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Star Wars D20



Physical Description:  The Jackal are bipedal canines with a thin brown fur, long bodies and long face. Jackals always appear to be growling, and this is in fact true, but is down to their aggressive nature rather than any physical trait. 

Cultures:  Jackal are a mongrel species hailing from no fixed abode.  Their clans have seemingly roamed the galaxy for several millennia.  Jackal DNA is very close to that of Bothans with scientists believing that the Jackal are either an off-shoot of Bothans or the result of Bothans cross breeding with another species many thousands of years ago.  Jackal have no sense of culture or pride and no official records exist of Jackal history.  Each Jackal clan is ruled by the Prime, often the strongest of the clan.  Jackal Prime is determined by rite of combat, with no honour involved.

The Jackal are natural predators and a mercenary race.  Several hundred years before the Clone Wars Jackal settled on a small moon in the Mid Rim.  Soon Jackal were bidding for the big contracts against even the Mercenary Guild of Coyn.  Then, after several altercations, they out-bid the Mandalorians for a mercenary contract.  The Mandalore declared war on the Jackal, a war the disorganised Jackal were not prepared for.  The Jackal world was destroyed, literally, with only a few small pockets of Jackal escaping.  Over the following years the Mandalorians would kill Jackal whenever they were encountered leaving the race on the verge of extinction.  When the Jedi wiped out the Mandalorians they were doing the Jackal a great favour.  Since the Clone Wars Jackal numbers have grown again.  Usually operating in small groups of three or four starships most Jackal encountered during the rule of the Empire will be pirates.

Personality The Jackal are nasty and bad tempered bullies, especially the Jackal Prime.  Subordinates often become withdrawn and shy around the Prime.  

Language:  Basic, Mongrel (a mix of Basic and Bothan)

Example names:  Juno, Jax, Kaa, Ruuf

Age:  Child 1-5; young adult 6-10; adult 11-30; middle age 31-38; old 39-45; venerable 46+ 

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: -1 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence

Medium Sized: No modifier

Speed:  Base Speed 14.

Species Abilities

Bite As an unarmed strike a Jackal may use it's bite attack Damage 1D4+1




Capsule:  A Moogie is a common household pet, usually found in middle-class homes of the Core Worlds and Mid Rim.  The Moogie has no natural habitat and cannot be found in the wild.  Moogie were genetically created by Lurrian genetic engineers to fill the niche market of domestic pets for children. 

Moogie stand no more than sixteen inches high, have small feet and hands, with no arms.  Moogie have blue fur which is light in colour when young gradually turning to a dark blue as the Moogie grows old.  Moogie have a life expectancy of around six years.  Moogie are loving creatures and reports of vicious Moogie tend to be exaggerated or totally unfounded.  They have no teeth or claws and can always be trusted even with young children.

Moogie trade has become big business in recent years with even large corporations of the corporate sector investing in Moogie breeding.  Terror Corporation, most commonly linked with weapon manufacture, were recently fined by the Imperial Bureau of Non-Sentient Animal Care for unsanctioned breeding of Moogie along with other charges of animal cruelty and tampering with the Moogie genetic code in breach of the Lurrian copyright.

Personality Moogie are loving and friendly, especially with young children.  They love to play and laugh, giggling when their tummy is tickled.

Language:  None, though they can mimic a few words.

Example names:  Moog, Moo-Moo, Blue

Age:  Child 1-6 months; adult 7 months - 6 years; old 6years +

Species Traits

Tiny Sized: +2 modifier to Defense

Speed:  Base Speed 4.

Domestic animal 2 (stats based on Herd animal)

Str 2; Dex 11; Con 8; Wis 8; Int 2; Wis 8; Cha 14

Defense  12 (size +2)

Vitality/WP  6 / 7

Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +0

Attack: Slam -3 (base +1, Str -4) - damage: 10% chance of causing 1 point of damage.

Skills: hide  +2 search +2  entertain +4




Digit are an odd dragon-like race.  They are very rare and usually encountered in remote spaceport bars trading information for a drink.  The exact nature and origin of Digit is unknown.  No one knows their homeworld and due to their odd defense system, teleportation, no one has ever been able to study one.  Their natural ability to teleport is an odd ability that xeno-biologists believe could have only developed due to an extreme threat, possible predator, in their natural environment.  Though how their teleport ability actually works is still a mystery.

