Grand Admiral Kaine
Grand Admiral Kaine is an enigma. A charming
and charismatic man with an unknown military history. It is known
that he is a noble, a Lord, of House Mercetti, but any record of his
career has been erased. Not only that, but Imperial Center have no
record of him either, so why does the Emperor allow the recognition of
this rouge Grand Admiral. At last count there were twelve Grand
Admirals, not including Thrawn. Kaine is also not one of the twelve,
yet his orders hold the greatest of power over the Imperial fleet.
Grand Admiral Kaine has had one failure recently,
failing to anticipate the actions of a group of Rebels, led by Colonel Dax,
during their escape from the planet Berea in the Elrood Sector. The
rebels took the Grand Admiral hostage, but their vehicle was attacked by
the Sovereigns Imperial forces. Mortally wounded the Grand Admiral
has survived, but at a cost. He now walks with a limp and the aid of
a walking stick due to injuries to his right leg. His lower right
arm was also lost, the Grand Admiral now having to make do with a cyborg
replacement. These injuries have made him resentful towards the
Rebel Alliance, whom he had no malice towards before. Due the The
Sovereigns lack of foresight Kaine also holds some doubt in his heart with
regard to the Sovereigns master plan.
Admiral Xoth
Admiral Xoth is a military man through and through.
He has worked his way up through the Imperial ranks. He has earned
the right to be an Admiral. Admiral Xoth does not fully understand
the events regarding the Sovereign. The truth being that the
Sovereign has clouded Xoth's mind regarded his breakaway Empire.
Xoth was born on Chadrilla, and has always been
loyal to the Emperors New Order. He holds doubt in his mind with
regard to matters of The Force. He is a bit confused with a lot of
the recent espionage work he has been called upon to perform, but the
Emperor has ordered that he obey The Sovereign, or so he believes, so he
will perform his duties to the utmost of his ability.
Of all of the Sovereigns commanders it is Admiral
Xoth who could be the most valuable, but also the biggest threat to the
Sovereigns plan.
Captain Orkon
Captain Orkon is totally oblivious to the
Sovereigns grand plan. A loyal servant of the New Order, Captain
Orkon still lives in the hope of early retirement or promotion to Admiral,
although he knows his career has not been strong enough to go beyond his
current rank. Orkon is not a strong man, and not a happy man.
He often comes across as grumpy and in a bad mood. This is partly
because he knows he is stuck in his current post patrolling the Rimma
Trade Run. Although he doesn't mind the trips out to the distant
Tapani Sector. He does mind the occasional forays where he is
required to travel Beyond the Blood Drift. He also has a disdain for
the Tapani Sector who's nobles care not for ones rank below that of an
Admiral. To them he is but a commoner, so whenever in the Sector he
will often remain aboard ship, finding excuses to avoid attending events,
which will no doubt be attended by Grand Admiral Kaine anyway.
Inquisitor Nothos
One branch of the Empire that has declared loyalty
to the Sovereign are the dreaded Inquisition. The Imperial
Inquisitors are now all under the command of the Sovereign.
Inquisitor Nothos has been very active in making sure that other Imperial
branches, such as ISB do not suspect the Inquisition.
Nothos is a cold heartless man with no respect for
life other than his own. He has embraced the New Order of the
Sovereign whom he believes a more capable man than the Emperor.
His torture techniques are from a nightmare. The Sovereign has
made Inquisitor Nothos a more visible figure in his Empire, to
instill fear and obedience into his army.
Captain Reinheart - Captain of
the VSD II Scimitar. An ex-pirate and personally chosen by the
Emperor, for reasons only known to the Sith Master.
Captain Akal Zed - (See Elrood
Sector SB by WEG)
Captain Tanda Pryl - (See Elrood
Sector SB by WEG)
Grand Moff Ravikk - Grand Moff
of many sectors along the Rimma Trade Route including Tapani, Elrood,
Kathol and the Blood Drift. (Note - this is not the same Ravikk from
the Otherspace adventure, I have merely used the name). Tavik
is a tall thin man with a long face with a high brow and exaggerated
facial features. Grand Moff Ravikk also holds the title King Ravikk
Bloodaxe, though he has little dealings with his homeworld.
