Holmes & Trixx

2 Minutes
Holmes discovers
his true self and must safe London from destruction.
The year is 1885. Late at night a young lady steps out into the
thick London fog. Lucy. She pulls her coat tight around her and
heads quickly down the alleyway towards the street. She stops as she
hears a sound. Sure someone is behind her she spins around and...
she doesn’t have time to scream.

Two sets of footsteps can be
heard walking up the thin carpeted stairs. The first are obviously
the heavy flat footsteps of housekeeper Mrs Hudson. The second are
light yet sharp, heels or narrow boots. A slight scraping can be
heard, a large coat, no, a dress. A large dress, no doubt of a
wealthy woman. Four loud knocks on the doors and Mrs Hudson is
beckoned into the study where her employer is stood next to his
desk, glancing through the morning newspaper, there has been another
"Mrs. Harper, I presume."
"And you would be Mr. Sherlock Holmes."
Mrs. Harper is concerned that her husband has not returned home. He
disappeared four nights ago. She has reported this to the Police but
they have done nothing. Sherlock Holmes also dismisses her at first,
pointing out it was not the first time her playboy husband had gone
away for a week. Mrs. Harper dismisses such reports, blaming the
tabloids for trying to wreck her marriage. She offers to more than
cover Holmes’s fee. Holmes agrees to take the case and sets out
towards the local constabulary to first see what the Police have
discovered, if anything.
The Tower of London - Torchwood
HQ. Trixx reads the morning newspaper and sees another murder.
Pointing this out to Dorian Craze, Craze realizes the murder must
have been very close to the time his wrist scanner had detected a
strange energy signature. They decide to investigate the murders,
they call Parjeev their driver, and head towards the local
and Holmes arrive at the Police Station at the same time. Dorian
Craze and Trixx enter first, Holmes noting he has seen them about in
the past. Torchwood also make note of Sherlock Holmes. He’s caused
them to have to cover up more than normal in the past, and they too
have noticed Holmes. Trixx whispers to Dorian that they need to
continue their investigation on Sherlock Holmes. Trixx had looked
into him previously and had uncovered that 221B Baker Street does
not exist. Oh, it was there, plain as the day, but when you checked
the building plans it should not be, it could not be. He is
certainly a man to be investigated.
Putting Holmes out of their mind they enter the station and ask to
speak with Sgt. Bailey. Reluctantly Sgt. Bailey allows Torchwood to
see the bodies of the victims, officer Wainwright leads Dorian and
Trixx downstairs to the mortuary.
Holmes enquires about the Harper disappearance, and concludes that
the Police are indeed dismissing the case as Mr. Harper simply going
off with a fancy woman as he had done before. Holmes then asks about
the murders, this instantly makes Sgt. Bailey uneasy, and he refuses
to cooperate. Holmes then refers back to the Harper case and
requests more information (Player spends Story Point) knowing that
Sgt. Bailey will need to go upstairs to collect the relevant files.
As soon as the sergeant starts up the stairs Holmes slips by and
down into the Mortuary where he manages distract the constable and
listens intently at the door.
Inside the mortuary Trixx and
Craze examine the bodies. Each victim has a mark on their forehead,
a circle indent with five smaller circles inside. Trixx recognises
the markings as some kind of Engram Collector, though he’s not come
across one that kills like this before. Holmes overhears Craze and
Trixx talking about ‘scanning the bodies’ (using Craze’s Wrist
Scanner) and is curious about what exactly a scan entails. Trixx
makes a copy of the locations of the deaths. Holmes then returns
upstairs before Torchwood call in the constable and instruct him to
have the bodies moved to Torchwood.
When Torchwood head back upstairs Holmes is in the reception as if
he had always been there. Torchwood leave intent on checking the
murder locations. Sherlock Holmes tries to get more information on
the murders out of Sgt. Bailey but fails. Holmes leaves and heads to
his own coach, realising that the two fellows he saw in the Police
Station will no doubt lead him to where he want so go.