Physical Description:  Digit appear as small, squat, slightly tubby dragons.  Their skin is almost rubber rather than scales confusing xeno-biologists as to whether they are mammal or reptilian.  Digit have a thin tail and folded wings.  It is very rare a digit will be seen extending it's wings leaving many to believe that they cannot fly.  This is not the case, in fact they are very agile whilst in the air.

Cultures:  If Digit cultures do exist they are unknown.  No two Digit have ever been seen together.  It is not even known how Digit reproduce.

Personality Most digit tend to be cynical and sarcastic.  Their language is usually offensive and derogatory.

Language:  Unknown, though all encountered speak Basic.

Example names:  Digit, Junx, Draco, Dung, Fu

Age:  Unknown

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: -3 Strength, -2 Constitution, +4 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence

Small Sized: +1 modifier to Defense

Speed:  Base Speed 14.

Species Abilities

Bite As an unarmed strike Digit may use it's bite attack, Damage 1D4+1.

Flying  Digit can fly as Swoopers (but rarely do so because they can't be bothered).

Teleport  A Digit may teleport it's Wisdom modifier x100 meters as an action.  Teleport is an automatic defense.  So long as the Digit is aware of the attack they gain +10 to Defense.

Story Factors  Racial secrecy.  Digit will never talk of their homeworld or culture.  They will not put themselves in unnecessary danger and will always Teleport at the hint of any physical threat.




Transhodians can accurately be described as near-Trandoshans.  They are an off-shoot race that came from Trandoshan colonists several millennia ago.  Transhodians have gained much greater technology than their cousins.  This is a combination of their intelligence and trading.  Most of the Transhodian high technology is reserved for military purposes, including personal cloaking devices and teleportation devices.  Transhodian Special Forces are some of the best warriors in the galaxy, in part due to their advanced technology.  They are also renown for their mastery of the Tera Kasi Martial Arts form.

There are two well known Transhodians in the galaxy.  The first is the Time Bandits own Bossko B.  Bossko B. is the lunatic who is just the coolest dude in the galaxy.  The second is a far less likeable character, the infamous assassin Nish.  Nish charges One Million Credits per hit and has not yet failed.  Due to his diplomatic ties, along with skill and credits, Nish has evaded capture of Galactic authorities (although this may have something to do with being in regular employ by the Empire).

Physical Description:  Transhodians are a reptilian race very similar in appearance to Trandoshans.  the ridges on their heads tend to be less prominent, and despite having only three fingers the same as Trandoshans they are still very dexterous with weapons and tools.

Cultures:  The Transhodians have remarkably few cultural traits.  The few religious members of their race tend to be shamans or spiritualists, though Jedi were not unheard of before the days of the Empire.  The only obvious cultural observations are military ones.  Public holidays on Trashodan, their homeworld, are usually celebrated with military displays and marches.

Personality  Transhodian personalities are as varied as human.  With the recent anti-alien policies of the Empire this has made many Transhodian spacers very nervous, and therefore aggressive.  Female Transhodians can be as equally aggressive as the males.  

Language:  Basic, Dosh

Example names:  Nish, Bossko

Age:  Child 1-8; young adult 8-14; adult 15-45; middle age 46-60; old 61-70; venerable 71+ 

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers:  +1 Strength, -1 Wisdom, -1 charisma

Medium Sized: No modifier

Speed:  Base Speed 14.

Species Abilities

Swim  Transhodians can breath just as easily under water and gain a +3 bonus onto all swimming checks.  Should they swim deeper than 200 meters they must depressurise themselves when returning to 200 meters.  The time to depressurise is 1/2 the time they spent below 200 meters.  Failing to depressurise causes 4D10 Wounds (not vitality).

Acid Spit  1/day a Transhodian may spit up an acidic venom from their throat.  The maximum range is 3 meters and this counts as a ranged attack with a -4 attach penalty.  The character can get a DSP for using this attack as it considered vile, disgusting and painful.  Damage 2D8, Critical 20.





