So with GF9s new Aliens Board
Game due imminently I thought I would take a look
back at the ALIENS Board Game released by Leading
Edge Games in 1989.It
came a few years after the film, by which time Games
Workshop had already cashed in with SPACE HULK,
which pretty much captured the feel of what an
Aliens game should be. Nevertheless, we
were presented with an Official game complete with
all the character from the film and some solid
Now let's be honest, until
recently most licensed games pretty much suck.
They get aimed at kids or the family mass market
alongside Cluedo and Monopoly and are generally just
Roll & Move games. Thankfully, ALIENS is what
I would consider... a proper game.

mixed bag, edging on the positive. The game
includes a paper Board in full colour with the game
area and decorated with stills from the film; not
hard wearing, but highly presentable. Each
character has it's own card standee and an
accompanying double-sided stat card; full colour
with a movie still of the character. There are
also lots of Aliens, an Alien stat card (with the
reverse side being a mini-scenario), 10 sided die
and the rules.
Personally the only downside
of the quality is the character standees. They
are quite tiny. And due to the small squares
of the map it would be difficult to replace with
actual miniatures without making your own map too.
I would have loved this game to have come with Alien
miniatures. So as most contents are cardboard
it is not a hard wearing game, although I have
managed to keep mine in good condition.
The full colour images from
the theme are what save the presentation of the game
giving it the true Aliens feel that others games,
like Space Hulk, just cannot capture.
Characters have 1 to 3
actions. They can move, shoot, or aim with
those actions. Keeping it true to the films
you cannot beat the aliens, you win simply by
surviving with as many Colonial Marines as possible.
If a Marine is caught by an Alien you place the
Alien on their Stats card and roll on the char to
see what happens; dead, wounded, grabbed, etc.
If a Marine is Grabbed they have a single Turn to be
freed or they get carried off at the start of the
next. It's quite brutal and unforgiving at
times, as it should be really.
The Aliens generally appear at
Random on the board. While some players may
dislike the randomness it adds to the suspense of
the game as an Alien could just appear right in
front of you.
Unfortunately it does become
repetitive and does not lend itself well for
multiple replays. Additionally, if you were
playing multi-player you would feel pretty under
whelmed if you played anyone but Apone, Hicks,
Vasquez or Drake.
The games does have several
scenarios though. The Reactor Room, the air
ducts and Ripley vs Queen. These scenarios add
greatly to the theme of the game, but sadly little
to the playability of the game. The Ripley
vs.Queen scenario is pretty much just a novelty to
complete the story of the film.
An expansion was released
which does increase it's re-play value by adding a
new map recreating the hunt for the captured
Colonial Marines. So if you do decide to pick
up a copy of this game I would highly suggest you
get the expansion as well.
I do like the game, but I do
not know if I could say that if I were not a big fan
of the film. It does look great, the images
from the film are excellent and the gameplay does
recreate the plot of the film. Alas, it does
fall short of being a great game.
There have been other attempts
at Aliens themed games including Miniatures games
and even an expansion for the HorrorClix game (Wizkids
failed Heroclix spin-off). They have all
fallen a bit flat. So I have high expectations
for GF9s new game, but until then this is still the
best licensed Aliens game. But honestly, I
prefer Space Hulk.
(but only because of the theme)