Setting note: this is set before the events of the
New Series and the Time War.
The Potter
A young Time Lord. Appears just 17 years old wearing
round glasses, a duffle coat, mittens (attached with
string) and carrying a schoolboy satchel. He knows
how the TARDIS works but has not idea how to pilot
Gadgets - Sonic Potter Wheel (miniature one)
Fazdar ‘Faz’
A shaman from the future beyond the year 25,000. He
is the last of the Sevateem (see the 4th Doctor
story The Face of Evil).
Gadgets - Totem staff (which is actually a Force
Field generator; grants a force-field ability once
per encounter)
Terry McCloughan
A technician working for UNIT.
Gadgets - Utility belt with assorted tools
Jonathan Corbett
Technician & lead scientific advisor to UNIT.
Dean Riley
Security guard at the Arctic research station
Dr. William Chambers
Doctor of Biology at the Arctic research station
Professor Hans Zimmerman - Head of the Arctic
Research station
Brigitte Anderson - Scientific advisor at the Arctic
research station
Captain Olaf Hansson - UNIT Soldier
Sergi Vladimirovich - UNIT Soldier
Ivan Nikolaevich - UNIT Soldier
Opening scene: The year is 2020. News reports around
the world are reporting the accelerated global
warming. There is worldwide panic as in the last two
weeks the ice caps are visibly melting.

The Arctic.
William, Dean and Brigitte are exploring a cave near
to their Arctic research base. The purpose of their
project is to research new organisms discovered in
the Arctic. But what they were not expecting was a
huge sheet of metal stuck in the ceiling of the
cave. It was too big to be a crashed aeroplane.
Whilst taking photo’s and recording their finding
the melting of the ice is causing this very cave to
collapse. A huge chunk of ice falls and just grazes
William. In doing so however it exposes a small
creature frozen in a block of ice. With the cave
collapsing Dean grabs the chuck of ice and they all
escape as the cave crumbles inwards.
As they leave the cave they find themselves back in
the snow storm, battered by -60 degrees winds. They
start making their way back to the research station
when they look up to see an aeroplane landing at
their air strip, but they are not aware of any
scheduled flights.
At the research station the UNIT crew of the
aircraft are met by Hans. He is most displeased with
having to share his station with the military but
lets them use the rec room. UNIT have discovered a
gas emission emanating from somewhere near here that
they believe to speeding up global warming. UNIT’s
mission is to discover the cause and possibly stop
it. Just as they are setting up their equipment the
others return. After formalities William takes the
creature they have found for examination.
1964. The best fish & chips in the galaxy. The
Potter and Faz enter the TARDIS. It’s Potter’s time
ship and he’s proud of it, it looks like a shed. A
garden shed. Quite a nice one, a potters shed, with
a holographic image of rows of plant pots should
anyone look through the window. Inside the actual
TARDIS the console room is covered with wood
cladding, Indonesian wood. The console in the in
centre of a large room where a spiral staircase
climbs to a gantry which leads deeper into the time
ship. Faz sets the TARDIS in motion, and after a
short flight they find themselves at a new
destination. The Potter and Faz argue over where
they are with The Potter denying his wood cladding
has affected the navigation circuits. The display
screen shows a blizzard outside. The pair decide to
go and investigate, while mildly aware the TARDIS
appears to be swaying slightly. There movement
leaving the TARDIS causes it to topple of the edge
of the crevice it had landed on. All The Potter and
Faz can do is watch the shed disappear out of sight.
The pair start arguing over who’s fault it was and
why neither of them was carrying a rope. They spot a
small cluster of building and head towards them,
still arguing.
The proximity alarm at the base is triggered (by The
Potter and Faz) so Dean and the UNIT soldiers go to
investigate. Dean is bemused at the two arguing men
walking towards him through an Arctic blizzard as if
they were on a Sunday stroll. One dressed in bits of
what looked like a spacesuit, complete with helmet,
the other in duffle coat with mittens; hardly enough
to survive in these sub-zero conditions.
Inside the research station William and Brigitte
investigate the creature they have found. It is
small, about 15cm, looking a bit like a large
silverfish. It’s body appears to be metal, it’s
internal organs a mixture of metal and flesh. While
examining it, it moves! Then it leaps towards
William who is able to catch the creature in a
security box. They take it for the UNIT guys to look
at, and then also meet up with The Potter and Faz.
The Potter in intrigued at what they have found and
asks them to open the box, that has been placed on
the rec room table. Upon opening the box they
discover the creature has eaten a hole through the
metal security box and through the table! Being
cautious they find the creature under the table. It
goes to attack Terry but Dean, who is a crack shot,
shoots it out of the air. The creature is blown into
lots of very small pieces, much to the anger of The
Potter and upset of William. The Potter is starting
to have suspicions that the creature may have been a
kind of Cybermat and asks William to take him to
where they found it.
The UNIT team have by now pin-pointed the location
of the gas. As the cave is en route to the gas
emission the whole party, except Hans, Brigitte and
the UNIT pilots, take snow bikes to investigate.
