Yesterday's Voyage
U.S.S. Firestar NCC - 1162 |
First Officers Log Stardate 1495.04 The Firestar is hosting a diplomatic reception for the Edosian delegate Vor and Xavier Thoran, leader of a human colony. Having collected the delegates
we are en route to Starbase K25, but a space anomaly has caused us
to make an unexpected detour. DARING + CONN (Success with Momentum) We navigate the anomaly and change our route. INSIGHT + CONN (Success with Momentum) Our new route will add time to
our journey, but with the delegates aboard it is better to be safe.
Vor is an Edosian scientists who is looking to broker a deal that will bring more advanced technology to his people. He is also very excited to be aboard a Federation starship. Xavier Thoran is human, leader of a small trade colony. He is difficult to read, almost Vulcan-like in showing emotion, he has not yet revealed what he hopes to gain from the deal with Vor. COMMAND + PRESENCE (Success) Vor asks if I would engage in a game of Tri-D Chess, I happily oblige. GM Note: I run this as combat COMMAND + REASON (Success) GM Note: I take the opportunity here to trigger the rolled Complication: Sudden Reversal. Vor's emotions shift quickly. I beat Vor rather too easily but the ambassador gets very angry and accuses me of cheating! Not wanting to act threatening I use Reason to try to calm Vor. COMMAND + REASON (Success with THREAT!) Vor calms but the Alert sounds, "All crew to stations!"
DARING + CONN (Difficult - Success!) I manage to bring the Firestar
out of it's descent and into a stable orbit around the planet. As our primary mission is to seek out new worlds Captain Nishio wishes to take time to examine and explore the planet. I need to break this news to the delegates. COMMAND + PRESENCE (Fail - even with Momentum reroll) Delegates are refusing to co-operate until we get back on course. |
An Away Team is assembled with Cmdr Korval, Lt Cmdr L'Val, Lt. Krigg and two security. We beam down.
The City is incredibly advanced. INSIGHT + SCIENCE (Fail) We make Tricorder readings and find some of the systems and elements match nothing on record. I re-roll the Tricorder check with Lt. Cmdr L'Val and get a Success with Momentum. L'Val surmises that some of this technology is from outside this quadrant of space.
REASON + SCIENCE (L'Val - Success - roll double 1!) GM Note: Spend the Momentum and roll: Helpful Advanced species This city was once part of the Tkon Empire. We investigate further and discover an alarming looking life-form...
Scene 6 Cmdr Korvak "We? You appear to be alone here?" The Borg moves forward, one of the security officers intercepts and the Borg attack him, injecting him with something, officer down! We ready phasers! It takes several shots but the alien Borg is Incapacitated.
Cmdr Korvak "Medical Emergency, two to beam direct to medical." Dr. Gillan does what she can but is unable to save her patient. As Korvak leaves Medical Xavier Thoran is outside, with a look of concern. Korvak simply shakes his head. "Nothing changes," mutter Xavier as he walks away.
L'val and the Away Team continue their investigation. Except, when they return to the Borg he is gone!
Xavier Thoran is demanding to see me. We meet in the diplomatic suite where he demands that Dr. Gillan be removed from duties due to her incompetence. The situation is explained that Dr. Gillan has performed her duties exemplarily and the death of the security officer, however tragic was due to his injuries and not the actions of our doctor.
We start getting alerts that crew are being attacked in the Medical area of the ship. Korvak takes a security team to investigate to find several Borg, but they are familiar, they are crew members! Do the Borg Adapt to Phasers? YES
We manage to defeat a couple of the Borg but the remaining ones now appear to have personal force fields blocking our phasers, we retreat and engage shields to restrict their movement.
Scene 11 The Borg, despite physically trapped are able to connect to our computer systems. COMPUTERS + SECURITY (Success with Momentum) We are able
to surmise the Borg are injecting something into the life-support
systems. Nanobots, in the atmosphere, we're breathing them in!
We shut down life support, but that brings it's own problems.
Doctor Gillan is trying to take scans of the Borg creatures, unaware that Xavier Thoran is behind her. Xavier accesses the computer controls and turns off the shields! A Borg drone immediately attacks the doctor! Xavier "You couldn't save my wife, so why should you live."
On the planet L'Val and the Security team have overpowered the injured Borg (with Momentum), and believe the answer to our problems (spending Momentum) is to reverse Engineer the nanobots before we all become Borg.
Scene 14 Fortunately we have extra laboratories aboard the Firestar (Talent: Modular Laboratories) we can use as med bays. Using the computers we start to develop a 'cure'. I calm my mind to fight off the Borg trying to get in my head "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." No it isn't GM Note: I run combat as if fighting the nanobots. FITNESS + MEDICINE (Success with THREAT!) The Away Team return so L'Val can assist. SCIENCE + INSIGHT (Success) We manage to reprogram the nanobots and flush them into the life-support system to distribute across the ship.
The Firestar is en route to Space Station K-25 carrying the delegates Vor and Xavier Thoran. The whole ship appears to have undergone some form of mass hallucination or memory loss caused by the nanobots (Threat) First
Officer Log: We continue our voyage to K-25 having had some form of
memory loss. Vor and Xavier manage to come to an agreement
that suits both parties. However, I still cannot stop thinking
about what events happened that we all seem to have forgotten. |
next week... Klingons on the Starboard Bow | ||
GM Notes:
Mission type: First Contact - Host Diplomatic Reception Incident: Research Theme: Unknown Life-form Complication: Sudden Reversal Uninhabited planet - Once the seat of a Galactic Empire
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