Sea Devils, Draconians,
Zygons, Quarks
Sea Devils are an aquatic reptilian
race that evolved on the planet Earth. They can breath air and
water, and live in underwater cities. Sea Devils have a tough green
and brown leathery skin and wear simple clothes that appear nothing more
than mariners nets. Sea Devils wield a disc-like blaster capable of
emitting a deadly heat-ray at short range. TV
appearance: The Sea Devils Personality: Sea
Devils are very mistrusting of other races. Those who cross them will feel
their fiery temper. Sea Devils would commit genocide to save their
own race.
Language: telepathic
Age: Child
1-8; young adult 9-13; adult 14-30; middle age 31-42; old 42-55;
venerable 56+
Sea Devils in the Star Wars Universe
Sea Devils could be used on any planet
where there is a large ocean. they could have either evolved there,
but be in hibernation, much like the Doctor Who story, or be space
travelers that have settled the sea bed.
Sea Devil Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: +1
Constitution, -2 Charisma
Medium Sized: No
Speed: Base
Speed 10, 15 under water.
Special: Sea
Devils can breath under water at any depth and gain +3 to Swim.
Sea Devil Species Traits D6
min |
max |
Dexterity |
2D |
4D |
Knowledge |
1D+2 |
3D+2 |
Mechanical |
2D |
4D |
Perception |
1D |
3D |
Strength |
2D |
4D+2 |
Technical |
1D+2 |
4D |
Bonus Skills:
Sea Devils gain +1 Natural
Armour and +1D onto all Swimming checks.
Homeworld: Draconia
The Draconians are an old an noble race. They rule an Empire of planets
stretching across twelve Sectors, and over 400 inhabited planets. The
Draconian Emperor is strict but fair. And while the Draconians are a
peaceful people, more apt at political bargaining than fighting, their
starfleet is vast and well armed, if slightly less advanced than Imperial
Star Destroyers.
Women are second class citizens on most Draconian worlds, even male
aliens have more rights. The death penalty is also in effect on every one
of their worlds, although death row can be a long wait as the lawyers
quarrel in the courts.
TV appearance:
Frontier in Space, Mindgame (spin-off movie)
Personality: Males
are very dominating. Their words are abrupt and they mean what they
say. Draconians can often be single-minded and difficult to sway
once their mind is made up.
Language: Draconican,
only nobles or diplomats learn to speak Basic.
Age:Child 1-11;
young adult 12-16; adult 17-40; middle age 41-80; old 81-119; venerable
Draconians in the Star Wars
Foundations of the Republic
Hyperspace technology was new and rare in these days.
armies were still swarming out, conquering new worlds in the name of the
13th Emperor. This was a dark era in Draconian history where many
atrocities were committed.
Tales of the Jedi
A prosperous time for Draconia. The 500th Emperor is crowned and
peaceful relations are made with the Republic, with Draconian ambassadors
representing their Empire in the Senate.
The New Order
With the rise of Emperor Palpatine’s New Order Draconia upped
security at all it’s boarders. Despite being a political genius,
Palpatine knew that victory over Draconia could not be made through
politics. The Imperial Navy successfully took three Sectors from Draconia.
But the surprise came when Draconia took them back. Although not open
supporters of the Rebel Alliance Draconian ambassadors are willing to take
high risks to secure their Empire. Meanwhile, relatively peaceful
relations have been made with the two Empire’s. But Palpatine is simply
waiting for the right time to strike at Draconia.
Warriors of Gar
note: In our universe Draconian Space lies beyond the Hydian Way hyperlane
near Anoth and is bordered with Dalek controlled Space.
New Republic
Due to their early confrontations with the Empire Draconia is being
very cautious. They have made contact with the New Republic, and Draconian
delegates sit as observers in the Senate. Still, Draconia has yet to join
the New Republic and heavy taxes are levied at ships passing into or out
of New Republic Space.
Draconian Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: +1
Wisdom, +1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma, -1 Dexterity
Medium Sized: No
Speed: Base
Speed 10.
Special: Draconians
gain a +3 bonus onto all Diplomacy checks
Draconian Species Traits D6
min |
max |
Dexterity |
2D |
3D+1 |
Knowledge |
2D+2 |
4D+1 |
Mechanical |
1D |
4D |
Perception |
2D+1 |
4D+1 |
Strength |
2D |
4D |
Technical |
2D |
4D |
Bonus Dice:
A Draconian gets 2D for every 1D placed in
Bargain & Bureaucracy at time of creation
Zygons Zygons
are an aquatic race, yet are still capable of breathing out of water. They
evolved on the planet Zygos, a planet destroyed by a stella explosion.
Zygons have orange and green rubbery
skin covered with sucker-like nodules and speak with a gurgling voice. The Zygon
race are refugees searching for an appropriate planet to terra-form into a world
to mimic Zygos. This they will do at any costs.
Zygon technology is organic based,
including their weapons and starships. The most amazing piece of Zygon
technology is their body transference machine. Once a body print is taken
of an individual the machine can transform a Zygon, or other persons, into an
exact duplicate of the person. The technology is however not 100% stable
and soon the transformed target will start to revert back to their old
self. During transference some or all of the copied persons memories are
also transformed.
Zygon Transference - Once
every hour the transformed person must make a Will saving throw DC15 or revert
to their true form. The DC increases by +3 every hour past the
first. Memories of the copied person can be accessed with a Will roll DC15
+ targets level. This accesses memories, but not skills. A bluff
roll of DC10 + targets ranks in Spot must be rolled to convince close friends or
relatives of the copied person.
TV appearance: Terror of
the Zygons
Personality: Zygons
are an arrogant race. They can be aggressive when provoked but can be
timid if alone or startled.
Language: Zygon
Age: Child
1-7; young adult 8-12; adult 12-30; middle age 31-50; old 51-65;
venerable 66+
Zygons in the Star Wars
Universe Zygon refugees
could threaten any temperate or moist planet, especially planets with less than
Space level technology. It is unlikely Zygons would openly oppose the
Empire or the Republic, but also doubtful they would ally with them also.
Zygon transfer technology would be much sought after, especially by the Empire
or Corporate Sector.
Zygon Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: +1
Strength, +1 Intelligence, -1 Constitution, -1 Wisdom
Medium Sized: No
Speed: Base
Speed 8
Special: Zygons
can breath under water.
Zygon Species Traits D6
3D+2 |
2D |
4D+2 |
1D |
2D |
5D |
4D+2 |
2D |
Bonus Skills:
Zygons can breath under water.
TheQuarks are the robotic servants
of the Dominators. Their primary role is assisting in drilling and mining
operations, but can readily be used as sentries using their energy beam as a
deadly weapon.
TV appearance: The
Str 16, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6
WP: 16, Defense 12 (-1 Dex, +3 Armour), Init
-1, Fort +3, Ref -1, Will -2
Attack Melee +3, Ranged -1
Skills: Disable Device +3, Demolitions +6,
Knowledge (mining) +3, Repair +6, Spot +3