This idea is based off the
Battlefront computer game. In the game you get
reinforcements from your command posts.
Choose a marker to
represent a Command Post. The number of command
posts is up to you, three or four should be enough.
At the end of a round, if a
player has a character adjacent to a Command Post he gains
+5 points of reinforcements from that post. He may
bring on the reinforcements immediately, or wait another
round to try and buy a more expensive character.
Should a player end a round without a character next to
the relevant Command Post all reinforcement points for
that post are lost. If an opponent moves adjacent to
the post neither side gains any points, but current points
are not lost but cannot be spent.
Variant 1: "Wipe
them out, all of them!" First side to
eliminate the other.
Variant 2: "Just
hold 'em off for a few more seconds." First
side to control all Command Posts at the end of a round.
Varient 3:
"Stand by, stand by..." There is a set
number of rounds, at the end of the final round the winner
is the one to control the most Command Posts. On a
tie the winner is the one with the highest point total of
characters still in play.
