Something of the Daleks
Setting note: this is set before the events of the
New Series and the Time War.
The Potter
A young Time Lord. Appears just 17 years old wearing
round glasses, a duffle coat, mittens (attached with
string) and carrying a schoolboy satchel. He knows
how the TARDIS works but has not idea how to pilot
Gadgets - Sonic Potter Wheel (miniature one)
Fazdar ‘Faz’
A shaman from the future beyond the year 25,000. He
is the last of the Sevateem (see the 4th Doctor
story The Face of Evil).
Gadgets - Totem staff (which is actually a Force
Field generator; grants a force-field ability once
per encounter)
Terry McCloughan
A technician working for UNIT.
Gadgets - Utility belt with assorted tools
Jonathan Corbett
Technician & lead scientific advisor to UNIT.
Dean Riley
Security guard at the Arctic research station
Dr. William Chambers
Doctor of Biology at the Arctic research station
Cocky Space Pilot.
Opening scene: The year is 2020. News reports around
the world are reporting the accelerated global
warming. There is worldwide panic as in the last two
weeks the ice caps are visibly melting.

Episode One
A wooden looking potters shed, a TARDIS, flies
through the space/time vortex. Inside, standing
around the nice wood panelled center console The
Potter, Fazdar and their new friends argue over
whose turn it is to make the tea.
Something strikes the TARDIS, just time turbulence
The Potter thinks, but then he’s more concerned
about this lack of tea. After more arguing there is
another jolt, this time knocking Corbett & Chambers
off their feet. With prompting from Fazdar, The
Potter reluctantly turns on the view screen to see
several Vortisaurs, scavengers that live in the time
vortex, attacking the TARDIS.
"Damn scavengers," mutter The Potter, "Red button."
"That’s the garbage dump," reminds Fazdar.
Pressing the Big Red Button the shed dumps it’s
garbage into the Time Vortex and distracting the
Several controls start sparking, it doesn’t look
"It just needs to cool down after those attacks,"
says Fazdar.
"Right," says The Potter, and pulls a great big
leaver that Materialises the TARDIS.
The Potter doesn’t hang about he’s instantly off
investigating. Alas what he finds is a bit dull and
boring. They are inside a 10x10 stone room with a
single doorway (D&D comments from players). With
only one way to go the group head out the door and
follow the long corridor until they find another
medium sized room. The room has another door at the
far side and is brightly lit. Around the room
appears some obviously high tech equipment, but
oddly in the center of the room is a stone
Sarcophagus. The Potter examines it, and while he is
unable to deduct whose it is he confirms it’s
certainly of Ancient Egypt, Earth, origin.
While the others are messing Fazdar slumps in the
corner and nods off. In his dream he feels another
mind reach out, "Why am I here?"
The Sarcophagus is opened but it is empty, and after
investigation it appears the equipment is medical
equipment of some kind, but while pressing buttons
Corbett accidentally locks the door from the
direction they came. The Potter scolds him for
messing, then when trying to open the door sounds
the alarm!
the only armed member of the party, is watching the
other door and goes out of the room to scout ahead.
He just catches the silhouette of something moving
ahead of him. He retreats back and explains what he
saw, in the darkness it appeared cone-like with
semi-circular design over it. A robot maybe? Corbett
and McCloughan are from UNIT, and along with The
Potter recognise the design. The Potter now gets to
work, with a bit more effort, opening the door that
leads back to the Shed. McCloughan kicks Fazdar to
wake him. As the door opens an all too familiar
robotic-sounding single syllable voice of terror
Everyone RUNS!
The Dalek pursues, it’s single blue light it uses
and an eye shining through the darkness. When the
group gets to the end of the corridor they find that
the Shed is gone! It was hiding another door, and
with no time to think the group continues running.
This long corridor opens into a large chamber full
of junk. The Potter pulls out a Star-Light Flash
torch, enough energy for a single burst, he aims it
down the corridor and turns it on momentarily
blinding the Dalek causing it to freeze. The Potter
gets out his Sonic Potter’s Wheel, closes and locks
the door.
"Should be safe for..."