Leaving the Police station Torchwood concludes that Mr. Harper’s
disappearance is linked to the murders. They start to piece together
the clues, unaware that super sleuth Sherlock Holmes is following
them. They first return to Torchwood HQ at the Tower of London where
Dorian instructs Torchwood agents to find more details about the
victims and to bring the file on Sherlock Holmes.
Recent events
14th Feb Mr. Harper disappeared from outside his Gentleman’s Club.
15th Feb Edmund Baker was found dead outside his Bakery near Regents
18th Feb Victoria Reading was found dead in Hyde Park.
22nd Feb Mr. Chan was found dead, again near Regents Park.
24th Feb Lucy Tailor was found dead by the docks near Westminster.
Torchwood get involved. Mrs Harper hires Sherlock Holmes.
25th Feb Todays date.
Torchwood decide to investigate Mr. Harpers disappearance. They head
to the Taxi depot that covers the area. The Taxi deport is nothing
more than a large stable yard with a small office towards the back.
Torchwood question the owner who is cooperative but offers little
information. Dorian decides to run a scan on the carts, he is
unaware that Sherlock Holmes is watching his strange behaviour from
across the Street. From his vantage point Holmes can see directly
into the yard through it’s wide open gates. Dorian finds no evidence
of anything extra-terrestrial.
Torchwood get the address of the driver who would have been working
that evening in the Regents Park area. He is a long time driver
called William Carter. Torchwood visit him at home, Mrs. Carter
answers the door and is more than happy to offer help. At first Mr.
Carter recalls nothing unusual, he didn’t see Mr. Harper that
evening, he was a regular customer usually. When pushed for further
information or unusual sightings there is one odd bit of news. On
the 19th he picked up an elderly well off gent, he’d not seen him
before. He picked him up by the docks area near Westminster and
dropped him off in the middle of Regents Park at roughly midnight.
Mr. Carter said he thought it was a tad unusual, but he’s not one to
question the gentry.

Leaving Mr. Carters home Trixx
spots Holmes, who immediately heads home. Torchwood follow, entering
221B Baker Street they find Holmes already waiting for them with tea
in the pot and a map of the murder locations open on his desk.
Torchwood more than Holmes are reluctant to give up their
information. Dorian questions Homes, especially about the fact his
records show nothing from before four years ago, but Holmes refutes
this and gives an account of his life. Dorian also questions 221B
Baker Street, a house that according to records does not exist.
Holmes cannot understand this, neither does he seem to care about
such a trivial matter. Meanwhile a book catches Trixx’s attention,
Time Machine by H. G. Wells. The book is old and well worn and
easily 30 years old, the printing date inside is 1910, with the
footnote First Published in 1895 – the year is currently 1885. Mr.
Trixx tries to pawn the book but fails. Holmes returns the book to
the shelf, pausing slightly as he does so, as if he’s missing some
vital clue. When Trixx points out the date of the book Holmes
studies it for a moment, and then dismisses it as not relevant to
the case.
The three agree to trust one another for now and work together on
the case. They decide to start South and work North investigating
the murder site. The
dockland area where Lucy was murdered is a grim place. A few small
shops, a coffee shop and a blacksmith. Trixx spots something near
the location of the murder, oil. Dorian scans it and determines it
is not of Earth manufacture. Holmes then notices and odd item in the
bin outside the Blacksmiths. They find what looks like possibly a
proto-type piece of iron, but the pattern fits that of the markings
found on the foreheads of the murder victims. They question the
Blacksmith who says he’s seen nothing. When questioned about the
item he is perplexed. He says it is his, that’s his scrap bin and
it’s his iron, but he has no recollection of making it. After a
quick scan from Dorian Torchwood realise this man has either had his
memory erased or has been hypnotised. With that they realise he will
be of no more help, but the mysterious man Mr. Carter mentioned now
seems somewhat important. |
The group decide the check out the site of Victoria’s murder in Hyde
Park. The area they are in is pretty open; it has a few trees and a
small area of bushes. It was in the bushes that Victoria’s body was
found. Examining the area Trixx finds an odd device the size of a
key. Dorian’s scanner again reveals this to be not of Earth
manufacture. Holmes has wandered a few meters away from the others
when he hears a faint ticking sound. His first reaction is to reach
into his pocket and pull out his fob watch. He puts the watch to his
ear to discover that is not the source of the ticking. Holmes spins
around suddenly aware someone if behind him. Standing there is a
well dressed gent in Victorian attire complete with top hat.
