Deja Doomsday
U.S.S. Firestar NCC - 1162 |
First Officers Log Stardate 1495.40 The
Firestar has arrived at the planet Edos to resolve a dispute of
espionage made by the Edosian Ambassador Rulin against a Federation
member world. The ambassador is quite irate as he sees this as a treaty violation. I assure the ambassador whoever did this was not acting by the authority of the Federation and will be investigated. The ambassador advises the culprit is known as Doctor Rotri Catel. He is sure the doctor is behind as he was in negotiation with the doctor when the doctor fled with Edos technology, a world-builder terra-forming engine!
First Officers Log
We arrive at the planet Emex Alpha I, where records show Doctor Ruti Catel is from. The planet is a distant colony and appears to be in a poor state. Scans of the planet show poor agriculture, and planetary comms indicate severe food and supply shortages. Our presence is actually welcomed and and away team is sent down to meet with Doctor Ruti Catel. Away Team: Command Korval (myself), Lt. Cmdr L'Val and Lt. Krigg. The doctor is welcoming and advises that his planet is dying and communications with the Federation have stalled. He was in contact with Ambassador Rulin, but when negotiations stalled he felt he had no choice, the Terra-Forming Engine is vital to save the planet. In fact it is all but ready to activate form this very control room. The doctor accepts his actions are wrong and agrees to surrender to the Federation, but then hits the activation controls beginning the Terra-Forming process!
Scene 3 Doctor Rotri is allowed to stay to monitor the controls and a science team is beamed down form the Firestar, the Away Team return to advise Ambassador Rulin of the situation. Scene 4The Ambassador is initially furious, the cost of the Terra-forming engine is very high. We explain that dire state of the planet and the Ambassador reluctantly agrees to terms for the use of the engine.
All but ready to leave the system our long range scans detect a vessel of unknown design on a course to Emex Alpha I.
Captain Nishio orders an intercept course. The vessel
is huge, and not unlike the Doomsday Machine encounters by the crew
of the Starship Enterprise. The vessel does not respond to our
hails. First Officers Log
Scene 6 Captain Nishio orders Phasers to be used to stop the approaching vessel.
Direct hit! But the phasers have no effect. Photon Torpedoes are then used. Another direct hit, but alas they also fail to make any difference to the giant vessel.
Cmdr Korvak suggests leading an Away Team to board the vessel. We beam aboard the alien vessel. We find no one aboard, it is completely automated, L'Val is able to decipher the computer system, and while unable to stop the vessel deduces that the signals given out by the Terra-Forming Engine somehow reactivated this ancient weapon and set it on it's course. L'Val advises that his vessel is capable of decimating the planet Emex Alpha I, and must be stopped.
We calculate the weapon will be in range in 12 hours, but we could try and sabotage it from within, a process that would likely take 10 hours. We begin. The vessel is not undefended and energy pulses start hitting our Away Teams, but we have nothing to fire back at! Captain Nishio orders we be beamed back aboard the Firestar.
the Firestar scanners we try to isolate the vessels defences,
but fail to find a way to de-activate them, and the weapons gets
closer to the planet. We decide to try an send a massive energy pulse through the ships main deflector dish, but it will give us no time to make any mistakes.
First Officer Log: The unknown alien weapon approaches Emex Alpha I. The plan is to send an energy pulse through our main deflector dish, but we will only have time for one shot! Scene 11
Re-configuring the deflector dish does not go as planned (Need
to spend Momentum to gain a success), but eventually the dish is
ready. Scene 12 The alien doomsday weapon is in range of the planet as we prepare to make our attack. The Firestar position directly in the vessel's path and we activate the energy pulse hitting the alien vessel. But the pulse is not enough, the alien vessel is undamaged!
SUCCESS AT COST Mechanic "If I give her any more we're going to burn out every system." Captain Nishio "Shut down the pulse..." Cmdr Korvak "No! It's our only chance, and we will be destroyed anyway if we don't stop it now, Captain." Captain Nishio nods, "Engineering, give her everything we have."
The Firestar begins to shake violently, systems start shutting down with multiple internal explosions through out the ship, but we hold the pulse until the alien vessel explodes! The feedback tears through the hull of the Firestar causing critical damage to the Hull and various systems. Scene 14 Captain Nishio "Casualty report." Lt. Cmdr Gillan "A few burns but no casualties captain." The bridge crew release an almighty sigh of relief.
We bid farewell to Doctor Doctor Ruti Catel and limp back to Starbase.
next week... TBC | ||
GM Notes:
Mission type: Near Space Exploration - Treaty violation Incident: Terraform Theme: Rogue Superweapon Complication: Unexpected attack
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