galaxy, he loves nothing more
than admiring his own image while being preened by his
slave girls.
Freylorn operates
several large cruisers and a small fleet of starfighters
which constantly target unarmed freighter or luxury
cruisers throughout the Tapani Sector.

Link to Legacy Warriors of Gar Tapani adventures
and characters