In recent campaign
events Ravikk did return to Gar to claim his throne. After a
short-lived rule there was an uprising against him. Though
this would have been easily crushed Ravikk was arrested by ISB for
misappropriation of Imperial funds in his personal vendetta
against Gar. |
Moff Gustavu - Moff of the
Tapani Sector. (See Lords of the Expanse box set by WEG)
Moff Villis Andal - Moff of the
Elrood Sector. (See Elrood Sector SB by WEG)
General Afren Hul - Governor of
Derylin in the Elrood Sector. (See Elrood Sector SB by WEG)
Silas Fel - Imperial Dignitary
serving the in Tapani Sector. Silas Fel monitors Tapani politics
reporting back to Moff Gustavu and the Emperor. Grand Moff Ravikk is
included in all communications from Silas Fel but the dignitary rarely has
direct dealings with the Grand Moff. Silas Fel is a thin gaunt
looking man of great age. He is extremely manipulative, often
dropping nuggets of information into conversations with the Tapani Lords
with just enough information to instill a little paranoia.
ISB-14 Commander - this
mysterious Imperial agent has made only a brief appearance in the campaign
(and the players don't even realise it). The nameless ISB-14
Commander is the most deadly ISB officer in the Empire. His skills
are unparalleled throughout the galaxy. He is a soulless killer
genetically modified by Imperial surgeons. Rebel intelligence
reports on the ISB-14 Commander simply read 'Unknown.'
Demise - Imperial ISB
Agent. (see the Empire page)
Lord Darth Vader, Dark Lord of
the Sith - with the location of Luke Skywalker still evading Imperial
agents Darth Vader grows more impatient. As a distraction the
Emperor sends Darth Vader to the Tapani Sector to investigate possible
treason and rebellion amongst the noble Houses. The Emperor is
merely toying with Vader and testing him. The Emperor has not
informed Darth Vader about the Sovereign, and it is the sovereigns powers
that continue to distract and block the Dark Lord.
Noble of
Pelagia defects to the Rebel Alliance, chased by Guild Wraith.
a small Imperial Space Station deep within the Tapani Sector a beautiful
woman nervously checks both directions of the long metal corridor. The
only doors are those of the turbo lifts at each end of the corridor. Sure
it is safe she kneels down before an R2 astromech droid and inserts a data
chip. She stands. She is a tall blonde haired woman dressed in the finest,
and most expense, clothes the galaxy has to offer. She is a noble of House
Pelagia. She pats the R2 unit. It beeps, then rolls off down a side
corridor. The Lady approaches the nearest turbolift. It’s doors slide
open and she enters. She turns, and as she activates the lift controls the
opposite turbolift doors slide open. The Lady hurriedly and repeatedly
prods the turbolift controls. In the other lift is a tall bronzed Amazon
Warrior dressed in battle armour complete with a headpiece made from a
skull. She stares down the corridor. It’s too late. As the turbolift
doors close Lady Valentine knows she has been seen.
Cut to an
outdated cargo ship that is supposedly carrying foodstuffs from the Outer
Rim territories. Deep inside the specially converted cargo hold rebel
technicians prepare X-Wing starfighters for combat.
Within the
Briefing room General Hans Giger hands over to General Riekeen, a large
lady whose starfighter tactics are renowned throughout the Rebel Alliance.
"We have
learned that the small Imperial supply post on the edge of the Tapani
Sector is in fact a listening post which threatens our allies within House
Pelagia. For this reason House Pelagia dare not act in this matter and
have asked for our help. We can hardly refuse considering the amount of
information that has come from our Tapani allies.
The plan is
hit and run. Six X-Wings will approach the station at full throttle. Your
Torpedoes will be of no use at range due to a minimal, but effective,
particle shield. You need to close to within five units to attack. The
Station itself is unarmed but does house a Squadron of 12 TIE fighters. A
Flight of four fighters is on patrol at all times. It will take only a
minutes though for the others to be readied.
I want you in
and out. Forget the TIE’s. This mission is not the time to scratch up
head counts.
Any question?
Good luck. And
may the force be with you."
The six X-Wing
starfighters come out of hyperspace at the right time. Destroying
the beacon is easy, but the Empire manages to scramble eight TIE fighters.
The dogfight is short, but Zaladines' X-Wing is shot sown, exploding into
a fiery ball. Then, unexpectedly a Star Destroyer appears from
Hyperspace. IT is the Victory Class Star Destroyer, Scimitar.
Captain Reinhardt orders his fighters to attack, but the five rebel ships
disappear into hyperspace before they can be engaged.
says an ensign, addressing his Captain.
