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The Meddling Graske

What is a Graske?
A Graske is not evil, but morally questionable. They have very high tech and are very mischievous.

Setting note: this is set before the events of the New Series and the Time War.

The Potter - young Time Lord
- UNIT tech
Jonathan - UNIT tech
Fazdar - Shaman form the tribe of the Sevateam
Dean - Security Guard
Ace - Dashing space jockey

Opening scene: The Potter has dropped off his friends in England, planet Earth, in the Summer of the year 2010. The location is Longleat House, an Elizabethan Manor House with large grounds incorporating visitor attractions and safari park (the irony being there was a Doctor Who exhibition here for many years). Their task is to try and catch and hold a meddling Graske. It’s a weekend so Longleat is busy with families visiting, not to mention that there is some big exhibition on and some new Web Launch causing lots of visitor activity.

The group decide to stick together and eventually see what they think is the Graske running into the maze (one of Longleat’s attractions is its large hedge maze). Terry and Fazdar decide to guard the exit, Jonathan, Dean and Ace stick together heading into the maze, although it’s not long before Jonathan becomes sparated.

Ace and Dean spot the Graske and give chase, only for the Graske to ‘cheat’. He presses a button his Vortex Manipulator and changes the maze creating a hedge in front of Ace and Dean. But Dean thinks he can charge through it, only to get stuck. The laughing Graske then presses another button and the hedge retracts into the wall. Ace is able to grab Dean and pull him free. Graske runs off only to be chased by Jonathan. Cue the Benny Hill theme as the Graske is chased around the maze. The Graske teleports in front of Dean and Ace who give chase. They pass Jonathan who is chasing the Graske in a different direction. The Graske Jonathan is chasing suddenly teleports away - and skips back in time 30 seconds!

Meanwhile Terry and Fazdar are getting bored. Then a frantic woman runs from the maze shouting, "Mark! Mark!" She runs to the security hut. Moments later an old man, at least 80 years old, weakly walks from the maze. He looks past Terry and Fazdar with an outstretched hand and mutters, "mother," before collapsing. Being medically trained Terry goes to help, but the man is dead. It looks like heart failure; natural causes. The woman returns with the security guards and Terry explains the man just died in front of them. There is a bit of a furore. The woman, Liz Jones, is looking for her son, Mark. When Terry checks the old mans wallet he finds ID, his name was Mark Jones and he also has several photos of Liz. The woman is distraught thinking the old man has been stalking her, but Terry realises this is, somehow, her 10 year old son.

Eventually Ace throws a net over the Graske and Dean snatches his Vortex Manipulator. Jonathan turns around to go after Ace and Dean only to nearly bump into a stone statue he sworn wasn’t there a second ago. He runs around it and sees his friends down the maze corridor. Ace and Dean are trying to get the Graske to shut up and stop struggling. Ace glances over his shoulder as he thought he’d heard Jonathan. Yet all he sees is a stone statue shaped like an angel, with hands covering its eyes, in the middle of the path. ‘Odd,’ he thought. But suddenly it was closer; he hadn’t even seen it move. And a moment later it was but a foot in front of him, but now its claw-like fingers were out-stretched and its face was contorted showing fang-like teeth! Ace lets out an alarming cry, causing Dean to look around. Dean sees the thing and runs. Ace, tries to step backwards but trips over the Graske. As Ace falls backwards... he blinks!

Terry tries to explain things to the woman, but without all the facts it difficult. And then they spot the Graske running from the maze. Fazdar grabs him, but the Graske is obviously more scared of something else now.

"Got to go, got to go. It’s coming!" cries the Graske!
"What’s coming?" asks Fazdar.
"Angel. The Angel."
"I could control it, but your friends took my manipulator. All in danger now. Angels everywhere. Can’t stop them. Hundreds. Let me go, let me go!"

Fazdar calms down the Graske and gets some explanation about the Weeping Angel and how it has sent their friends back in time. It seems that the meddling Graske was the one who brought the Weeping Angel to Earth. Fazdar and Terry decide the only way to find their friends is to let the Weeping Angel take them, and the Graske, too. The Graske doesn’t like this plan but cannot break free from Fazdar. So slowly they enter the maze and it does not take long for their path to be blocked by the Weeping Angel.

"How far back will it send us?" asks Fazdar
"Normally your own lifetime," answers the Graske. "But your friends, and us, as time travellers. So much time energy and none of us in our own time. It could send us anywhere."
external image
As they stood talking the Weeping Angel was now much closer yet they had not seen it move. The Graske closes his eyes tightly scared of what was coming. Terry and Fazdar look confusingly at the Weeping Angel, until they blink.

Jonathan nearly tripped over a tree root. It was still mid afternoon but he was now standing in the middle of a jungle. Strange smell, strange sounds and odd looking fauna all around. As he stood there looking about Ace and Dean Appeared. Ace climbed a tree to survey the area and saw what he thought was a... Brachiosaurus! It didn’t take long to figure out they must be somewhere in the Jurrassic Era. Dean had the Graske’s Vortex Manipulator and asked Jonathan if he could operate it. After studying it he got several functions working. Scanner revealed they were in fact in the Upper Cretaceous period, also the teleport and time-jump functions were inoperable. By the time Ace had climbed down from the tree Terry and Fazdar had appeared with the Graske. Jonathan said that the scanner had detected an energy source not from this time. The group set off through the pre-historic jungle.

