Spirylax Sector
Planet |
Type |
Terrestrial |
Terrain |
Desert |
Temperature |
Hot |
Hydosphere |
Dry |
Atmosphere |
Type II (breath
mask recommended) |
Gravity |
Standard |
Length of
Day |
36 hours |
Length of
Year |
410 days |
Species |
Human |
Function |
Homeworld |
Tech Level |
Space |
Population |
5 Billion |
Spaceport |
several |
Government |
Houses |
Exports |
Spice |
Imports |
items & High Tech |
System |
Spirlyax |
Star |
Spitral |

Spirylax Sector
Small farming world.
Cerean Colony
The planet Luna is an
unremarkable world. Large expanses of grasslands and fields stretch
across this small world. There is only one starport, the standard
class Moonlite Cityport. Governor Gatis has ruled Luna for 15
years. He is a descendant of the original colonists and is very
overprotective of his world. The Corporate Sector are constantly
putting in bids to buy up chunks of Luna, but Governor Gatis is not
selling. Luna has been forced into an uneasy Imperial rule, which
benefits Governor Gatis only by way of dissuading The Corporations
from bugging him.
Spirylax System
The Spriylax System
gives name to the Sector, but is one of three notable worlds in the
system - Spirylax, Kardak and Kardak Prime.
The Capital world is
Spirylax. Spirylax is a large desert world. Several cities rise high
above the surface of the planet. These cities house the rich nobles
of the Sector, with Spiral City the centre of power for the who
sector and home to the Spirylax Governor. The lesser population of
Spirylax live in cities calved into the side of deep chasms. The
surface of Spirylax is often ravaged by harsh sandstorms so travel
between cities is strictly for the rich who can afford armoured
transport. Capital City is Lyrax Tower.
Kardak &
Kardak Prime
This system was once
known as the Kardak System ans the Sector known as the Kardak
Sector. When the Empire came to power the planets of Kardak and
Kardak Prime were targets. The Empire devastated the two worlds.
Kardak is now lifeless and incapable of supporting life. Radioactive
storms tear at the surface of the world making Kardak a very
inhospitable world. Kardak Prime suffered the same fate as its
sister world, though life still exists. Several of the towering
Kardak Prime cities survived the attacks, despite the planets
atmosphere being poisoned. Each Kardak Prime City is now self
contained, but life is hard. Before the Empires attacks Kardak Prime
was a source of learning in the Republic, housing a galactic library
greater than even the Jedi Academy could boast. The destruction of
this library, and the Jedi knowledge it contained, was one of the
reasons for the Empires attacks. Despite this, some libraries
Species: The Kardak
Oceans cover 80% of the
planet. Sprawling cities stretch out across the surface. Phlax is a
resort world, and the only major import of tourism throughout the
Spirylax Sector. It is particularly pleasant to Mon Cal, Quarren and
Aqualish. Phlax is a colony world with no indigenous intelligent
life forms.
Orbiting Mirax is
Terminus Station, a leper colony! Mirax has Type IV (Environment
Suit Required) hostile atmosphere. There is no life on Mirax.
Chard is a world of
heavy industry. The Empire have signed Chard over to Imperial Mining
Corporation in a 100 year lease. Imperial mining have not taken long
in turning the planet into a major industrial world. Several
factories can be found producing weapons for the Empire. These
factories are always under the strictest of security. The are a
number of smaller planets in the system which are heavily mined,
except, Borus, which is a modest entertainment world.
Nicknamed due to it’s
collapsed Sun. Although the Nova sun is not expected to totally
collapse for another thousand years the system is abandoned except
for smugglers and pirates. Most of the planets in the system,
including Nova itself, are barren with cracked surfaces and rivers
of lava.
NPC's of the
Sector Moff |
Cornelias |
Governor |
Debadden (Imperial loyal) |
Governor |
(colony loyal Mon Cal female) |
Governor |
the Hutt |
Stronghold Captain |
Captain Kor |
Stalwart Captain |
Lilithrall - female Captain |
ISB agent |
Damon Thrall |
Alchemy |
Sith Dark
Lord of the Mecrosa Order. |
Carnifex - |
Hunter |
Gorax (Gand) |
Slaver |
Juno |
bodyguard |
Dunk |
criminal on Spirylax |
Bongo the
Hutt |
Debadden’s aide |
Wilmot -
secret member of the Rebel Alliance |
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