"What is
it?" snaps Captain Reinhardt, a small unkempt man, especially for an
Imperial Officer.
are picking up a life sign. It appears to be the pilot of the rebel
starfighter. He must have ejected."
sneers the Imperial Captain, "Bring him on board. Notify
detention I want an Interrogator droid standing by."
Cut to the
planet Procopia, capital world of the Tapani Sector. The streets are
filled with people preparing for celebration. Tomorrow is Tapani
Day, in celebration of Prince Shey Tapani who ended the wars of the Tapani
Sector many centuries ago.
A small group
of Bounty Hunters from Guilds Dread & Wildcats alight from the
transport onto Estalle Island, the most prestigious place in all of Tapani.
With a mere 200 credits expenses the hunters are already broke with docking
fees and transport fees. Unarmed and armourless the four Bounty
Hunters are in an alien world, a world where a single out of place comment
can be more damaging than a Death Star.
Bounty Hunters must provide safe passage for a Pelagian Lady whose cover
as a Rebel spy has been blown. The Bounty Hunters make several
contacts around the island before meeting with the Lady. The
complication is that the Lady demands that she be present during the
evenings festivities. The Great Gala Ball is a very prestigious
event, one that will be attended by all Houses and the Empire. Rival
Bounty Hunters also seek the Pelagian Lady, just to make things a little
tougher on the hunters.
Episode Two:
Welcome to the Elrood Sector
Era: Rebel
Characters: Fury,
Gallandro, Anya, Taboo, Lifeline
Events on Coyn.
Rebels accused of murder.
The Empire is
slowly tightening its grip of the Elrood Sector through taxes and control
of corporations. Alliance high Command has therefore decided to send
a small group of operatives into the Sector to set up a Cell. their
first contact is a Coynite noble who is sympathetic to the Alliance cause.
Upon arrival
at the Coynites manor the PCs find him dead. Murdered! The
local authorities turn up almost immediately and instantly jump to the
wrong conclusion that the PCs are the ones to blame. The Rebels must
track down the murderer to clear their name, and more importantly convince
the dead Coynite nobles heir that they are not murderers so they can gain
his support for the Alliance.
This campaign
should be tough. The Coynites are honourable warriors, but deadly,
warriors. They will not as a rule aid the Rebel Alliance as they see
them as terrorists. The PCs must also be careful not to break any
local customs on Coyn, for that could result in a duel to the death.
Episode Three:
Elrood Sector Hunters
Era: Bounty
Destiny, Tarc,
Killcrazy, Jewel, Methos
Hunters go the
Refuge City, Kidron.
A seemingly
harmless secretary has quit Galacti-Corp Mining, a large and powerful Corporation
based in the Corporate Sector. However, she has taken with her
information that could implicate a Corporate Director of criminal
dealings. The Corporate director in question is Wumdi, otherwise
known as Vigo Wumdi of Black Sun. The Bounty hunters have little
problem tracking down the girl to the City of Refuge on the planet of
Kidron. Then the problems start. Wundi, who is not the PC's
employer, has hired Guild Wraith, a rival Bounty Hunter Guild, to bring her to him. The
PC Bounty
Hunters are also oblivious to the fact that
Bounty Hunters are extremely unwelcome in the City of Refuge.
Fortunately the attention of the people of the City of Refuge is aimed at
Guild Wraith, allowing the PCs to get the girl to
safety (after some persuasion) and the information to their employers at
Radell Mining corporation based on the planet Elrood.
Episode Four:
From Tapani with love
Era: Tapani
Keep two rival
soon-to-be-weds from killing each other.
rival Cadriaan families are to be joined through the marriage of Lord
Faraday and Lady Lucia. The marriage is primarily a business
arrangement of the families.
Lord Faraday’s father owns a large
shipping business, while Lord Lucia, is the owner of a large starport
facility in Tallaan. This marriage will unit the families and the business’s.
But despite both parties being rich and good looking they can not stand
the sight of each other. Despite their respective fathers and families
interests they are both going to go out of their way to prevent the
The PCs are called on to act as chaperone
for the bride and groom. Each go their separate ways and the PCs
must keep both alive and make sure they turn up to the wedding.
Assassin (hired by Lucia)
The hit-man is a member of the Loag from
the Elrood sector and is very competent. He
attacks at night, breaking into Lord Faraday’s mansion. Even
if captured, the assassin must not reveal who hired him or disgrace the
Accident - starship accident
(arranged by Lord Faraday)
By bribing several low-life techs a small
bomb is planted on Lucia’s starship. The
bomb detonates the ship comes out of hyperspace. The
explosion rocks the ship crippling the engines. The ship dives out of
control heading towards the planet.
