Marvel Heroclix |
Invincible Iron Man
#028 Death's Head
First appearance: Transformers UK #113 (May 16, 1987)

The robotic Bounty Hunter Freelance
Peace-Keeping Agent first appeared as an adversary to
the Transformers. Surviving that encounter he went on to
have a run-in with none other than The Doctor from
Doctor Who.
Wiki - Death's Head

2015 Convention Exclusive
First appearance: Marvel Tails #1 (November 1983)

A comedy parody of Spider-Man. There have been various
versions of Spider-Ham including an episode of
Ultimate Spider-Man animated series where Loki
turns Spider-Man into Spider-Ham.
Wiki - Spider-Ham
Not to be confised
Union Jack
Nick Fury, Agent of
First appearance: The Invaders #7 (July 1976)

The original Union Jack James Montgomery Falsworth was a
retired country squire who fought in the first World
War. He was very briefly a member of The Invaders (an
early super-hero team featuring Captain America, Bucky,
Namor and the original robot Human Torch).
Following The Invaders, Union Jack has been featured as
a regular character in ongoing series Knights of
Pendragon, New Invaders and Invaders Now, as well two
self-titled mini-series.
Wiki - Union Jack
Set: Wolverine and the X-Men
First appearance: Astonishing Tales #25 (August 1974)

There have several incarnations of Deathlok. The first
Deathlok was Luther Manning. He was an American soldier
who, after his death, is reanimated with cyborg
technology in the post-apocalyptic future of 1990 where
he ends up battling his evil creator.

Wiki -
Deathlok |

Lila Cheney
First appearance: New Mutants Annual #1 (1984)

Once a thief who even tried to sell the Earth and all
it's population. She is a musician and a mutant with the
power of teleportation. She has been associated with the
New Mutants, X-Men, X-Force and Gladiators.
Wiki - Lila_Cheney |

Pet Avengers
Lockjaw of the Inhumans finds the Mind Gem, one of the
Infinity Gems. Using his newly found telepathy discovers
Reed Richard of the Fantastic Four is searching for the
Infinity Gems. Lockjaw sets about to find the
Infinity Gems and recruits several other to help him in
his Quest;
Lockjaw and Hairball (Chaos War), 033 Throg
(The Mighty Thor), 080 Lockheed (Wolverine and
the X-Men), WKM-013 Ms. Lion (Spider-Man and his
Amazing Friends Team Base)

Throg - Following an encounter with Thor (in frog
form) he gains a piece of Mjnoir and creates his own
Lockheed - an alien Dragon and long time
companion of Kitty Pride of the X-Men.
Redwing - pet falcon of Falcon of the Avengers.
Zabu - Sabre-tooth tiger companion of Ka-Zar of
the Savage Lands.
Hairball - originally a cat called Niels who gain
powers the same as Speedball who became his owner.
Ms. Lion - pet dog of Spider-Mand and his Amazing

Wiki - Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers
Doctor Bong
Set: Deadpool
First appearance: Howard the Duck #15 (Aug 1977)

Lester Verde, a bullied child, and highly intelligent
scientist is the villain Doctor Bong! He has no
super-powers but used advanced technology as his
weapons. Doctor Bong has been an adversary to Howard the
Duck, She-Hulk, Deadpool and the Secret Avengers.

Wiki - Doctor Bong |

set: Guardians of the Galaxy
First appearance: Sleepwalker #1 (June 1991)

One of the guardians of the Mindscape, a world within
dreams, Sleepwalker was tricked into entering the mind
of film student Rick Sheriden where he became trapped.
Only when Rick Rick sleeps can Sleepwalker manifest into
reality to battle crime.
Wiki - Sleepwalker |
First appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #73 (June 1969)

A foe of Spider-Man and rival to Kingpin. Silvermane,
Silvio Manfredi, is a career criminal with connections
to the Maggia and Hydra.
Wiki - Silvermane
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Rarity: Con In Your Store Exclusive
First broadcast: 1981

Spider-Man and Iceman, plus an original character,
Firestar. As a trio called the Spider-Friends, they
fought against various villains of the Marvel Universe.
Wiki - Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends |
Spirit Of Vengeance Red Hulk
2017 Convention Exclusive
First appearance: Venom Vol 2 #13 (April, 2012)

In Las Vegas, the demonic son of Mephisto, Blackheart
opened a portal to bring Hell to Earth and overthrow his
father, but only managed to bring a part of it. Venom
was a fugitive there, with Red Hulk wanting to bring him
to the authorities. X-23 was there looking for who stole
a sample of her blood. And the new Ghost Rider detected
Blackheart's malevolence.
Accidentally, the four heroes found themselves about to
battle Blackheart.
During the battle, Red Hulk and Venom were thrown away
by Blackheart. Flash gave the symbiote to Red Hulk and
it bonded with him as well as the Spirit, thus becoming
the new Ghost Rider.
Wiki - Circle_of_Four |
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
First appearance: New X-Men #115 (August 2001)

Negasonic Teenage Warhead appears in the 2016 Deadpool
film where her look and powers have changed. She is now
a goth teen with new powers, she possesses the ability
to bodily generate thermo-chemical energy and release it
from her skin (much like Cannonball).

Originally Ellie
Phimister was a Genoshan teenager, with pale skin and
dark hair, who dressed as a goth and was a student of
Emma Frost's telepathy class. During a tutoring session,
Ellie reported having a recurring nightmare fifty times
the previous night wherein all people in Genosha were
Her powers are mainly precognition and minor telepathy.