The Skull can be described as re-animated cyborg skeletons.  The Skull exist in a pocket dimension created around large energy sources.  The Skull cannot have evolved naturally, though their origins are long lost.  The existence of this mysterious race has only recently been confirmed by Imperial researchers.  Skull pro-create by stripping the flesh off the dead and re-animating their body through cybernetics.  The subjects brain cannot have been harmed when they die and they cannot have been dead for more than an hour.  For this reason Skull rarely take dead form the battlefield, rather they prefer to abduct potential subjects.  Newly born/created Skull have no memory of their former life.  It is known that the Skull use technology to shift between realspace and their own dimension, passing through Ethereal Space.

The Skill dimension is and odd Plane of Existence that only exists where there is a large energy source in Realspace.  Such examples are high technology cities, or space stations.  There have been documented reports of Skull taking over space stations in order to preserve the stability of their own world.  Should the Realspace energy source diminish, eg. space station is destroyed, the Skull dimension in that area will slowly cease to exist.  Any being trapped their will eventually cease to exist also.  The Skull Dimension is a dark shadowy realm with rocky terrain.  The landscape is made more easy as shadows are Realspace shadows can be seen, and stepped through.

Skull technology is highly advanced, though only used in limited areas, primarily their weapons and in their cloaking technology and dimension shifting technology.  The Skull Cloak is the most recognisable possession of the race.  They all wear these long dark brown cloaks.  These are actually sophisticated devices that allow the Skull to pass between Realspace, Ethereal Space and the Skull Dimension.  These cloaks are powered by processed Energy Shards, small crystalline splinters only found in the Skull Dimension.

Physical Description:  The Skull are Cyborged Skeletons wearing long dark cloaks often wielding an energy scythe.

Cultures:  Skull are ruled over by a Dictator known as Deth.  Deth is the title granted to all who rule.  Skull are a race of warriors, and although their culture and existence is tied closely to the Dark Side the Skull make no conscious evil decisions.  Most denizens of the galaxy will ever have heard of the Skull, let alone met one.  Skull that do dwell in Realspace often work as mercenaries of assassins.

Personality  Skull do not have any emotion.  Even though killing is a way of life to them they shown no remorse or joy in the task.  Skull cannot be insulted or goaded though can be intimidated.

Language:  Unknown, though all encountered speak Basic.

Example names:  Skrax, Skel, Krag

Age:  Unknown

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma

Medium Sized: No size modifiers

Speed:  Base Speed 10.

Species Abilities

Skull Cloak  A Skull Cloak can shift the Skull between Realspace, Ethereal Space and the Skull Dimension.  A cloak has 10 charges.  Any shift into or out of the Skull dimension costs 1 charge.  There is no charge lost for shifting between Realspace and Ethereal Space as long as their is a single charge left.  Skull will often keep a stash of Cloak power cells hidden somewhere nearby but in the Skull Dimension.

Anyone trying to operate a Skull Cloak must make a Technology roll DC 20 to understand it's operation.




These critter live in the swampland of the southern West Continent of the planet Gar, Beyond the Blood Drift.  Gar-drake are reptilian with a hard scaled body and powerful jaws capable of shattering bone.  In their natural habitat Gar-drake hunt in groups of two to five.  They feed off smaller mammals by lying in wait in the reeds of the Gar swampland, but have been known to attack larger creatures and humans that wander into their trap.  Gar-drake are commonplace in the Kingdom of Bloodaxe.

Predator 5

Str 15; Dex 11; Con 14; Wis 11; Int 2; Wis 8; Cha 6

Defense 14 (natural +4)

Vitality/WP  30 / 8

Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +1

Attack: Bite +7 (base +5, Str +2) - damage 1D6+2

Skills: hide  +5 swim +5 search +3




Magma are near human in appearance only, originating from the volcanic world of Magnus VIII in the Mid Rim.  Scientists believe that Magmus VIII would have exploded centuries ago were it not for the masterful tectonic engineers that regulate the planets core.

Physical Description:  Magma have a distinctive appearance.  Their skin is jet black.  Their skin cracks with age revealing their white molten magma blood through the cracks.  Magma do feel hot to the touch but not dangerously so to humans.  

Cultures:  Magma have built their cities in the canyons that stretch all over their planets volcanic atmosphere.  Magma families usually only have one child, but the family unit is sacred.  It is extremely rare for Magma families to split up, and such families are often treated as outcasts.  The Magma society is a close one with local communities always helping each other out.