PC’s must FIX the ship and pilot it up
Two-timing (arranged by Lady Lucia)
Being the glamour type Lady Lucia arranges
a date with Sir Kal Islington, a Knight. She
goes to the most public spotlight restaurant so all of the media see them
together.PC’s don’t have to interfere here, but they can. Media
reporters are crowding the Lady and PC’s must get her out - Limo chase!
Police see PC’s speeding & give chase
Pirates (arranged by Lord Faraday)
Returning to her home pirates attack Lady
Lucia’s ship. PC’s are actually rescued by Imperial Captain
Going on a long vacation (arranged
by Lady Lucia, interfered with by Lord Faraday)
Lady Lucia sneaks off for a long vacation
to Coruscant but Lord Faraday makes sure that Silas Fel, the Tapani
representative Imperial Dignitary knows, so she is called for duty.
Bureaucracy, Bargain, Command &
Persuasion are needed here.
The PC’s end up at the Royal Court with
Silas Fel - but they will learn little. The PC’s
get a glimpse at Prince Xizor and get to be in the presence of the Emperor
as Lady Lucia is summoned before him. At the Court of the Emperor
HRH decrees that Lady Lucia’s shipyards be used to Construct
Star Destroyers. Silas Fel to arrange the contracts. Lady
Lucia tries to object, words failing, looks at the PC’s (really, really
bad idea to back talk the Emperor)
Yacht Race (Lord Faraday, interfered
with by Lady Lucia)
Lord Faraday enters the annual Tapani
Challenge space yacht race. Lady
Lucia arranges for another competitor to try to ‘take-out’ Lord
Skills: Archaic starship piloting (may not
use standard Piloting), Climbing, Lifting, Astrogation.
Craft: Archaic Space Yacht Reproduction
Crew: 8
Pass: 0
Scale: Starfighter
Speed: 2
Hull: 1D+2
Man: 2D+1
The Rules - The ship must make five
hyper-jumps, but must travel to the designated jump point before jumping
into hyperspace. The tactic is to come out of hyperspace as close to the
jump buoy as possible.
Once out of Hyperspace the craft must open
its solar sails (Lifting: 10 Climbing: 10)
The ship then races to the jump point:
Piloting skill check (moderate)
Navigate the buoy Piloting + Man. : 3
Moderate rolls
Astrogation difficulty: 30 (the number the
astrogation misses the difficulty by determines space units away from
target buoy)
The Wedding
The big day arrives and hopefully the two
loveless birds are still alive. It
is a grand affair with many nobles attending. Only
encounter is that a PC catches bouquet.
Episode Five:
Era: Tapani/Bounty
The House Pelagian
Troubleshooters learn that a Bounty Hunter has been hired by the Mercetti Lord
Drax to recover a rare Gree artifact. A second Gree artifact, dating
back over 20,000 years, has been bought at auction by Lord Jonathan of
Mercetti for the sum of 14 million credits.
The PCs must sneak
into the office of Lord Jonathan to steal the artifact. In doing do the
PCs learn that Lord Drax and Lord Armageddon are involved. The artifact
is in fact a key to an ancient Gree Hyper-gate. Only the Hyper-gate that
Drax wishes to open is a portal to a dark dimension where he intends on
resurrurecting the Draygon Emperor Drangal. Even though the PCs have the
one key they know that Drax has another. They must track Drax to one of
the moons of Caldon to shut down the Hyper-gate before Drax can unleash a
terrible evil into the galaxy.
Episode Six:
Operation Elrood: Industrial Intrigue
Era: Rebel
This is the
published adventure Operation Elrood by WEG. The only change
is that on the planet Dega the Rebels discover a Clone Facility. The
Empire also learns of this and the Rebels must choose to destroy it if
they don't want it to fall into Imperial hands.
Episode Seven:
Hunting Grounds
Era: Rebel/Tapani
This is a
modified version of the published Hunting Grounds adventure by WEG
from the Lords of the Expanse Box Set. This presumes
that the Rebels managed to take several of the cloning chambers they
discovered on Dega. They must meet a contact, arranged by the Rebel
Alliance to sell the tanks. This is where the PCs first learn of the Sovereign
Episode Eight:
A small group
of the Rebels must get by the Imperial blockade on Derilyn after receiving
a priority message from a contact there. It turns out that there is
a clone facility on a nearby moon (either the clones tanks they sold or
the Empire acquired some more).