However, he is wearing a ceramic party mask. He raises his hand and
a blade shoots out from his fingers. Homes turns and flees
immediately bumping into Dorian and Trixx.
flicks a switch on his cane and pulls out a sword. He lunges at the
ticking man knocking his mask off to reveal a clear head, inside
which can be seen a series of clockwork cogs and gears. The
Clockwork man lunges at Dorian who stumbles, he brings his sword up
just in time, stopping the attack but the weapon is knocked from his
hand. The Clockwork man does not advance; he stands there for a
moment then presses a button on his wrist. In a flash of light he
Dorian instantly activates his scanner. "No use. But that was just a
short range teleport. He can be no more than five hundred meters!"
They look around, then look to the sky. Nothing. Then Sherlock Homes
looks down. "Then I would deduce he is in the sewers."

The encounter with the Clockwork Robot has left Dorian slightly
shocked, but memories are starting to stir for Sherlock Holmes.
"I say sir, do I know you?" a stranger calls out. The stranger is
called Giles Milton and is a member of the Royal Observatory. Seeing
the esteemed Sherlock Holmes he had to introduce himself, and pose a
most fascinating problem for the super sleuth. Giles explains that
he is running measurements because the stars in the night sky have
moved! Only by a centimetre to the naked eye, but the phenomenon is
only visible from Hyde Park. His own suggestion is a weather
anomaly, but admits he is stumped.
seemingly nowhere a tall thin man appears, he introduces himself as
Moriarty! Everything seems to go hazy from here, and he stares deep
into the eyes of Holmes. "Fascinating," he says, "you are actually
human." Holmes blinks and Moriarty is gone. Giles Milton is dead at
their feet, killed by the mind device. Trixx is correct to surmise a
powerful Hypnosis.
Dorian calls Torchwood to remove Giles body, get a plan of the
sewers, a gun and lanterns. Before heading to the sewers the trio
head back to 221B Baker Street, the home of Sherlock Holmes. They
search Holmes library for reference to Moriarty but turn up nothing.
Trixx takes the time to memorise the sewers map. Mrs. Horton brings
in coffee, and suggests Mr. Holmes checks the time. At first this
confuses everyone. But after a few minutes Holmes decides to check
the time with that of his FOB WATCH. As the watch opens a burst of
energy transfers into the TIME LORD restoring his memories.
The Time War! Moriarty is a Time
Lord, and a traitor, selling out Arcadia to the Daleks. The Time
Lords task Holmes to bring in Moriarty. Holmes chases him across the
stars until Moriarty reverses the situation and unleashes a powerful
evil. Now Holmes must run and hide. He uses the Chameleon Arch to
become human to escape. In a touch of irony the TARDIS takes him to
Victorian London and turns him into Sherlock Holmes.
Holmes grabs his sonic screwdriver form his desk draw and leads the
party to the sewers. Dorian Craze and Trixx and somewhat confused
with the change in personality of Holmes. Holmes says he is a Time
Lord, but even Trixx has not heard of his kind.
In the sewers it doesn't take long before they encounter another, or
possibly the same, Clockwork Robot. Dorian fires a shot with his
revolver but misses. Holmes activates his Sonic Screwdriver and
winds down the robot. "See," says Holmes, "you don't need guns."