The party manage to avoid any nasty looking plants, but there is a sound up ahead. Dean and Ace investigate only to come face to face with a grazing Diceratops. Dean starts to wish he hadn’t left his rifle back in the TARDIS.
Ace steps forward, "Hello. I say old chap, I don’t suppose you could help us with directions?" The dinosaur growls and steadies it’s footing. Dean grabs Ace by the scruff of the neck and drags him away. The party find an alternate route around the large creature.

They soon hear rushing water. A river, 20 meters across. About a hundred meters to their right a tree has fallen, but it is not quite a bridge all the way. A hundred meters to their left is a cliff with the river ending in a waterfall; Jonathan suggests they may be able to cross at the edge of the waterfall. From their position they see something glinting in the sunlight. Terry checks his Resourceful Pockets and pulls out a monocular. He looks and can see that it is crashed spaceship. As the group decide what to do Dean is suddenly attacked by a dinosaur (all the group failed notice checks); it is a Troodon, a small but vicious carnivore. Everyone panics. Another rushes Jonathan who jumps towards the river and onto a boulder a couple of meters out (couple of story points for there to be a boulder there). The dinosaur thinks against jumping but stays on the river edge hissing and snapping its jaws. Terry and Fazdar run in the direction of the waterfall. That leaves Ace who is charged by a third Troodon. Ace calmly draws his blaster and zzaps the dinosaur following by the one attacking Dean, who is incapacitated. The third Troodon who was hissing at Jonathan turns to attack Ace. Ace performs a roundhouse style kick, kicking the dinosaur. The creature gets up but Ace just blasts it.

Dean gets up thanks to his accelerated healing and the group manage to cross the river at the waterfalls edge, although the Graske nearly fell in. They make their way down to the crashed ship. Ace recognises it as a Time Agent ship, the Graske rushes on board. Alas the ship is severely damaged, and anything that could have been used to fix the time circuits of the Vortex Manipulator are gone or damaged also. Outside tracks are found, humanoid boots; there were survivors. As the sun is setting the group decide to spend the night here.

The next day they follow the tracks towards the mountains. They move out of the jungle and trek through long grass, thank is when they hear something. They Run! They exit the grass and see several meters ahead the edge of another jungle. But behind them emerge two Thescelosaurus being ridden by aliens in long red cloaks. Then breaking the tree line from the jungle emerges a creature much like a Stegosaurus (but not a Stegosaurus because they existed in Jurassic times) being ridden by another of the aliens. He too was wearing a red cloak and carried a staff and an energy whip. He speaks in a strange language but the Graske’s Vortex Manipulator is able to translate.

"You are now prisoners of the Sycorax!"

The group instantly makes a joint decision - RUN!
Except Jonathan freezes and Ace is far too brave and dashing to run away. Ace rolls under the Stegosaurus to avoid the Leaders energy whip. He sees a way of hindering the dinosaur by kicking it in it’s *ahem* you know where! Oddly the Stegosaurus does not even flinch. Either it is tough even for a dinosaur or something is amiss.

Jonathan now decides to flee and is chased by a Sycorax riding a Troodon.
Ace gives up his assault of the Stegosaurus and runs in the direction of Terry and Jonathan, but not before having a shot with his Blaster at the Sycorax Leader. Dean, Fazdar and the Graske have run in a different direction (with players unavailable it was an easy way to write them out). Terry (with the Run For Your Life Trait) is well ahead and chooses to climb a tree to hide.

There is a VWORP VWORP!!! sound as a Potters shed materialises. THE POTTER steps out and finds himself is a very large cave. His TARDIS is precariously landed on a high ledge. Opposite on the far side of the cave is some technological device, The Potter cannot quite make out what it is but knows what year he landed in so knows that whatever it is should not be here. Then he spots movement, humanoids down near the bottom of the cave where there is also a large tar river running through the cave. Then another humanoid comes running into the cave clutching at his face. The Potter tries to get nearer climbing down and recognises the Sycorax.

Jonathan is caught by the Sycorax and knocked to the ground. Knowing he cannot outrun a Troodon he decides to play dead. The Sycorax dismounts and is seen to press a button on his wrist as he does so. The Sycorax gets out some rope to tie up Jonathan. Jonathan acts quickly and trips up the Sycorax with his own rope then runs for it!

Jonathan and Ace meet up and find Terry hanging from his belt from a tree (he fumbled his climbing roll). Not knowing where Terry and Fazdar are they decide to keep to the plan and go to the mountains hoping to find a way back to their own time. The trek through the jungle is a dangerous one. They avoid yet more deadly fauna and manage to scout around some large dinosaur predators.

Reaching the edge of the jungle tree line they see the entrance to a large cave, and they watch as they see a familiar face, The Potter.

