Nestine Consciousness
viewing before using the Nestine in your game
Doctor Who:
Spearhead from Space
Doctor Who:
Terror of the Autons
Auton 2:
Auton 3
Doctor Who:
The Nestine Consciousness
is capable of controlling matter and animating it. It has a special
affinity for plastic.
The Nestine are bent on
controlling the galaxy by steadily replacing the ruling body of the target
world. The Nestine homeworld, if any, is unknown.
The Nestine are a
billion-year old collective intelligence who abandoned their physical
bodies to become a single entity of pure mind, made of energy. The
Nestene's original shape was a tentacled creature, with a large, single
eye, combining features of the crab and the octopus. The Nestene will
often start an Invasion from afar. Plastic dodecahedrons'
approximately 40cm in diameter are launched into space towards their
target world. These Control Units carry the spirit of a Nestine.
The control Units can from here prepare for a full Nestine invasion.
They will ready host bodies for the intelligence. The Nestine have
an affinity with plastic. Often they will construct plastic mannequins
to control and host known as Autons. They can also with more time
produce exact replica's of a being in order to infiltrate a planets
government. By the time a full Nestine intelligence takes place the
planets defenses will have already been nullified.
The Nestine can
telepathically control inanimate objects, especially those made from
plastic. The Doctor Who story 'Terror of the Autons' shows the
Nestine control a plastic telephone cable and attempt to strangle the
Game Stats
These small dodecahedrons
(approx 50cm in diameter) are dispatched to the target planet. They are
basically the Nestine scouts linked to the Consciousness.
Dexterity |
4D |
Strength |
2D |
Perception |
5D |
The Nestine units can cause
a hypnotic effect upon anybody touching it or very close proximity.
Roll Perc. vs. target

Shop dummies with built in
blasters sums these up. As they are merely animated objects doing the
Nestine bidding they are difficult to destroy.
4D |
n/a |
2D |
Blaster |
5D |
Ground Car |
4D |
Dodge |
5D |
Starship piloting |
4D |
3D |
4D |
2D |
Search |
5D |
Brawl |
5D |
Hide/Sneak |
5D |
Built in Blasters: (5D+1)
* Autons can not be destroyed by
normal bullets or from blasters with damage 5D or less.
* Heavier blasters can damage the
Autons but they only take ONE point of damage for each hit.
* Heavy weapons (8D or vehicle
scale) do normal damage.
* Aiming does not increase the
amount of damage against Autons.
* Melee weapons with above 5D damage
only inflict one wound, except for Lightsabre's.
* Lightsabre's cause damage as
* Force attacks are useless short of
Bolt of Lightening and Force Storms. Autons have no intelligence and are
not droids to turn off.
Dex: 1D
Know: 5D
Mech: 1D
Perc: 7D
Str: 5D (Walker Scale) Character
scale Brawling
Tech: 3D
Although they can take upon material
form, only a mental energy attack or sonic attack can totally destroy
them. Any other attack makes them shift into astral form where they will
remain dormant for indeterminable years.
They can put their being into any
individual or plastic construct.
Body possession - Roll PERC vs.
Destroying a Nestine is very
difficult and will usually require no less than a Jedi Master. It's up to
GM's to think of other ways if allowing players to dispose of them.