The Rebels are
taken to a factory that makes Stormtrooper armour and weapons. The
armour is shipped off-world, and the returning transport is manned by
Stormtropers. The PCs must hide aboard the transport to discover
what is happening. The transport goes to an uncharted moon in the
Elrood nebula where the Empire has a cloning facility. The PCs must
escape the moon and alert the Alliance. The Rebel Alliance then send
in a quick-strike starfighter squadron to destroy the base. All the
while the Rebel PCs must contend with a Gand Findsman who is tracking
Episode Nine:
Black Sands of Socorro
Tapani/Bounty Hunter
The PC nobles of House
Tapani are contact by a member of the secret Force Alliance. It seems as
though Imperials from the Tapani Sector have been seen on the distant
smugglers world of Socorro. The PCs travel to Socorro where they are
require the help of the Desert Baron,
Bal’al’tor. Bal'al'tor is a charmingly ruthless man, and the
criminal despot of the Socorro deserts. Bal'al'tor will attempt to
slow down the PCs but will avoid any direct confrontation.
The PCs nobles
should have a contingent on servants with them, one being Rane, an expert
on desert survival. Rane is a thin pale skinned man wearing a
leather strapped survival suit. During the adventure several
servants are killed. Rane is always the one who 'discovers' the victims
but no hard evidence or motive can be found to blame him or anyone
else. The cause of death is also unknown. Rane also goes
missing most evenings without explanation, and he gives none.
When the PCs discover
the Imperials, led by Admiral Xoth, they find an ancient Sith burial
tomb. Rane is the one that frees the Sith spirit. The PCs can
turn on Rane but it is no use. Rane is in fact a Dark Side Doppelganger
created by the Sovereign Palpatinne. Once the Dark Side Spirit is
freed, for what purposes only the Sovereign knows, Rane is left to be
killed. If he is not killed he will eventually fade into nothing as
the Sovereign no longer has use for him.
Episode Ten:
The Kidron Incident - Krynoid Invaision
Era: Any
A renown
botanist has discovered an alien seed in the frozen wastes of Hoth.
The seed is returned to the home of his master, Lord xxx of House Calipsa.
Lord xxx is obsessed with plants and especially with discovering a new
breed. When the pod defrosts is comes to life,
self-germinating. It spores, infecting a member of Lord xxx staff
turning them into a mutation half human half plant. Soon nearby
foliage was coming to life, attacking, and consuming the Kidron populace.
The PCs travel to
Kidron to steal the alien seed. They arrive too late and must then
escape the planet.
The planet Kidron
is lost to the Krynoids. The Empire quarantines the planet Kidron and
does it's best to stem any Krynoid growth with orbital bombardments.
This adventure
is based on the Doctor Who story The Seeds of Doom.
Eleven: A Knights Errand
Era: Tapani
See Lords of the
Expanse Box Set by WEG.
Episode Twelve:
Procopian Intrigue
Era: Tapani
See Lords of the
Expanse Box Set by WEG.
Thirteen: The Torpedo Sphere
Era: Tapani/Rebel
See Lords of the
Expanse Box Set by WEG.
Admiral Xoth,
working for the Sovereign, is also on the Torpedo Sphere. He wants not
to destroy it but to steal it for the Sovereign.
Epilogue: Darth
Vader arrives in the Tapani Sector.
Episode Fourteen:
Dark Lady of the Sith
Era: Tapani
Lady Savant of
the Tapani Sector had been getting visions of her mother on a small Tapani
moon. When she got there the whole village, mostly Wookiees, seemed
to be hiding something. Lord Armageddon the Draygon High Lord of
House Tapani, knew that the renegade Mercetti Lord Drax was up to
something. Indeed he was. On this moon was an aged Sith Lord.
If he was to be killed his spirit would pass into his killer. Drax
wanted possession of this Sith Spirit. Armageddon, and ally of Drax,
did not wish Drax to have that much power so sent one of his Constructs to
deal with the situation. Upon arrival The Mark VI construct proved
to be homicidal, killing the wookiees he first came into contact with.
The orders came for him to protect the Lady Savant, causing Savant to feel
slightly uneasy that this monster was stalking her. Lady Savant and
Lord Drax eventually found the aged Sith Lord, Carrakkabacca, a Wookiee,
otherwise known as Darth Carnage, too old to move from his chair.