"Garbage disposal secured," says a computerised
voice," Garbage ejection activated."
The group has no time to respond or react, the floor
beneath them disappears and they fall!
The group find themselves falling out of a flying
Pyramid, which is travelling at great speed and is
out of sight before they land in the sand of a great
desert. Fortunately no one in the group is injured
by the fall. They examine the junk and discover that
it is just that and of no use.
"I say that was rather spectacular falling out of
the sky like that," calls out a voice.
The group spin around to see a man in a shiny space
suit, blond hair and sunglasses smiling at them.
"The names Ace, and you guys look like you’re in a
bit of a scrape."
Ace explains that his ship crashed here but he’s not
been able to find out who is in charge, and the hat
people seem to be ignoring him. The Potter is
interested in this spaceship, so Ace sets off
leading them towards it.
On the way there Riley makes an interesting
observation. It’s warm, but not desert hot. And it’s
as bright as midday but there is no sun in the sky?
The Potter grins, "Well it’s unlikely we’re on
Earth." This comment leaves the Arctic members
Ace says his ship is the other side of the city and
going through the city is the quickest route. The
city is quite magnificent, especially once they
approach the Palace. None of the residents seem to
take any notice of the strange apparel of the group
of travellers, even after The Potter converses with
a woman at a market stall to purchase some fruit in
exchange for a small mirror. "Oh they’re all like
it," says Ace, "Can’t get past the guards into the
Palace though." While interesting the group decide
to continue to the crashed spaceship.
The city is next to a river on the coast. The ship
is not far away, and it is not in good condition.
But another startling discovery is made, one that
Ace failed to tell them. Only a few meters from the
ship is the worlds edge, the sea and sand falling
over the side into space. (are there four elephants
and a turtle is the players remark)
"This is some kind of space ship," says Chambers
somewhat startled.
"Yes. I figured that much out," said The Potter
smugly. "Well this ship is going to take some
"Sorry," says Ace, "I had to trade away bits to get
some food.
"I thought you’d only been here four days?"
"Yes. I was hungry."
"Oh well, I guess we go and have a word with whoever
is in that Palace and... Alexandria! That’s
Alexandria. Cleopatra, that’s Cleopatra’s Palace."
Now the group formed a plan, which meant leaving
Chambers and Riley behind; Chambers to examine the
sand to find out what they were on and Riley to
guard him. It took riley a moment to realise he’d
been duped into guard duty.
group manage to bluff the guards saying that The
Potter is actually Mark Anthony and is here to see
Cleopatra. Confused the guards escort them into the
magnificent throne room, where Cleopatra demands to
know who they really are. Unlike the rest of the
city she is obviously aware they are not Egyptians.
Queen Cleopatra asks the group, "Why am I here?"
words Fazdar heard in his meditation. While the
party tries to make sense of things two Daleks
appear, but Cleopatra seems unfazed by them saying
they are her protectors. The Daleks too claim to be
her protectors. The Potter is able to talk the
Daleks out of Exterminating the whole group,
claiming to be on their side too. Instead the group
are taken prisoner and forbidden from conversing
with Cleopatra.
Back at the spaceship Chambers has discovered that
the sand is in fact, sand! Chambers and Riley decide
to head to the city, but in doing so discover a
metal hatch hidden under the sand. After messing for
a few minutes Chambers is able to open it. A ladder
leads down, so they climb down to investigate. They
find themselves amongst vast superstructure
underneath the desert, a faint humming noise,
possibly engines, can be heard.
"Well, it’s not a giant whale," says Chambers, "I’d
say it’s a spaceship."
"Y’think?" retorts Riley.
Riley and Chambers investigate but get cut off from
the hatch by patrolling Daleks. The find a tech
station and overhear a Dalek talking to the Supreme
Dalek. The Supreme Dalek warns of intruders and says
that nothing must interfere with the Ascension.
Confused even more now; Chambers and Riley continue
until they find the command station. There are four
Daleks in this large room but view of the device in
the center of the room is blocked by a Dalek.
