TIME BANDITS Viper & Bossko B. |
Bossko B.
"I am really the leader of the Time Bandits. Me and an invisible purple aardvark named Albert. Albert does sometimes turn blue and look like a bantha though. He likes listening to jizz bands too. And I like ice cream. But not toffee. Can I go and tease the Sith Lords now? Can I? Can I? Can I?"
Equipment: Blaster Rifle, hoverboard, A-Wing starfighter, space-bike, swoop, high quality vac suit, comlink, entertainment droid
Bossko B. has not always been like this, though the true story of what happened has been told with many contradictions. What is known is that he used to be a Bounty Hunter named Bossk, sharing his name with the infamous Bounty Hunter who tracked Han Solo and Chewbacca. He had displeased Jabba the Hutt in some way and the mighty crime lord had sent some goons to kill him. It is said that a week after being brutally shot and stabbed over a hundred times, no doubt an exaggeration, Bossk crawled his way into Mos Eisley. Apparently he would not die and fought off his would be attackers. The damage inflicted upon him caused the mental damage turning him into the loony now known as Bossko B. Another story says that Jabba the Hutt was dealing with an ancient magical relic at the time, and that Bossk somehow came into contact with the device causing his madness and resistance to pain and his body regeneration. There is even a tale of Bossko falling into a pit of lava and crawling out unscathed. No one can really remember the truth, and Bossko is too mad to know himself. The latest theory is time-trauma, and with Vipers lunacy recently worse this is s strong possibility. Whether time-trauma will start to effect other Time Bandits, only time will see Bossko B. is usually found racing the hallways of Time Bandit HQ on his hover-board or taking his A-Wing starfighter for a spin. Bossko is known for playing practical jokes on numerous members of the Time Bandits and spends much time annoying Ripley, Trish and especially The Phenom. BosskoB.'s personality can shift in an instant. One minute he might be running around shouting 'chew-chew' pretending to be a steam locomotive, the next he could be acting out cartoon characters. He can really get on peoples nerves when he thinks he's in a musical and sings everything he says! Quirks / Odd abilities: Really good at video games, can Moonwalk better than Michael Jackson, can imitate any cartoon character.
"Hi, have you got a big one. Bet mines bigger than yours. My gun I mean. Geez, what did you think I was talking about?" Click on portrait for Anatomy of Viper
Equipment: Large Mallet, lots of grenades & thermal detonators, several tanks, lots of blasters, belch gun, spray paint, flame-thrower, medpacs, Charon Web-spinner. Capsule: Viper is what the Time Bandits are all about. A nutter with a big gun, lots of Thermal Detonators and a garage full of tanks. She has come close to death many times, the most recent on Alderaan many centuries before it's destruction when war was ripe on the planet. The Time Bandits got themselves involved in a pitch battle. Viper, manning her repulsor-tank, charged into battle. A combination of being out numbered and bad luck nearly took her life. Her tank took a direct hit from enemy fire, and as if that wasn't enough the shock of the blast set off several of her Thermal Detonators!!! Now cyborged Viper's death-wish spirit has still to be dulled. Even more recently she became trapped within the space/time vortex in a damaged TARDIS occupied by ALIENS. With all but one ALIEN to go Viper was on her last legs. The ALIEN lunged forward extending it's 'inner' maw ready to feed on the small girl. Viper met the ALIENs bite with a grenade launcher. The exploded ALIEN caused acid burns across Vipers face, which she thinks is cool! Viper is usually found in the company of the mad Bossko B. or taking the mickey out of the Phenom. Minion and Ripley are also amongst her closest friends in the Time Bandits. Due to a bizarre set of events it turns out that Viper actually caused the Big Bang that created the Universe. By creating the Universe that sort of makes Viper a goddess. Now Viper as a god is just too bizarre even by Time Bandits standards. Bossko keeps asking her to turn water into fizzy-glug but her attempts usually lead to the aforementioned glass of water being poured over Bossko, or the Phenom if he's closer. Despite her godly status, and not without trying, it appears that Dr.Ugavine is still the only being who can burn water!! Viper is not currently aware of the existence of the Order of Viper. What her reaction will be when she finds out no ones knows. Quirks / Odd abilities: Really good at video games, can fart at will, can open beer bottles with teeth, can name every model of nuclear warhead ever produced in the history of the universe, gives her tanks pet names.
Bossko 3:16 sez 'snoochie boochies!'