Klingons on the starboard Bow
U.S.S. Firestar NCC - 1162 |
First Officers Log Stardate 1495.35 Admiral
Talas Ryn has boarded the Firestar. Admiral Ryn is a well
respected Andorian, but he has ordered Captain Nishio to change
course to a heading that will lead us into Klingon controlled space.
Admiral Ryn commends my assertiveness and while agreeing that this is not normal procedure, but this is not a normal situation and at present information is classified. He makes sure the Captain notes my concern in the ships log.
First Officers Log A course is set and we proceed
at Warp 6. We arrive at the planet known as Kashaimae Tau, inside Klingon space, and the planet itself is just inside a vast Class 2 nebula. The Admiral orders to scan the planet, with our sensors detecting a crashed Federation starship, USS Drake, an Oberth Class exploration vessel. The nebula is starting to cause system disruption, and our weapon systems are offline!
Scene 3 The scene is distressing, the crew are dead, the ship on limited power. Though we do find ourselves alone with no other life signs. Lt. Cmdr L'Val access the Computer to see what happened Success with Momentum The information (Momentum spend) has information on New Technology that can protect starships against the nebula. Though it may take time to configure we immediately pass this information to the ship. Scene 4L'Val continues to check the ships computer to find details of the crash and discovers it was not shot down, but hit by a Spacial Rift that cause catastrophic system failure. Success with THREAT!
With it's weapons systems and the spacial rift making hiding in the nebula a risky option the Firestar is forced to retreat and moves away at maximum Impulse. With it's shields up we could not be beamed back, meaning we are now trapped on the derelict USS Drake. |
Scene 6 We barricade the Bridge, and L'Val also finds in the ships computer details of a Klingon Intelligence base on this planet, nearby.
It does not take long for the Klingons to breach our defences and a firefight ensures. The Klingons are being led by their Captain who identifies himself as Gor'Wrath. We exchange fire and are successful holding off the Klingons.
While trying to find a better way to defend ourselves we discover the Transporter is still working. We route controls to the Bridge and Beam into the Klingon base.
The Firestar, clear of the systems starts to implement the system upgrades we sent them, these upgrades will however take 12 hours to complete.
Not knowing if we will get rescued with examine the Klingon base and find the Klingons here are dead too, like on the Drake. L'Val starts to examine the base computers when an energy like creature manifests and attacks us with bolts of lightening. We take cover, and are save for now. Checking our Tricorder readings we believe this is the creature that killed the Klingonsn and Drake crew, but according to our scans is it collosal. This creature is part of the spacial rift that exists in the nebula, and it was just reaching out to us here. Our Tricorders also pick up low radiation caused by the creature. While this poses no immediate threat, it would if we become trapped here for a long period of time.
With the information gathered we are able to adjust the frequency of our phasers such that they will repel the creature should it attack again.
Scene 11 The upgrades in place the Firestar returns. Captain Nishio tries to contact the Klingons, but they seem content to just fight. The USS Fires star and the Klingon Battle Cruiser IKS Pagh'targh exchange fire with phasers and photon torpedoes with both ships being damaged. The single hit on the USS Firestar was enough to cause critical Hull damage!
Scene 12 We successfully download the database form the Klingon Base computers, and to our relief the Klingons have not found us.. or they are preoccupied...
The Firestar and Pagh'Targh continue to battle it our above the planet withthe Klingon ship taking heavy damage and forced to retreat. Captain Nishio lets the Klingons go, advising Admiral Ryn that his crew, the Away-Team were his first priority. The Admiral smiles and is full agreement. Scene 14 The Firestar moves back into orbit and the Away-Team beam up.
Admiral Ryn praises our success in finding the Klingon Base and in retrieving the database information. The Admiral asks me if I now understand why there is no such thing as a normal order? I agree with the Admiral as we set course back to Federation space, Warp 8.
next week... Deja Doomsday | ||
GM Notes:
Mission type: Tactical - Admiral on board issues questionable orders Incident: Save Theme: Spacial Rift Advantage: Change of Heart Abandoned place -Military bunker from defeated enemy
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