Meanwhile in the Palace the rest of the group are in
a very luxurious prison complete with a pool,
serving girls and banquet. Corbett distracts the
guards so that Ace can climb the curtains to the
high skylight and escape. Fazdar meditates and is
taken into a dream-like state. He sees a giant
cat-like being who speaks to him, "You are not the
chosen. The Osirans will rise again." The dream
Ace jumps down into a convenient pile of hay. He
avoids Daleks and gets tot eh barracks. He bluffs
the remaining soldiers and is able to get hold of
uniforms and even a few spears. He then dresses as a
guard and boldly just strides back though the Palace
even walking right past a patrolling Dalek.
Back with the prisoners a secret door slides open
and in walks Queen Cleopatra. She demands answers
and wants to know the truth about her supposed
divine guardians, the Daleks. Cleopatra is told of
the Daleks sinister nature.
Fazdar tells of his vision, "This person said I am
not the chosen one..."
"That’s probably a good thing," jokes McCloughan.
"...and the Osirans will rise again," continues
The Potter finds this interesting also. He knows the
Osirens were a very powerful god-like race, the
basis of ancient Egyptian culture. But they are long
Cleopatra somewhat believes the group, and she shows
them the snakebite marks on her arm. She says she
took her own life after the death of Mark Anthony,
this is why she is confused; she knows she should be
dead. And she is more than aware that this is not
her real city. She agrees to help the group escape
through the secret door.
Riley has a plan, he’ll draw the Dalek fire so
Chambers can investigate the device in the center of
the control room. Riley opens fire and lands a lucky
hit on one of the Daleks destroying it’s eye-stalk.
One of the Daleks pursues Riley. The damaged Dalek
fires a couple of random shots nearly hitting
Chambers who was sneaking in another door. Instead
the Dalek hit a pipe sending steam into the room
actually giving Chambers the cover he needed.
Chambers sneaks in and finds an open Dalek casing,
capable of holding a human, but it is attached to
some complex machinery. With the other Daleks in the
room disconnecting from the computers Chambers spies
a ladder leading up and he runs for it.
Riley ducks and dives around the superstructure as
the Dalek gives chase. The Dalek shoots, it’s lasers
hitting girders, disintegrating them. Riley has a
plan. He ducks and dives again, the Dalek shoots.
Only this time the Dalek hits a supporting beam, and
as the Dalek moves in on Riley the ceiling comes
crashing down burying the Dalek!
Chambers opens up the hatch in a corridor just as
his friends have run past led by Cleopatra. The see
him and he explains there is a Dalek control room.
The Potter figures this could be it and the group
starts to climb down.
"You do not expect me to climb down there?" says
"Sorry, your highness," says Ace, "where are my
manners? Let me assist." With that he slings
Cleopatra over his shoulder and climbs down!
By the time they have climbed back down the control
room is vacant of Daleks. The Potter heads straight
for the Dalek casing in the center of the room while
McCloughan and Corbett examine the computers.
Together they come to the same conclusion, it’s a
DNA machine. It is capable of changing human DNA
into Dalek DNA. So anyone sitting in that Dalek will
become a Dalek.
"I think we need to put an end to this idea," says
The Potter. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out
his miniature sonic potters wheel. But as he does so
a Dalek enters the room.
the Dalek and blasts The Potter.
But Ace is alert. "Noooo!" he shouts and leaps in
front of The Potter, in front of the Dalek laser
To be continued...

Episode Two
Recap: The TARDIS landed on an alien spaceship
shaped like a Pyramid. The group fell from this ship
onto a desert, which turned out to be an even bigger
spaceship that resembled ancient Egypt from the
planet Earth. The group met with a crashed pilot
called Ace and then had a meeting with Queen
Cleopatra. Oh, and the Daleks seem to be behind
everything. The Daleks have some kind of DNA machine
that can convert someone into a Dalek, and they seem
set on converting Cleopatra, but only at the time of
Ascension, whatever that is?
The Group are all in the Dalek Command room. Just as
The Potter approached the DNA machine four Daleks
enter the room screaming commands for everyone to
surrender. The Potter continues towards the DNA
machine, a Dalek screams "EX_TER_MIN_ATE!" and
shoots, Ace jumps in front of the blast and is
The Daleks usher the group away from the machine.
