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Alien Race: Quacka


The Quacka in appear like anthomorphic ducks.  The evolved on the planet Pondula III in The Big Drink, a remote sector in the Outer Rim, near Bakura.  

Personality:  As a whole the Quacka are a friendly people.  They usually have an upbeat and optimistic attitude.  They take pride in their work and work hard, though they always seem relaxed.  The Quacka, especially young males, tend to very adventuresome.  They love daring careers, such as starfighter pilots or as Sector Rangers.  Quacka can often be found frequenting space ranger bars taking up careers as smugglers or pirates, though not the cut-throat kind.  If you are ever robbed by a Quacka you'll probably find him the most polite criminal you ever meet.

LanguageThe Quacka and equally well speak their own language and basic.

Example namesQuackajack, Big Bill, Darktail, Skywing, Paddlefoot, Duckula!

AgeChild 1-11; young adult 12-15; adult 16-30; middle age 31-50; old 51-65; venerable 66+ 


Attribute Dice: 12D
Dex: 1D/4D
Know: 1D/4D
Mech: 1D/4D+1
Perc: 1D/4D
Str: 2D/4D
Tech: 1D+2/4D

Aquatic: Swimming +1D

Typical Quacka
Dex 2D, Know 1D, Mech 2D+2, Perc 2D, Str 2D, Tech 2D+1
blaster 4D, dodge 4D, streetwise 3D, swimming 4D



The Quacka made contact with galactic society 4000 years before The Battle of Yavin, by which time they had already developed inter-system starship travel.  The first contact was not easy.  A group of Jedi had followed hyperspace co-ordinates left by a Republic Scout which claimed to lead to a lost sanctuary moon belonging to the infamous Xim the Despot.  The Jedi were in a race against a Hutt cartel who wanted to find Xims hidden treasure.  The Jedi made first contact with the Quacka, not knowing that the Hutts had beat them to it.  The Hutts had convinced the Quacka that the Jedi were their enemy and were not to be trusted.  The Jedi were taken to Pondula III where they were tried as war criminals and sentenced to be executed.  The Jedi promptly escaped their captors and pursued the Hutts.  There was indeed a small fortress belonging to Xim, but it was well guarded by ancient, yet still working and dangerous, war droids.  The treasure should belong to the Quacka people, after all, this was their space, but the Hutts were going to steal it.  The Jedi were able to reveal the Hutts deception and make peace with the Quacka.  Soon after Republic diplomats arrived on Pondula III and the system was soon a part of the Galactic Republic.

Through the centuries Pondula II has been ruled by an elected President, but things would soon change as the Empire rose to power.  It was during the start of the Clone Wars that a corrupt official managed to manipulate events so that he himself would become President.  President Darktail, a student of the Dark Side seemed to mimic the events on Coruscant.  Darktail convinced the people that the Republic was their enemy, and Pondula III joined the Separatists.  It was Darktail that would be his own downfall.  The Clone Wars spilled out across the galaxy and soon reached The Big Drink.  The Jedi were determined to remove Darktail from power, but the conflict was not an easy on and the fighting spread sending the whole sector into civil war.  Darktail disappeared, believed dead, but The Big Drink was in  ruin.  There was no formal government and criminal organisations had soon crept into the system.  These criminal syndicates fought amongst themselves for control of the system.  The Big Drink was a lawless area of space.  Then the Emperor came to power.  A local Imperial governor was assigned and tasked with putting together some form of local government, answerable the Empire or course.  By now there were only two real criminal syndicates left in the sector, Big Bill's and the Nok Syndicate.  Which brings us up to the present day.

Big Bill runs Pondula III, unofficially.  The local Imperial Governor is still struggling to put together any real form of government.  He's asked for assistance but The Big Drink has been forgotten and the Empire has no need for the backwater sector.



As a whole the Quacka are a friendly people.  They usually have an upbeat and optimistic attitude.  They take pride in their work and work hard, though they always seem relaxed.  The Quacka, especially young males, tend to very adventuresome.  They love daring careers, such as starfighter pilots or as Sector Rangers.  Quacka can often be found frequenting space ranger bars taking up careers as smugglers or pirates, though not the cut-throat kind.  If you are ever robbed by a Quacka you'll probably find him the most polite criminal you ever meet.

Language:  The Quacka and equally well speak their own language and basic.

Example names:  Quackajack, Big Bill, Darktail, Skywing, Paddlefoot, Duckula!

Age:  Child 1-11; young adult 12-15; adult 16-30; middle age 31-50; old 51-65; venerable 66+ 



 Coral-Gun - D6

This weapon shoots a wet 'coral' sponge at the target.  Upon hitting the target it wraps itself around the target and hardens, having much the same effect as a tangle-gun or Charon web-spinner.  The Target must spend an action against the Coral Strength to break free.

Scale Character
Skill to Use Blaster: Coral-Gun
Cost 2,000 credits
Availability 4, X
Range Short only: 3-20 meters
Damage none - Strength 5D
Special Effects If his the target may make no actions except trying to break free.  
Force Effects Should a Jedi ever try to make any force attack upon the coral it has an odd side-effect.  The coral will absorb the characters ALTER skill, with the Alter dice now adding permanently onto the Coral strength, making it now very difficult short of industrial cutters to break free.

The Jedi loses their ALTER dice for 24 hours then regains them at 1D per hour.


Glop-Gun - D6

A non-lethal but very effective entrapment weapon.  The glop-gun hits its target with a liquid bubble.  The bubble surrounds it's victim rendering them unconscious.

Scale Character
Skill to Use Blaster: Glop-Gun
Cost 9,000 credits
Availability 4, X
Range Short only: 3-30 meters
Damage none - Strength 6D
Special Effects Each round the victim is encased they must make a Stamina check staring at Easy.  Failure renders the victim unconscious.  The Bubble can be burst.  Damage with a sharp weapon may be made against  the bubbles Strength.  The victim may also make this roll, but after the Stamina check.


Duck-Wing Starfighter

Craft Duck-Wing Starfighter
Type Defense Starfighter
Scale Starfighter
Crew 1
Passengers 1
Consumables 1 week
Cost 150, 000 (New); 75,000 (second-hand)
Hyperdrive Multiplier x 3
Hyperdrive Backup none
Nav. Computer Yes
Maneuverability 2D+2


Hull 3D
Shields 1D
Fire-linked Laser Cannons
Fire Control 3D
Damage 5D