At the cave, which caved in remember, The Potter
finds a small passageway in (spending a Story
Point). The UNIT guys continue to the gas emissions.
In the cave The Potter finds the chunk of metal and
his fears are confirmed. This metal is the remains
of a starship from the planet Mondas. That means
this starship belongs to the CYBERMEN.
The Cybermen
The Cybermen of this adventure I have based off
those of Tomb of the Cybermen, a bit anachronistic
but hey, ball of timey whimey stuff. Most of
this background info never surfaced in-game, but I
prepared it nevertheless; Calculating the collision
of their planet Mondas and Earth the Cybermen sent a
scout ship to prepare the Earth for
Cyber-conversion. This was in the Earth year 1910.
However, their Cybership crashed sending the four
Cyberman crew into suspended animation. They have
recently revived, but the crash also stopped their
clocks. These Cybermen still think it is the year
1910 and are totally unaware that Mondas was
destroyed in the year 1986 (see the 1st Doctors
final story The Tenth Planet). Should these Cybermen
be aware of that fact it would not have changed
their plans to convert the earthmen into Cybermen.
The Potter tells Dean to radio the others and warn
them. Dean however drops and smashes the radio (he
has the clumsy Trait and rolled a major fail - I
couldn’t have written that better). The UNIT guys
are on three snow bikes. The blizzard has died down
only slightly, but as they approach a snow bridge
over a crevice Olaf loses control and crashes. Olaf
does jump clear but his bike is lost. Olaf says he
will walk back to base and the other should
Terry, Jonathan, Ivan and Sergi approach the an ice
mountain they can see a strange green gas rising
from the mountain. Ivan could have sworn he saw
someone but the others dismiss it. They can only get
so far up the mountain, but with still 1000 meters
to go their bikes are useless. Ivan stays with the
bikes while the other three continue. Climbing up
the mountain is tricky, made trickier still when a
hulking seven foot tall metal man bursts through an
ice wall, yes, a Cyberman. It grabs Sergi by the
throat and instantly snaps his neck. Terry and
Jonathan RUN!!! They get back to the bikes as a
second Cyberman grabs Ivan from behind. Terry and
Jonathan can just watch as the strong Russian
soldier is dragged away like he was a child. They
look back and see the other Cyberman in the
distance. "Yes, we can out run a Cyberman," is what
they thought. Suddenly a monstrous Cyber-Polar Bear
bursts through the snow and charges towards Terry
and Jonathan. Terry guns the engine as Jonathan
hangs on for dear life. The Polar Bear has been
augmented with Cyber-technology having metal armour
and metal teeth! And it is more than capable of
matching the speed of the snow bike. Terry manages
to just keep ahead of the beast, but it is getting
nearer. By now The Potter has fixed the radio and
warned Olaf, but that is not in time for the others.
Terry guns the engines as they reach the ice bridge,
the Cyber-Polar Bear barely a meter behind. The
creature leaps and grazes Jonathan with mighty
clawed paw, but the weight of the beast is too much
for the ice bridge. The ice bridge collapses sending
the Cyber-Polar Bear tumbling into the crevice as
Terry just makes it to the other side (players spent
Story Points for that to happen).
The whole party meet up and get back to the research
centre. Terry and Jonathan radio UNIT HQ who say
will take six hours to get a strike force there. The
Potter says that such a strike is not needed; all
they need is some rope to get to his shed. Somehow
Faz and The Potter convince the other, along with
Hans and Brigitte to go with him. They find the
crevice the TARDIS fell into and climb down. William
is confused, first at finding a garden shed in the
Arctic, then upon looking through the shed window to
find it looks like the inside of an igloo (the
chameleon circuit changed the hologram to fit the
surroundings, just not the outward appearance).
With the initial awe of entering the TARDIS out of
the way they start to discuss plans. The UNIT guys
know of Cybermen and their weakness to gold, but all
the gold they have is a small gold chain. The Potter
says the plan is almost good. The Potter has a
supply of gold dust (wrestler jokes aside) and
manages to find three super-soakers. He mixes up a
solution with the gold dust in it and Faz manages to
fly the TARDIS to the mountain.
The TARDIS lands in a control room of some kind. In
the centre of the room is a two meter wide hole with
this gas rising upwards and out of a hole in the
ceiling. It doesn’t take the group long to figure
out this is what is left of the Cybermen Spaceship.
Terry and Jonathan stay in the control room while
the other, armed with super-soakers, investigates.
Two Cybermen attack the group, one of the Cybermen
is not complete and is recognisable as Sergi. "You
will be like us," call out the Cybermen. Dean
doesn’t mess about and shoots both of them with
amazing accuracy filling their chest with the gold
dust solution. Both Cybermen collapse in
Meanwhile Terry and Jonathan start to decode the
computers in the Cyber-Control room they landed in
and are able to shut off the gas and reverse the
systems. This immediately throws the whole system
into overload and the Cyber-base starts to shake.
The Potter and the others quickly retreat back to
the TARDIS/Shed where Faz de-materialises seconds
before the Cyberman base explodes.
"So," says The Potter, "Anyone fancy some chips? I
know this great place in Barnsley."