Lightsaber duels are the epitome of what makes Star Wars
great. Darth Maul vs Qui-Gon, Anakin vs Oni-Wan being just
two great examples. Alas this is where the D6 rules system
needs fleshing out more.
While the lightsaber rules work well in general combat,
there needs to be more flare for a duel, so this is how I
have been handling Lightsaber duels.
In a Lightsaber duel use ONLY the Lightsaber Skill.
No parry or 'Lightsaber Combat' are used.
The combat is then done with each combatant pressing for the
Note: it does not have to
be just Lightsabers that are used in a duel. Other
options are;
Martial Arts
The Force (Alter
Start at Duel step.
With each success you
push further towards your opponent until you do damage.
During the first
rounds of combat a character must win TWO duel steps
in a row to gain Advantage.
When a character has
Advantage if losing character wins, is only wounded or
takes no damage, it goes back to Duel step in the next
Following each step
of Combat the GM and Player should describe events, with
the loser being pushed back.
If the damage causes
Incapacitated the attacker may cause a maimed injury.
The Character it treated as Wounded, but combat is
If Mortal Wound is
inflicted the attacker has the option to maim and leave
character Incapacitated instead.
Duel (x2 at beginning of combat) > Advantage > Damage!
Example of combat;
Round 1
Jedi and Darth Talon
Duel. Jedi Wins.

Round 2
Still at the Duel step,
the Jedi wins again. Jedi has Advantage

Round 3
Darth Talon wins.
It goes back to the Duelling step.

Round 4
Darth Talon wins again,
now Darth Talon has Advantage. She does not need to
win a second Duel step.

Round 5
Darth Talon wins again
and inflicts damage on the Jedi.

Combat returns to the
Duel step if the Jedi is not defeated.