New Alien Race |
Example names: Seuck, Teulk Age: Child 1-2; young adult 3-5; adult 6-30; middle age 31-35; old 35-40; venerable 41+ Species Traits Ability Modifiers: +12 Strength, +8 Constitution, -6 Intelligence, -6 Wisdom, -6 Charisma Medium Sized: No modifier Speed: Base Speed 14. Species Abilities Sure footed - gain a +3 vs. any Bantha Rush attacks. Brawl - Due to a DiTriCons Strength call unarmed attacks can cause critical hits on a 20. Blood sucker - A DiTriCon, upon making a successful Brawl attack suck blood from it's victim. Victim must Make a Fortitude Save DC the DiTriCons Strength code or take a further 2D10 damage as well as the brawl damage. Blood Drinker - After making a successful grapple the DiTriCon can choose to use it's head suckers to drink the blood of it's victim. Characters must make opposed Strength rolls. If the DiTricon wins it's victim takes 4D10 (+ Str mod) damage. The Victim may make a Fortitude save DC 30 for half damage. This is considered a full round action and the DiTriCon leaves itself prone and loses it's Dex modifier to Defense. Weaknesses - The blood suckers on the front of a DiTriCons head are very sensitive, but still very strong. If a character lands a Critical on a DiTriCon they can forego the damage to the DiTriCons wounds to make an attack against it's head suckers. The DiTriCon will be stunned (in pain) for 1D4 rounds, then flee, unless it's attackers persist with their attack. If the DiTricon is still attacked it must make a Fortitude save DC 30 to continue fighting. An aimed attack at -4 may be made against the head suckers ONLY if attempting to free a victim from it's grasp. All other attempts to attack the head suckers without landing a critical will meet with failure.
D6 Stats
Special Abilities / traits DiTriCon require specific living conditions. They must consume blood through the suction pads over their body, the ends of their three fingers or via the wide trunks on the front of their head. They can not process meat an must consume a vegetable diet. The consumption of meat can make the DiTriCon violently sick causing it to vomit and excrete blood from it's pores. Additionally DiTriCon breathe ammonia. Photosynthesis works differently for the plants within the Tri-Star cluster. They still absorb Carbon Dioxide, but produce ammonia gas, which sustains the strange life from this system. The DiTriCon can survive out of this environment for prolonged periods sustaining itself solely on blood. However, this does not make them too popular when they decide to feed in public. Telepathy. DiTriCon naturally communicate via telepathy and can communicate this way with most species providing they are willing. THIS IS NOT A FORCE POWER. Dark Side. Although most DiTriCon should be treated as Dark Side creatures due to their killing ways and lack of morals, it should be noted that their intelligence is so little that they would probably have little to no understanding of good and evil. Nevertheless, without lowering the Strength code I would not recommend that they be allowed as player-characters.
Story Factors DiTriCon are a slave race to the Triadsalkt. Any rouge DiTriCon will find itself out of it's natural living conditions and will require a large amount of blood to sustain itself. They will often be employed by high profile crime syndicates and given jobs of assassination. It is rare that they survive long before being killed by local governments of the Empire who have no use for this species. The Empire sees the DiTriCons' great strength more as a danger than an asset to be exploited.
DiTriCon Starships These strange vessels are a mess of twisted metal grafted onto a living creature. These giant creatures can not move through space on their own and rely on engines grafted onto their body. They also have no hyperspace capability and move from system to system via a network of Hyper-Gates operated by the Triadstalkt. These Hyper-Gates can not be operated in every system though. They draw energy from the systems sun. If it is not strong enough they must travel to the next system using their Ion Drives. These journey's, traveling star to star can take years. Inside these vessels have minimal facilities. They also hold mush liquid, the corridors being half full of murky swamp water. It is not unknown for a three Triadstalkt to be present on a DiTriCon starship.
D6 starship stats