Time And
Relative Dimensions In Space
The TARDIS Time Capsule is
a Time Lord space/time craft. Most Time capsules are fitted with a chameleon
circuit that allows the exterior of the craft the change and blend in with
it's surroundings. Some of the older models however are renown for
having faulty chameleon circuits.
The Exterior of a TARDIS is
nearly indestructible and is merely a gateway to a pocket universe that is
the inside of the craft. This does lend to the feeling that it is
bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.
Travel in the TARDIS is
controlled from the console Room. The TARDIS dematerialises and
shifts through the space/time vortex before rematerialising in a new
location. Again, many older models have a tendency to be more
difficult to pick a precise date and location.

TARDIS features:
This means each TARDIS, and TARDIS key, is attuned to one particular Time
Lords DNA. A Time Lord does however tend to leave a residue of their their
symbiotic imprint on the key and console meaning another may use the
TARDIS for a limited time.
Architectural Configuration
System - This
allows the operator to alter the interior of the TARDIS in the same way
that the Chameleon Circuit alters the exterior. Since the interior of a
TARDIS is outside of what is known as three-dimensional-space, the
interior can be configured in almost any way imaginable with rooms, doors,
and hallways that double back on themselves, appear to occupy the same
space, or lead to indeterminate points. It generally takes only a Moderate
roll to alter the interior architecture, though modifications to the
interior design - apparent building materials and the like - often require
Difficult rolls. Every configuration must include the main and secondary
control rooms, medical facilities, and Zero Room.
Chameleon Circuit
- Often the first system to go on older units like the Type 40. The
circuit allows the TARDIS' interface with the real world to alter
according to the needs and desires of its operator. The interface can look
like a doorway, a clock, a spaceship, a Police Call Box, an enclosed
speeder, a tent, or any number of different configurations that allow the
operator and passengers to come and go unobtrusively. Only an Easy skill
roll in TARDIS Operations is required to reconfigure the Chameleon
Circuit. The weight of the TARDIS' external interface is variable up to
100,000 Kg.
Cloister Bell -
A warning signal that can only be activated from Gallifrey when events are
detected that endanger all space and time. The early warning system is
meant to inform Time Lords in the field who may be able to prevent the
disaster, or at least escape it.
Hostile Action Defense
System - This
system is a passive defense that when activated will monitor the immediate
area around the TARDIS for signs of tampering or attack on the exterior.
To defend itself it will initiate a series of random jumps within several
yards of the original location. If this has no effect it will
dematerialize the TARDIS for one hour or until the threat is ended.
Internal Weapons
Deactivation System
- When active it prevents the use of chemical or energy weapons within the
TARDIS, even open flame is impossible to maintain. It does not have any
effect on purely mechanical or physical attacks.
Medical Facilities -
TARDISes are equipped with an Advanced Diagnostic Terminal, which gives
the operator a 6D Medical skill for diagnostic purposes only, and can
recommend treatment as well as activate life-support for a patient. A Cell
Regeneration Vault will allow a patient to heal radiation damage at their
normal healing rate through the use of regular treatments. A Zero Room is
also provided that isolates anyone/thing inside from external stimula.
This is extremely helpful in aiding the recovery of a newly regenerated
- TARDIS keys are coded on a molecular level, so even though it might be
possible to create a fake good enough to fool a Time Lord, it would not be
possible to fool the TARDIS. Duplicate keys for all operational TARDISes
are kept on Gallifrey.