Magma have became infamous across the galaxy when they first went to the stars due to the way they die.  A Magma dead is an amazing sight.  The cracks in their skin widen engulfing their entire body until the magma is absorbed into a blinding white light.  All that is left are a few ashes.  The side effect of this natural occurrence is that unscrupulous figures in the underworld, especially the Hutts, have been know to offer bounties on Magma, just they they can kill them to watch them die for their sick pleasure.

Political status:  During the days of the Old Republic the Magma had little to do with galactic politics.  They were a member of the republic for the security that offered but stayed neutral during the clone Wars.  During the Empire's rule the Magma know all too well that all the Empire has to do to destroy their world is bombard their planetary tectonic stabalisers.  For this reason they have to accept Imperial rule.  Imperial taxes on their world are steep causing many business to choose not to deal with Magma.  If this keeps up the Magma economy could be in dire straits in a few years time.

Personality  Due to the way they have been treated by 'death-watchers' the Magma have become withdrawn and distrusting towards other races.  They do not welcome visitors, with their spaceports clearly divided between Magma and off-worlders.  The Empire is keen to keep up this distrust so as to keep the Magma from making any 'inappropriate' alliances.

Language:  Basic.

Example names:  Magma, Magnus, Lava, Rock

AgeChild 1-14 years; adult 15-60 years; old 61-70years, venerable 71 years+

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: -1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence

Medium Sized: No modifier to Defense

Speed:  Base Speed 14.

Species Abilities

When a Magma dies he effectively explodes.  Anyone within 5 meters must make a Reflex save DC20 or suffer 4D8 damage.  A successful save still deals half damage.

Non-Magma characters lose all bonus's from Trustworthy Feat when dealing with Magma.  Characters without the Trustworthy Feat also suffer -3 to all Diplomacy and Gather Information checks when dealing with Magma.




Physical Description:  Wight are a tall gaunt looking alien race from a planet deep within Wild Space.  The bone can be seen through their flesh as they only wear loin cloths.  They have razor sharp teeth a long skeletal fingers.  

Wight are fragile creatures but can deal a deadly psionic attack.

Cultures:  Wight are a clan based primitive race that practice cannibalism as well as ritual sacrifice of other species unfortunate to be captured by them.  The Wight world was discovered by a group of pirates serving the Hutts.  the Hutts soon enslaved the race turning them into assassins.  This is an arrangement the Wight are all too happy to accept.

Personality Wight say very little to each other or their masters.  They appear as cold, heartless killers without emotion or remorse.

Language:  Wight have their own language with Wight clan leaders understanding Basic.

Example names:  Wight are addressed by their status and standing within their clan.  eg. clan leader, master of torture, blood-spiller, master of occult.

AgeChild 1-8 years; adult 9-50 years; old 51-65 years, venerable 65 years+

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: -8 Strength, -6 Constitution, +4 Wisdom

Medium Sized:  No modifier to Defense

Speed:  Base Speed 14.

Species Abilities

Average Wight: Adult Male Human, Psionic Primitive 10; Init +4 (+0 Dex, +4 Bonus); Def 17 (+0 Dex, +7 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP -/4; Atk +3/-2 melee (see Psionic Attack or claw 1D2)

SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6; SZ M; FP: 0; DSPs: 7; Rep: +2;

Str 2, Dex 11, Con 4, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 7.

Skills: Hide +12, Intimidate +4, Listen +7, Move Silently +8, Read/Write Basic, Search +5

Psionic Attack: Psionic Grip +19

            Feats: Force-Sensitive, Improved Initiative, Skill Emphasis (Psionic attack), Stealthy, Track, Weapons Group Proficiency (primitive weapons, Simple Weapons)


Psionic Attack - Psionic Grip

Wight prefer to use their Psionic Attack in combat.  The Wight must be within 20m of their target and in line of sight to use their Psionic Attack.  The Wight has no energy drain when utilising this deadly ability.  The target must make a Will saving throw against the Psionic Attack.  Consult the following table.

Result  Will saving DC
9 or less   DC 10
10-14  DC 15
15-19  DC 20
20-25  DC 25
26+  DC 30

Damage 4D10, 1/2 damage if saving throw is successful.  Double saving DC results in no damage


GM Notes: GMs familiar with the D&D Psionics may want to alter the Wight into Psionic Warriors.  Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with the Psionic rules.



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