Race |
Xerophyte |
Homeworld |
Zulfa Thura |
A Xerophyte is a highly intelligent plant
lifeform. They inhabit the harsh desert world of Zulfa Thura.
Like their world they are a harsh species. They acknowledge that it
is wrong to dominate other species, but do so with ruthless arrogance.
They are Xerophyte. They are superior.
A Xerophyte's greatest disadvantage is its
inability to move under its own power. As a result Xerophytes gained
the ability of mind control, allowing them to command others to do their
bidding. A Xeropyte is also capable of transferring it's
consciousness into another being and taking control of their body.
Once in this new form they even have the power of transmutation, or
shape-shifting, with limited capacity (i.e. a human host can only change
into human forms). This mind control does however leave the
Xerophytes own body defenseless.
Eventually, war broke out on Zulfa Thura
with all of their race being destroyed, or so it was believed. A
single Xerophyte, named Meglos, survived in a sealed chamber below
the planets surface. Meglos used a band of mercenaries to bring him
a human host so that he could set into action his plan to steal the
powerful dodecahedron from the neighboring planet of Tigella
(see Doctor Who story Meglos).
TV appearance: Meglos
Personality: Xerophytes
are aggressive and war-like. They
prefer to dominate their enemies rather than negotiate. Their
patience however is legendary, having been known to wait hundreds of years
to take their revenge.
Language: telepathic,
Age: unknown
(though they can live for many hundreds of years)
Species Traits D20
Ability Modifiers: -4
Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence
Medium Sized: No
Speed: Base
Speed 10
This falls into two categories, Hosting
and Control.
Hosting occurs when the Xerophyte first
attempts to gain control of a subject.
Target must make a Willpower check, DC15 + Xerophytes
A character with the Force Sensitive Feat
gains +4 bonus to this check.
For each point the target fails the DC
check the Xerophyte gains control of the subject for this many
hours. eg. Level 4 Xerophyte, Hosting DC19, target rolls 17,
Xerophyte has control for 2 hours.
After this time the host may attempt to
resist, and every hour after that. For every resistance check beyond
the first the targets gains +1 to his resistance check. The target
must make two successful consecutive resistance checks to free himself
from the mind grip of the Xerophyte.
During the resistance the host may take on
Xerophyte, cactus-like, appearance such as green skin or prickles over
their body. Once the Xerophyte has been 'forced out' it will revert
to its own body.
It may be possible for a Jedi, or even a
friend, to force a resistance check from the host in less than an hour by
encouraging the host to resist (GM discretion).
D6 stats
Dexterity |
none |
Knowledge |
6D |
Mechanical * |
2D |
Perception |
5D |
Strength ** |
1D |
Technical * |
4D |
* These skills cannot be used, other than
in an advisory capacity, unless in a host body.
** Strength Attribute is for damage
resistance only. Strength skills cannot be used.
Mind Control
This falls into two categories, Hosting
and Control.
Hosting occurs when the Xerophyte first
attempts to gain control of a subject.
Roll the Xerophytes PERCEPTION vs. the
targets Willpower skill. (record the results)
A Jedi may resist with their CONTROL x2 (eg.
Control 3D, resist with 6D)
Find the Control Score, this is Xerophytes
PERC. minus the targets Willpower as rolled in the Hosting stage.
The Xerophyte has control of the subject
for a number of hours equaling the Control Score. After this time
the host may attempt to resist, and every hour after that. For a
resistance check re-roll PERC. vs. Willpower, but this does not affect the
Control Score. For every resistance check beyond the first the
targets gains +1 to his resistance check (with +3 equaling +1D). The
target must make two successful consecutive resistance checks to free
himself from the mind grip of the Xerophyte.
During the resistance the host may take on
Xerophyte, cactus-like, appearance such as green skin or prickles over
their body. Once the Xerophyte has been 'forced out' it will revert
to its own body.
It may be possible for a Jedi, or even a
friend, to force a resistance check from the host in less than an hour by
encouraging the host to resist (GM discretion).