Inside the cave The Potter was trying to sneak across the cave to get up to the device he’d seen. But his sneaky actions are disrupted when Dean, Fazdar and the Graske suddenly appear before them having got the Teleport working on the Graskes Vortex Manipulator. The Sycorax turn around. The Leader presses a button on his wrist and summons three Troodons as well as a Diceratops which was out of view deeper in the cave. Suddenly it clicks, Blood control. The Sycorax are using Blood Control to control the dinosaurs.

Outside Jonathan, Ace and Terry hear a roar and decide to take their chance in the cave. They are followed by the Sycorax who had been chasing Jonathan, who is suddenly snapped up and eaten by the Tyrannosaurus Rex!!! Luckily the cave entrance is just too small for the T-Rex, but it continues to snap and butt he cave. It could just force it’s way in!!! Obviously the Sycorax have not been able to control the T-Rex.

The situation now;
All the group are in the cave.
The TARDIS is in the cave on a high ledge.
There are three Sycorax in the cave, including the Leader, with three Troodons and a Diceratops.
The Potter is halfway sneaking to the tech device.
There is a Tyrannosaurus Rex trying to get into the cave.
The T-Rex assault on the cave is causing the cave to collapse.

Ace draws his blaster and starts shooting at the Troodons.
The Potter, chased by a Troodon continues climbing towards the Blood Control device. He uses his sonic potters wheel to disrupt the signal controlling the dinosaurs to confuse the Troodon following him.
Jonathan grabs a blanket from a Sycorax bed and plays matador with the Diceratops in an attempt to lure it towards the T-Rex. Terry charges down one of the Sycorax and tries to wrestle his wrist controller off him.

All the time the cave is collapsing, rocks falling from the roof, then something bad happens. The T-Rex shaking the cave causes the TARDIS to topple off the ledge. It lands in the tar pit... and sinks!

The Potter activates his sonic potters wheel and the Blood Control device is deactivated. The dinosaurs are confused for a moment, one of the Troodons turning on one of the Sycorax.
The Potter runs down to Fazdar and the Graske and messes with the Vortex Manipulator. Fazdar and the Graske disappear and travel back in time just a minute giving them chance to get into the TARDIS before it falls off the ledge (this cost The Potter 4 Story points for causing Fazdar to cross his own time stream).

The TARDIS materialises and everyone rushes in just as the T-Rex smashes its way into the cave. Alas, this leave the Sycorax Leader standing between the Diceratops and the Tyrannosaurus!

"Right," says The Potter addressing the Graske, "Now we deal with the Angel."
"Wasn’t me," denies the Graske.
"We know it was you."
"Noooo. No. Wasn’t me," lies the mischievous Graske.

After some arguing;

"So why did you bring the Angel here?"
"To take photo," replies the Graske.
Oh no gets mumbled around the group. An Angel in the Photo.
"Where is the photo now?"
"We scanned it."
"What? You put it on a computer?"
"No. Not just computer. Put it on Internet."
"WHAT!" was the exclamation from the whole group. "You mean a Weeping Angel potentially in every computer with internet connection?"
The Graske rolled his eyes guiltily.

The TARDIS materialises at Longleat House. The group then use the Vortex Manipulator to teleport to the Graskes secret room behind the IT Department. It is a large room with lots of high technology. Then a special piece is spotted, a device nick-named recently the Immortality Arc. And this one is attuned to The Weeping Angels.
"You didn’t think Draxx so foolish to bring Weeping Angel and not have plan to stop it," grinned the Graske.
Then the Graskes plan dawns on everyone. The Weeping Angel would reproduce itself over the Internet then The Graske could replace every single one with a copy of himself! This plan is easily stopped by shutting down the server, but it still leaves the Angel roaming Longleat.

Then Jonathan comes up with a truly FANTASTIC idea. Save the little boy the Angel took in the first episode. Replace the Weeping Angel with the small boy. So Jonathan goes out to see if he can find the body of the old man to get a DNA swab to attune the Immortality Arc. For his protection Jonathan takes a mirror with him.

Outside Jonathan sees the Weeping Angel so holds up the mirror.
It gets closer.
"But I’m holding up the mirror," exclaims the player.
"Yes," I reply, but it’s got it’s hands over it’s eyes. It gets closer."
The player stresses.
It’s a close one but the angel is right on top of Jonathan as he manages to squeeze the mirror under the Angels hands, using a bit of selotape to secure it in place, thus locking it in stone form.
Jonathan finds the body of the old man and gets back to the IT room. A bit of giggery-pokery later and the Angel is transformed into 10 year old Mark Jones, who wonders why he has a mirror selotaped to his hand.

Liz, the boys mother, is found and everyone celebrates. The Potter says he needs to get the alien tech off the planet. Opening a secret door in the IT room a bemused IT worker sits playing World of Warcraft. In the celebrations the Graskes wriggles free of Fazdar, snatches his Vortex Manipulator from Jonathan and dimension-jumps away.

The Meddling Graske got away. End.


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