Temporal Invulnerability
- The TARDIS is completely invulnerable to most forms of damage, unless
damage is transmitted interdimensionally. Explosives that produce hard
radiation shunt some of this energy interdimensionally and can damage a
Time/Space Travel
- A TARDIS can travel through time and space with few restrictions. The
difficulty assigned to such a 'jump' is based not on the distance through
time and space, but on how precise the destination is being set for and
how familiar the operator is with the destination. Travel to a particular
planet is generally Easy, as long as it is well known or documented. A
specific time period or general place on the planet is Moderate. Being
more specific requires at least a Difficult roll unless the operator is
intimate with the destination. Travel time is relative and is based on the
desires of the operator, as well as the difficulty and distance of the
jump. TARDISes are in a dematerialized state when time traveling, though
when traveling through space this is optional. TARDIS stands for
"Time And Relative Dimensions In Space." The bulk of the vehicle
is dimensionally transcendental, meaning that it exists outside of normal
space time, and as a result is not limited by standard geometry and
physics. The interior and exterior of the TARDIS can be modified to fit
the whims and needs of the operator almost at will, and it can be used to
travel to nearly any point in the space-time continuum, with some
restrictions. TARDIS power comes from a captured black hole, known as the
Eye of Harmony, buried under the Panopticon on Gallifrey. This energy is
broadcast through the vortex and powers the unit's Time Rotor, a
crystalline column that contains the TARDIS' main instrumentation. This
column rises and falls during dematerialization, relative travel, and
rematerialization of the TARDIS' real world interface. Gallifreyan time
travel was invented by Rassilon, who also imposed the Doctrine of Non-
Intervention. In the early days of Gallifreyan time travel the Time Lords
abused their power by blatantly giving high technology to primitive
species, and by collecting unwilling participants for the Games of Death.
The doctrine forbids the use of space-time travel in order to affect the
course of another race's natural development. This technology is only to
be used to monitor and observe.
Type |
Rogue |
Race |
Lord |
Age |
450+ |
Quote |
that takes me back. Or is it forward? That's the trouble
with time travel, you can never remember." |
Player ID |
Ugavine |
"I say this war is
rather a bad thing. Would you like some help? I have some
experience with Sith Lords, evil powers, megalomaniacs wanting to
exterminate people. Where am I from? Oh, here and there, but
usually somewhere in-between."
2D |
5D |
2D |
Brawl Parry |
3D+1 |
Alien Races |
6D |
Astrogation |
8D |
Dodge |
5D+1 |
Languages |
5D+1 |
Starship Shields |
2D+1 |
Melee |
3D |
Planetary Systems |
5D+2 |
TARDIS Op. (s) |
5D |
Temporal Science |
6D |
Technology |
6D |
3D |
2D |
4D |
Bargain |
3D+1 |
Brawl |
3D+1 |
Computers Prog/Rep |
5D+1 |
Command |
4D+1 |
Climb/Jump |
3D+1 |
TARDIS rep. (s) |
Con |
4D |
Stamina |
4D |
Search |
4D+1 |
Willpower |
4D |
Points: 2
TARDIS, sonic screwdriver, pocket computer, advanced armour vest (+2D),
glow rod, breath mask, recording rod, flares, blaster power pack (but no
Capsule: Dodo is a
renegade Time Lord. He was forced to re-generate by his own people
for actions 'unbefitting a Time Lord'. In other words, he interfered
in the galaxies affairs. The irony is that the actual deed that
caused the Time Lords to be upset with him did not occur until after he
had re-generated?!! Dodo was once an aid for the High Council of
Time Lords, but now roams the galaxy in a dilapidated old Type 40 TARDIS,
his time machine. His appearance, similar to that of his old academy
friend is kind of by accident. In his duties working for the Time
Lord High Council he had was to try and persuade The Doctor to return to
Gallifrey. In the proceedings Dodos' own TARDIS was damaged.
The Doctor helped him out. However, the 'ghosting' of The Doctors
TARDIS systems onto Dodos' only left Dodo with more problems. Now
his own chameleon circuit is broken with his TARDIS also stuck in the form
of an Earth Police Box. Dodo has never even seen a Police Box!
When the Time Lords punished Dodo it was Dodos' attempt to telepathically
call out to The Doctor to help him that caused his re-generation to take
on a similar appearance to his friend. Fortunately his friend has
since re-generated several times now.
Dodo wanders the
time-vortex. He can be found aiding the Rebel Alliance, hob-knobbing
with Tapani nobility, offering advice to the ancient Jedi on Ossus or
wandering the far future streets of Crix City amongst times and places.
Quirks / Odd
abilities: never knows the time,
frequently gets lost in own TARDIS.