Harley Quinn & the Gotham Girls |
Quality of sculpts 5
Character selection 5
Playability 5
Overall 5
Almost impossible to choose favourite characters
from this set, my favourite Heroclix set to
date. |
Favourite figure
Batman, God of Knowledge
source -
Justice League: Darkseid War



Published in 1997,
Thrillkiller is a three part mini-series featuring Robin
and Batgirl. It starts in 1961 and features pulp noir
versions of familiar characters.
The series was followed up with Thrillkiller '62.
King Shark
First appearance: Superboy vol. 4, #0 (Oct. 1994)

King Shark was born in Hawaii and is the son of the
Shark God. First appearing as an adversary to Superboy
he has also been a regular adversary to Aquaman.
More recently he has been
part of the Suicide Squad and made and appearance in
The Flash TV series.

Wiki - King Shark |
Kite Man
First appearance: Batman #133 (August 1960)

Charles "Chuck" Brown is Kite Man. He uses Kites as
weapons to commit crimes. In his early criminal career
he is defeated several times by Batman and Robin.
As well as his comic appearances he has appeared in
Batman: The Brave and the Bold TV series, voiced by
Jeffrey Combs. and made a cameo in the Lego Batman

Wiki - Kite Man
Scandal Savage
First appearance Villains United #1 (July 2005)

Scandal Savage is the daughter of immortal villain
Vandal Savage and member of the Secret Six Scandal
Savage recently appeared in the animated film Suicide
Squad: Hell to Pay. Scandal Savage has a romantic
relationship with Knockout.
Wiki - Scandal Savage

First appearance: Superboy (vol. 3) #1 (February 1994)

Knockout is a former Female Fury from Apokolips who has
super strength.
She has been associated with Secret Six, The Society,
Suicide Squad and Female Furies. Knockout recently
appeared in the animated film Suicide Squad: Hell to
Pay. Knockout has a romantic relationship with Scandal
Wiki - Knockout |
First appearance: Detective Comics #311 (Jan. 1963)

Catman was originally Thomas Blake, a world-famous
trapper of jungle cats who turned to crime because he
had grown bored with hunting and had squandered most of
his fortune as a millionaire. He became a burglar who
committed his crimes in a cat-suit made out of an
ancient African cloth.

Wiki - Catman |

Catman in Batman:
Brave and the Bold
Big Barda
First appearance: Mister Miracle #4 (October 1971)

A member of the race known as the New Gods born on
Apokolips around 250 years ago. Trained by Granny
Goodness Big Barda becomes leader of Darkseid's Female
Furies. She eventually turns her back on Darkseid and
the Furies and flees to Earth.

Wiki - Big Barda

Big Barda in the Justice
League animated series
Female Furies
First appearance: Mister Miracle #6 (February 1972)
006 Knockout
007 Stompa
022 Mad Harriet
023 Big Barda
040 Bernadeth
046 Granny Goodness
056 Lashina
The Female Furies, brutally trained and led by Granny
Goodness, are fanatically loyal to Darkseid. After
former leader Big Barda defected to Earth to be with her
lover, Mister Miracle, Darkseid gave a kill order on the
Wiki - Female Furies |
