001a Deadpool
001b Dreadpool
2 Wolverine
003a Foolkiller
003b Foolkiller
004a Madcap
004b Madcap
5 Masacre
6 Mercenary
7 Ninja
8 Rogue Scientist
9 Chipmunk Hunk
10 Tippy-Toe
11 Asp
12 Grizzly
13 U-Go Girl
14 Cable
15 Attending
16 Dark Deadpool
17 Deadpool
18 Domino
19 Dr. Killebrew
20 Hit-Monkey
021a Slapstick
021b Slapstick
022a Solo
022b Solo
023a Stingray
023b Stingray
24 Koi Boy
25 Diamondback
26 Bedlam
27 Fantomex
28 Psylocke
029a Feral
029b Thornn
30 Anarchist
31 Tombstone
32 Angel Dust
33 Deadpool
034a Deadpool
034b Deadpool
034c Deadpool
35 Howard The Duck
36 Shiklah
037a Deadpool
037b Deadpool
038a Terror
038b Terror
39 Squirrel Girl
40 Princess Python
41 Negasonic Teenage Warhead
42 Boom-Boom
43 Marrow
44 Shatterstar
45 Orphan
46 Doop
47 Jackhammer
48 Living Brain
49 Fenris
50 Hellcow
51 Dead Girl
52 Mistress Death
53 Shiklah
54 Swarm
55 Ajax
56 Colossus
57 Cannonball
58 Stryfe
059a Hammer
059b Wiz Kid
60 Deadpool, Merc With A Mouth
61 D.E.A.D.P.O.O.L.
62 Championpool
63 Golden Age Deadpool
64 Hulkpool
65 Pirate Deadpool
66 Pool Captain
67 Pulp Deadpool
68 Venompool
069 Deadpool

101 Terror

Deadpool & X-Force

Deadpool & X-Force
Quality of sculpts 4
Character selection 3
Playability 4
Overall 4

Favourites of the set

001A Deadpool - shifting focus Deadpool
017 Deadpool
033 Deadpool
034A Deadpool
039 Squirrel Girl - this is club Squirrel
050 Hellcow
014 Cable - oh how I can't stand Cable, but truly he's one of the strongest pieces in the set.

Special mention - 039 Squirrel Girl

As our role-playing group is Club Squirrel it's only natural I'd want Squirrel Girl.


050 Hellcow

First Appearance: Giant-Size Man-Thing #5 (August, 1975)~

Sometime in the 1670's the vampire Dracula, who was starving for blood, fed on Bessie the cow.  Bessie died but several nights later rose as a vampire cow.

Many years later Bessie, presumed dead following an encounter with Howard the Duck, is resurrected by Dr. Kilgore.  Hellcow teams up with Deadpool to defeat the mad doctor.

Deadpool Team-Up #885 (April 2011)

Marvel Wiki - Hellcow



#012 Grizzly
(Theodore Winchester)
First appearance X-Force #8 (March 1992)

Theodore Winchester was the fourth individual to bear the name Grizzly. He was one of the members of Cable's mercenary group originally named the Wild Pack.

The first Grizzly was Ace Fenton, a criminal in the Wild West, whose first appearance was in Rawhide Kid Vol. 4 #40 (June, 1964)

Wiki - Grizzly


(Maxwell Markham - 3rd Grizzly)
First appearance Amazing Spider-Man #139 (December 1974)

dxf039 Squirrel Girl
First appearance Marvel Super-Heroes #8 (Winter 1992)

From an early age Doreen Green realised she could talk with squirrels. Although not a mutant as she got older she developed abilities including super-human strength and agility. Squirrel Girl has subsequently worked with the Avengers and Great Lake Avengers.

Marvel Wiki - Squirrel Girl
dxf010 Tippy-Toe
First Appearance: GLA #3

Following the death of Monkey Joe, Squirrel Girls squirrel companion, Tippy Toe can to her aid in her fight against Batrocs Brigade and has subsequently stayed at her side fighting crime alongside the Great Lake Avengers.

Marvel Wiki - Tippy Toe

dxf009 Chipmunk Hunk
First Appearance: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 (March, 2015)


Super strong with the ability to leap great distances, when Tomas Lara-Perez discovered his powers he decided to fight crime under the alias of Handsome Puncher. Upon meeting Squirrel Girl he changed his moniker to Chipmunk Hunk, teaming up with Squirrel Girl and Koi Boy.

Marvel Wiki - Chipmunk Hunk




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