Drax attacked along with assassins of the Macrosa Order. Violator
received a new order, destroy all Sith! Violator strode across the
cavern of Darth Carnages lair. Then to the shock of Lady Savant, he
stopped by the Dark Lord, and raised his machete, a Ryyk blade taken from
a Wookiee, to carry out his murderous orders. He had to be stopped.
Vixen, the the Mistryl Shadow bodyguard of Lady Savant, leapt into action
a threw a Zenzai needle at the Draygon Construct. The hardened razor
sharp needle penetrated Violators armour piercing his forehead. The
monster collapsed, and the Sith Lord died of natural causes preventing
Drax from stealing his spirit. Pelagia had won this round.
Then to the surprise of all Violator sat up and pulled the needle from his
head. He was still alive, but confused. His mind was silent.
He could no longer hear the orders of Armageddon. The Zenzai needle
had damaged the Draygon mind control receiver in his head and Violator now
had free will. Lord Stone Cold knew that the Tapani Sector was no
place for a creature like this, but knew exactly where he would fit it.
With the Time Bandits.
During her time on
the moon the wookiees were fearful of Lady Savant. Eventually Savant
would learn that there is a prophecy of a Dark Lady of the Sith, the most evil
and powerful Sith Lord ever. It is greatly hinted that under the
tutorage of the sovereign that Savant herself is the prophesied Dark Lady
Episode Fifteen: Attack of Gar
Era: Tapani
During a routine meeting of the
High Lords on Procopia King Dargrim Lexgar of Gar enterd the chamber. He
accuses a Tapani Lord of attacking his kingdom on the planet Gar, though he
does not know which Lord, or even which House is to blame. He gives the
Tapani Sector one week to hand over the culprit of he will declare war on
Initially Dargrims threats are
laughed at. After all, Gar is a primitive backwater world in the far
reaches of the Outer Rim. After investigation the PC's will learn that
the Kingdom of Lexgar are part of a formal government on Gar, the Warriors of
Gar Alliance. This Alliance represent Gar on the Blood Council, the
ruling body of the Blood Drift Sector. The Blood Council is powerful in
it's own right, but with their treaty with the Empire any war against Tapani
and the Empire would side with the Blood Council. King Lexgars threat
now becomes a lot more serious.
The PCs have a lead, the Mondas
Mining Corporation on the Mercetti world of Nyssa. Several characters
travel to Nyssa and quiz Caal Vos, President of Mondas. Vos, if presumed
will reveal that he did sent a survey to Gar under instructions of Mr. Wumdi
of the Corporate Sector. After more investigation, and an assassination attempt,
the PCs learn about Wumdi's connections with Black Sun.
Another representative travels to
Gar to meet with King Dargrim Lexgar. The PCs are attacked on route by
opportunist pirates, but the PCs should reach Gar. There they meet with
the King Lexgar. Lexgars threats of war are real, and the PCs are
reminded that Lexgar also has the forces of the elite Den-Gar
Commando's. During the meeting Queen Tetris Bloodaxe, Queen of Gar and
head of the Warriors of Gar Alliance, enters and argues with King Lexgar.
Apparently Lexgar has acted without the consent of the Warriors of Gar
Alliance. So does Lexgar have an army? Before the PCs leave Sir
William, a Knight of Lexgar, secretly tells the PCs that Lexgars threats are
real, though he believes the King has been acting odd as of late.
Meanwhile, Lady Savant is called
to see the dying Sovereign. The Sovereign dies and Lord Vader arrives
placing Lady Savant under house arrest. Lady Savant falls ill but
recovers. Lady Savant then learns that she is with child, without the
touch of a man. Lady Savant is summoned to Coruscant.
In a twist to the plot Lady Savant chooses to fake her own death, though not
before making Baron Aragorn a Lord and putting him in charge of House Pelagia.
Her first attempt to disappear failed by the untimely arrival of Captain
Orkons Star Destroyer. Lady Savant eventually abandoned her ship,
setting it to self-destruct, on her way to Coruscant.
What is really going on?
King Lexgar is ill. He has lived beyond his years and is suffering a
metal illness, but this is being emphasised by the dark powers of Lord Drax.
Drax wants the war. A war will cause splits within the Tapani
Sector. In the confusion he will be stronger to take control. The
PCs prevent the war by treating Lexgars illness, breaking Lord Drax's hold on
the King.
By order of the Emperor Moff Gustavu will
take direct control of sector affairs from now on. Darth Vader is recalled from the
Sector after a lead to the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker.
End of ACT ONE

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