This is a recent release by
IDW Games. The game is, quite obviously, based
on Batman The Animated Series from the 90's. in my
opinion possibly the most definitive of all Batman
The game is for 1 to 5 players
and is a co-operative game pitching the players
against the villains of Gotham City who seem intent
of blowing up the city.
The game is played of four
Acts, each Act playing out a storyline that the
players will play through. The base mechanics
of the game is dice placement. So you roll
dice and place the dice on the various threats to
resolve them. These threats can be from the
storyline or form the various villains and their
henchmen as they attack Gotham City.

Heroclix & Batcave
not part of the game
Playing the game, you generate
the story and the villains, placing then on one of
the four Battlegrounds of Gotham City; North, South,
East or West. Then the Players roll their dice
and try to resolve the threats. Failing has
it's consequences in the villains stage, generally
the destruction of buildings. Lose too many
buildings or civilians, or lose a Hero to injury,
results in losing the game.
The rules are pretty straight
forward an intuitive, no issues there.
It's not an auto-win game, and
neither is it too difficult. The storyline is
there, although it doesn't really feel like you are
playing the story. You need to like dice
placement games or not bother.
Overall it's a fun little
game. Probably not one for hardcore gamers,
but the theme is everything and I love Batman the
Animated series.
(3 Squirrels) Good game. Fun with solid