Alien Races

are an odd dragon-like race. They are very rare and
usually encountered in remote spaceport bars trading
information for a drink. The exact nature and origin
of Digit is unknown. No one knows their home world and
due to their odd defence system, teleportation, no one has
ever been able to study one. Their natural ability to
teleport is an odd ability that xeno-biologists believe
could have only developed due to an extreme threat, possible
predator, in their natural environment. Though how
their teleport ability actually works is still a mystery.
Description: Digit appear as small, squat,
slightly tubby dragons. Their skin is almost rubber
rather than scales confusing xeno-biologists as to whether
they are mammal or reptilian. Digit have a thin tail
and folded wings. It is very rare a digit will be seen
extending it's wings leaving many to believe that they
cannot fly. This is not the case, in fact they are
very agile whilst in the air.
If Digit cultures do exist they are unknown. No two
Digit have ever been seen together. It is not even
known how Digit reproduce, or even if there are more than
Most digit tend to be cynical and sarcastic. Their
language is usually offensive and derogatory.
Unknown, though all encountered speak Basic.
names: Digit
Dex: 1D+1 Know 3D
Mech: 1D
Perc: 3D Str: 2D+1
Tech: 1D+1
As an unarmed strike Digit may use it's bite attack, Damage
Digit can fly (but rarely do so because they
can't be bothered).
A Digit may teleport as a Reaction. Teleport is an automatic
defence. So long as the Digit is aware of the attack
they may teleport before any other action. There is no known way of blocking a Digit
from Teleporting and they may use this ability without
Factors Racial secrecy. Digit will never
talk of their home world or culture. They will not put
themselves in unnecessary danger and will always Teleport at
the hint of any physical threat.
is a common household pet, usually found in middle-class homes of
the Core Worlds and Mid Rim. The Moogie has no natural habitat and
cannot be found in the wild. Moogie were genetically created by
Lurrian genetic engineers to fill the niche market of domestic pets
for children.
stand no more than sixteen inches high, have small feet and hands,
with no arms. Moogie have blue fur which is light in colour when
young gradually turning to a dark blue as the Moogie grows old.
Moogie have a life expectancy of around six years. Moogie are
loving creatures and reports of vicious Moogie tend to be
exaggerated or totally unfounded. They have no teeth or claws and
can always be trusted even with young children.
Moogie trade has become
big business in recent years with even large corporations of the
corporate sector investing in Moogie breeding. Terror Corporation,
most commonly linked with weapon manufacture, were recently fined by
the Imperial Bureau of Non-Sentient Animal Care for unsanctioned
breeding of Moogie along with other charges of animal cruelty and
tampering with the Moogie genetic code in breach of the Lurrian
Personality Moogie
are loving and friendly, especially with young children. They love
to play and laugh, giggling when their tummy is tickled.
None, though they can mimic a few words.
Example names:
Moog, Moo-Moo, Blue
Child 1-6 months; adult 7 months - 6 years; old 6years +
Species Traits
Dex: 1D+1
Perc: 1D+2
Str: 1D
are bipedal canines with a thin brown fur, long bodies and long
face. Jackals always appear to be growling, and this is in fact
true, but is down to their aggressive nature rather than any
physical trait.
Cultures: Jackal
are a mongrel species hailing from no fixed abode. Their clans have
seemingly roamed the galaxy for several millennia. Jackal DNA is
very close to that of Bothans with scientists believing that the
Jackal are either an off-shoot of Bothans or the result of Bothans
cross breeding with another species many thousands of years ago.
Jackal have no sense of culture or pride and no official records
exist of Jackal history. Each Jackal clan is ruled by the Prime,
often the strongest of the clan. Jackal Prime is determined by rite
of combat, with no honour involved.
The Jackal are natural
predators and a mercenary race. Several hundred years before the
Clone Wars Jackal settled on a small moon in the Mid Rim. Soon
Jackal were bidding for the big contracts against even the Mercenary
Guild of Coyn. Then, after several altercations, they out-bid the
Mandalorians for a mercenary contract. The Mandalore declared war
on the Jackal, a war the disorganised Jackal were not prepared for.
The Jackal world was destroyed, literally, with only a few small
pockets of Jackal escaping. Over the following years the
Mandalorians would kill Jackal whenever they were encountered
leaving the race on the verge of extinction. When the Jedi wiped
out the Mandalorians they were doing the Jackal a great favour.
Since the Clone Wars Jackal numbers have grown again. Usually
operating in small groups of three or four starships most Jackal
encountered during the rule of the Empire will be pirates.
Personality The
Jackal are nasty and bad tempered bullies, especially the Jackal
Prime. Subordinates often become withdrawn and shy around the
Basic, Mongrel (a mix of Basic and Bothan)
Example names:
Juno, Jax, Kaa, Ruuf
Child 1-5; young adult 6-10; adult 11-30; middle age 31-38; old
39-45; venerable 46+
Species Traits
Dex: 2D+2 Know 1D
Mech: 2D+1
Perc: 1D Str: 2D+2
Tech: 2D+1
Species Abilities
Bite As an
unarmed strike a Jackal may use it's bite attack Damage: Str +2
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