Have you ever wanted to take part
in Roman chariot racing? No? Nonsense, of course you
have. And with Ave Caesar that's exactly what you
get to do.
This is a simple card driven race game requiring
players to make three laps with their chariots.
Each Player gets a deck of cards, drawing a hand of
three cards at a time, and chooses which card to
play. Each card has a number from 1 to 6, which is
how many places you move your chariot. So why not
just play 6's? It's not always possible to pass your
opponents, and you don't want to waste moves as the
numbers total in the deck barely manages you to make
the three laps. So be extra cautious if you choose
the long route in an attempt to overtake, you don't
have enough cards to continually use the long route.
Also some parts of the track are not wide enough
meaning your opponents can purposely block you from
What about Caesar? Oh yes, one the first or second
lap you must stop in front of Caesar to pay tribute.
If you fail to pay tribute you are not only
disqualified but no doubt fed to the lions.
A game only takes about 20 -30 minutes to play.
Set-up time in minimal and the rules are very simple
to pick up. The board is also double sided so you
get two different tracks to race around.
So often simple is the best and Ave Caesar does not
disappoint. This is a quick fun game best played
with 4-5 players. The card mechanic makes it less
random than a simple roll & move game, with the
board layout also adding a little strategy to the
game, though not enough to put off the casual gamer.
The fast game play also means there is little
downtime. Highly recommend, Ave Caesar!