Behind the robot is an alcove and a door. Beyond is a small room
with a technological device, instantly recognised by Trixx and
Holmes as a Transmat pad. The Trio transmat to... wherever! During
transmat Holmes detects a temporal shift. They find themselves on a
starship above Hyde Park, but it is constantly 2 MINUTES into the
future. It therefore cannot be seen but may be enough to cause the
disturbance Giles Milton detected.
They search the ship (which doesn't look like BBC Studio 2, though
he walls do wobble occasionally) and access the computer banks where
Holmes discovers that the devices leaving the marks on the corpses
were being used to gather mind signatures to fine tune a powerful
Hypnotic Device. In fact the whole ship is being powered up as a
giant Hypnosis generator, enough to hypnotise a whole planet in
seconds! It's stolen technology and ideas, but Moriarty has just
about perfected it.
To the bridge! Entering the
Bridge of the starship the trio are met by four Clockwork Robots and
two humans, hypnotised beyond saving. Then on an upper balcony
Moriarty appears. "So Holmes, you are a Time Lord once more."
There is much banter between the two, but Moriarty makes Holmes
aware that the Time Lords have gone. This distresses our hero.
Moriarty also says that he has not forgotten that Holmes was trying
to capture him. While Holmes says that is pointless now Moriarty
mocks him. "But I have not forgotten my revenge! And once I have
this and other planets under my hypnosis I can have them construct
weapons so powerful I will rules the Universe! Now, my robots, KILL
THEM!" The four robots converge and out hero's run.
This time they head down into the engineering, Holmes deactivating
another robot on the way. The trio work together to disable the
starship and set it to self destruct [several story points were
spent to make rolls here]. Escaping the engine room yet another
Clockwork Robot attacks, this time managing to injure Dorian though
not seriously.
They run back to the transmat room where the ships computer issues a
warning, "Warning! Temporal Energy overload. Temporal energy dump in
process!" Whithout time for our hero's to react the ship dumps a
stream of temporal energy in a beam straight down. Hitting the
ground it explodes outwards and within seconds destroys everything
within a fifty mile radius! London is destroyed!!!
"2 MINUTES," says Trixx.
"Yes," agrees Holmes, "Two minutes to stop this."
Holmes programs the transmat to take them to 221B Baker Street, and
they appear outside. 90 seconds and the starship is starting to
appear visible. The Trio run inside 221B, Holmes's TARDIS! In the
study Holmes moves the book The Time Machine from it's slot to
another. He then pushes the bookcase to reveal hidden doors opening
into his TARDIS's Console Room. Dorian & Trixx and now totally
confused. They're Torchwood, but in the last hour Holmes has run
rings around them.
Holmes curses as he realises the TARDIS will not be able to absorb
the energy... but... He makes a short trip, materialising in Hyde
Park. He runs from the TARDIS, which due to the Chameleon Circuit is
now a Police Box, and stands beneath the starship. 5... 4... 3...
2...1 ... the temporal energy streams down and hits Holmes who
amazingly absorbs most of it; a few sparks fly off, a nearby house
is vaporised, a small tree grows as it ages 200 years while an
ancient great oak is reduced to a sapling. The TARDIS is also hit
causing sparks to fly within where Dorian is taking cover.
With the energy absorbed and London saved the starship above folds
in upon itself and disintegrates. Holmes, falling to his knees, is
not feeling well at all. Trixx and Dorian help him back into the
TARDIS where Holmes sets it in flight.
"I'm dying," says Holmes.
"What?" protests Trixx. "You can't. I mean, you can't. I don't know
how to fly this ship!"
"I don't know what to say," says Holmes, "I don't know what to
With that Holmes entire body explodes in a burst of bright orange
energy. He burns for twenty seconds or so before the energy
dissipates. Only Holmes is different, it's as if a whole new man is
standing there. He has REGENERATED!

"That was interesting wasn't
it!" grins the Time Lord.