The Saxon of the Minds Past
U.S.S. Firestar NCC - 1162 |
First Officers Log Stardate 1403.60 We have arrived at the planet Betab to investigate a strange power source. The Power source is located amongst some ancient ruins, however, the ruins themselves and engulfed within an dimensional disruption of unknown origin. Furthermore, we have detected a small settlement on this otherwise uninhabited world which we suspect to be smugglers. As this world is in disputed territory we have no official rights here. Scene 1 Additional: Attempts at communication have failed. Captain Nishio feels it best we check with this settlement before investigating the power source in case they already have claims to it. Therefore myself, Lt Cmdr L’Val and Lt Krigg will form an Away Team and beam down to make contact. We arrive in what is a shanty town with the buildings being made from shipping containers and bits of starship hull. There is bustle in what passes for a street, maybe due to the arrival of a Federation Starship. We see a bar and enter as this would seem like a reasonably good source of information. The clientele, mostly human, are initially quite nonchalant with our presence. We ask at the bar who is in charge of the town (Diplomacy: FAIL – with Complication) It is at this point the punters get angry at us for snooping. A big man rises from his chair and takes a swing at me which I parry, knocking him to the floor. Second tries to join the fray but Lt. Krigg sweeps their leg. A third many tries to jump be from behind but L’Val calmly incapacitates him with a Vulcan nerve pinch. Feeling we have over stayed our welcome we leave. We don’t go far before out path is blocked by a male Andorian flanked by two bulky humans. Scene 2 I use the probability matrix to generate an NPC adversary, asking the obligatory question; How likely is it that the character is played by Jeffrey Combs - rolling against Highly Probably, and generate an Andorian!
Scene 4 We land the Shuttlecraft just outside the disturbance.
Flashes of blue, green and red
light engulf the ancient ruins, yet they show as no threat according
to our Tricorders. Indeed and we venture into the disturbance we
have no physical ill effect, other than our appearances being coming
distorted to each other.
Scene 7 We take refuge in a small peasant house made from stone with a thatched roof. Lt. Krigg falls unconscious, L'Val successfully treats her but says it is radiation sickness, and our backup meds are in the shuttlecraft. We takes scans of the area and from the Tricorder readings surmise this is not real, just an image formed in our minds. Whoever is doing this must have great telepathic abilities.
Scene 8 A peasant woman enters and is at first terrified to find us in her house but I calm her down. We ask a few questions, she tells us that tomorrow is a wedding between the two rival tribes. But with the arrival of the stranger this is in jeopardy and could lead a war.
Scene 9 We surmise the stranger is Tuval, so in the night, L'Val and myself sneak into the rival Saxon village to try to rescue our shipmate. We are successful in not getting noticed, and get inside the walls of their mot and bailey fort.
Scene 10 We enter what is their great hall and see three men. As we approach they turn around, it is Tuval flanked by two Saxon Warriors. Tuval "Take them!"
The Two Warriors tackle us. We fight the best we can but are overpowered - THREAT with Complication (Captured) but we have Momentum!) Scene 11 The following morning we are brought before the village where we are faced again with Tuval, who is obviously not in his right mind. Tuval "You are intruders here, you must fight to the death for your freedom." I don't accept this. Cmdr Korvak "No. We know this is a mental projection into our minds. And I insist you return Tuval back to us. We are peaceful explorers, and if we caused offence by taking the Power Source we apologise and will gladly return it. Kill me if you must, but I will not fight my comrade. COMMAND + REASON (Success)
Scene 12 The image of the Saxons fade and again we are surround by strange lights and our own images are distorted, but we see around us several odd alien forms. They do not speak, but we hear their words in our minds. Aliens "We are the Zaltael. We evolved into our current form long ago when our bodies could not adapt to what your minds calls gamma radiation. We now exist in the rift. We did not mean to cause you harm, we too only wish to investigate new beings to our realm. Aliens "You may keep the power source, it it a relic from our past that we no longer need." Cmdr Korvak "One of our party is ill, we must leave quickly, but we will return soon so we can share our knowledge."
Scene 13 L'Val "Sir, surely Wosato and his men wil still be waiting for us?" COMMAND + REASON (Success w/Momentum) Cmdr Korvak "Surely they will. However, as we have not checked in to the Firestar the Captain will have sent a team to investigate." Sure enough, as we exit the portal, and the distortion around the ruins Captain Nishio is waiting for us with a Security Team. Wosata and his smugglers apprehended. Explanations are given. Captain Nishio "And the Andorian?" Cmdr Korvak "We are unharmed, and officially he has as much right to be here as we do." The Captain nods and the smugglers are released. Wosato
"Until next time, pink skin." Scene 14 We return by shuttlecraft to the Firestar where Lt. Amara Krigg is treated back to full health.
We spend several more days trading information with the Zaltael and return the the Power Source to Starfleet for further examination. First Officer Log: We have made first contact with a race called Zaltael, telepathic beings that live in a pocket dimension of gamma radiation. We have also found the Power Source we searched for, though understanding it will take time. We also met
Wosata, an Andorian smuggler. I have a feeling we will be
meeting him again. |
next week... Yesterday's Voyage | ||
GM Notes:
This this is my first time using a Solo RPG ruleset, and I have to say I found it great fun. I did create several NPCs for the ship ahead of time, although Tuval was a spur of the moment addition. Mission type: R&D - New Energy Resource Incident: Medicate Theme: Ancient Ruin Complication: Absolute bedlam (I ignored this for my first game) Uninhabited planet - Smugglers port
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