
A brief
History of the Whoniverse
What is
this page about? As a fan of Star Wars, Star Wars RPG
and Doctor Who I thought I'd mix them together. All
of the Warriors of Gar are Doctor Who fans and I've used
aliens from Doctor Who several times in my
adventures. So presented here are the stats I've
made up for them.
Note, I
have not done the stats for The Doctor in any of his
incarnations, simply because he's never actually made an
appearance in my adventures, nor is he likely to. I
prefer to keep him the enigma that he is.
What is
Doctor Who? Briefly, one of the longest running
British Sci-Fi TV series. First broadcast on
November 23rd 1963 Doctor Who saw the mysterious Doctor,
his grand-daughter Susan and two of Susans teachers set
off on adventures in Time and Space. Although
technically you could say Barbara and Ian were kidnapped
by the Doctor. Doctor Who ran until 1989 have gone
though several changes of actor and many companions.
Doctor Who is light-hearted sci-fi with the Doctor always
fighting for good.
Who is
The Doctor? The mysterious Doctor is a Time Lord
from the planet Galifrey. Living in exile he wanders
the universe righting wrongs. He is a crusader
against evil. Time Lords have thirteen lives, the
Doctor is now into his eleventh.
What is
the TARDIS? Time And Relative Dimensions In
Space. It's the Doctors spaceship. A TARDIS is
capable of blending into it's surroundings, but the
Doctors is faulty and stuck like a 1960's British Police Box.
It might be small outside, but inside it is huge, possibly
infinite. It is very easy to get get lost inside a
And the
Companions? When you live for hundreds of years
you're going to meet a few people. The Doctor has
had numerous companions over the years, some alien,
several from Earth, and a couple of robots. The
Doctors relationship with his companions has always been
Who are
U.N.I.T.? The United Nations Intelligence
Taskforce are a top secret military organisation whose goal
is to defend the Earth from alien attack. In the
United Kingdom UNIT is led by Brigadier Alistair Gordon
Lethbridge-Stewart, a long time friend of the Doctors.
Yet another secret organisation, this one introduced in
the new series. Torchwood now has it's own series
and is aimed at an adult audience, whereas Doctor Who is a
family show.
& Monsters? There is always a villain or a
monster, and often both. The Doctors most feared
adversaries have been the Daleks, Cybermen and the
renegade Time Lord known as The Master.
Doctor Who still running? How did you miss it?!.
Doctor Who was cancelled in 1989 by the BBC by the head
controller who didn't like Sci-fi. Repeats can be
seen on UK Gold and are available on Video and DVD.
A company called Big Finish Productions has for the last
few years produced full cast Doctor Who audio
dramatisations featuring several of the past Doctors and
Doctor Who Magazine is still going strong.
Revived by Russel T. Davies in 2005 the recent series of
Doctor Who has swept away most of its critics and won
numerous awards. Fantastic!