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Imperial Assault Campaign

The Rebels seek to stop the Imperial beacon from broadcasting.

Rebel Victory!


Side Mission - Loose Cannon
The Rebel Mak is obsessed with destroying this facility!

Imperial Victory!


A New Threat
The Rebels are sent to investigate a facility commanded by the Imperial General Weiss.

Rebel Victory!

Side Mission - Homecoming
A call for help from Luke Skywalker, but Darth Vader is waiting!

Imperial Victory!


Imperial Hospitality

The Rebels need to rescue an important prisoner, none other than Doctor Ugavine himself..

Rebel Victory!

Side Mission - Spice Job
Chewbacca helps the Rebels steal a shipment of Spice.

Imperial Victory!


Side Mission - Incoming
A Rebel Base is under Imperial bombardment!
NB. might have played this wrong, not sure this should have been a Side Mission

Rebel Victory!

Chain of Command

The Rebels infiltrate an Imperial Base on Coruscant and confront General Weiss.

Imperial Victory!


"Death Star blown up?  Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


Next time (and it will be this time), a Binary Revolution...



Equipment XP Class Bonus
Survival Gear 1 Take Cover
Infantry Rifle 1 Tactical Move
Spread Barrel 2 Adrenaline Rush
A288 Blaster 3 Suppressive Fire







Equipment XP Class Bonus
Combat Suit 1 Disengage
Longblaster 1 Supply Network
Targeting Display 2 Jeswandi Training
  3 Expertise







Equipment XP Class Bonus
Vibro-Axe 1 Wookiee Loyalty
Big Stick (upgrade) 1 Wookiee Fortitude
Vibro-Knuckles 2 Staggering Blow
  2 Ferocity
  4 Unstoppable







Equipment XP Class Bonus
E-11 1 Quick as a Whip
Vintage Blaster 1 Smugglers Luck
Overcharger 2 Roll with it
Extra Ammo 3 Get Cocky
Laminate Armour    







The Empire

Influence Agenda XP Experience
1 By any means necessary 1 Surgical Strike
3 Means of Production 1 Tech Support
3 Binary Revolution 1 Endless Ranks


Imperial Assault log of events
Mission Victory XP Influence Rebel XP
Aftermath Rebel 1 1 1
Loose Canon Imperial 1 2 1
A New Threat Rebel 1 1 2
Homecoming Imperial 1 2 1
Imperial Hospitality Rebel 1 2 2
Spice Job Imperial 1 1 1
Incoming Rebel 1 1 2
Chain of Command Imperial 1 2 1
A Binary Revolution        
TOTAL   8 12 11






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