"The time of as-cen-sion is near," says the lead
Dalek, "Trans-mat to moth-er ship." The four Daleks,
Cleopatra and the DNA machine all dematerialise and
the self destruction activates destroying the
computers in the room.
Dean shows up following his chase with a Dalek, he’s
wearing a Dalek sphere on a piece of string around
his neck from the Dalek he destroyed.
Terry and Corbett set to work fixing the computer
the best they can. Corbett thinks he can fix the
Trans-Mat. The Potter points out that if the TARDIS
is on that Dalek mothership then that is where they
need to go.
GM Note: I set the starting difficulty of repairing
the Trans-Mat to 15, but pointed out that as it was
an alien technology to the two UNIT techs I would
randomly change that number. I had a pack of Doctor
Who playing cards, so I played a quick game of Play
Your Cards Right (higher or lower). The difficulty
would change by +/-3 depending if they guessed
correctly. They ended up needing a difficulty of 21.
I then said I would reduce the difficulty by 3 if
someone stayed behind to operate the Trans-Mat
manually. Corbett volunteered to stay behind, then
kicked himself when he rolled 21.
The Potter had used his sonic potters wheel to get a
location lock on the TARDIS, but they arrived in a
room just down the corridor from it. Alas the room
had two Daleks in it, guarding the TARDIS. The
Potter tries to trick his way past the Daleks, but
they are not falling for that. Fazdar then manages
to back away in the corridor away from the TARDIS
and lure one of the Daleks with him. He manipulates
his personal Force Field (spending Story Points) and
expands it INTO the Dalek, the Dalek hurls backwards
and screams as it is turned into a smouldering
wreck. Fazdar moves back into the room but the
second Dalek shoots a stun gas (much like the ‘60’s
Daleks did) paralysing the legs of all but Dean. The
PCs collapse to the floor and the Dalek backs out
locking the doors.
manages to Trans-Mat himself to the Dalek Mothership
ending up in the room they first discovered with the
Sarcophagus. He searches about and finds Cleopatra;
she is in a in a small room trapped inside a force
field in the middle of the room. The other side of
the room is a corridor and a Dalek approaches.
Corbett finds a computer console, and he has a plan.
He waits for the Dalek to enter the room and
releases Cleopatra, she runs out of the other door
and the Dalek gives chase, as he passes over the
centre of the room Corbett reactivates the force
field trapping the Dalek. In trying to escape the
Dalek fires it’s laser which just bounces back and
the Dalek destroys itself!
Corbett and Cleopatra continue to search for their
friends and indeed find them just recovering from
the Dalek stun gas. But they notice something is
wrong with Cleopatra, there is a slight glow to her.
Suddenly the PCs find themselves surrounded by
Daleks screaming, "The as-cen-sion is near, pre-pare
the hu-man wom-an. Tran-mat to com-mand room."
"Hold on to her everyone," shouts The Potter, and as
Cleopatra is transported to the Command Room the
whole party goes with her.
The Command Room is huge, the DNA machine is in the
centre of the room and the group see the black
Supreme Dalek.
"Place the hu-man wom-an in the DNA cham-ber," the
Supreme Dalek orders in a deep bellowing electronic
voice. "The Kal-ed god of war in-car-nate will
This is where things get confusing as everyone acts
to save Cleopatra;
Corbett and Terry both wrestle Cleopatra away from
the Daleks.
The Potter uses his sonic potters wheel to disable
the DNA machine.
Dean opens fire on the Supreme Dalek (double 6) and
shoots off his eye-stalk! "My vis-on is im-pared, I
can-not see!"
Fazdar uses his force field again to destroy the
ships primary computers.
Chambers just cowers for his life.
In the commotion the ships computers are destroyed,
The Potter succeeds in disabling the DNA machine and
the panicking Supreme Dalek opens fire, barely
missing Terry, and also blasts the DNA machine.
The Daleks are furious! "EX-TER-MIN-ATE! EX-TER-MIN-ATE!
They open fire on the group and EVERY shot is a GOOD
But they are all still alive, only now to see
Cleopatra transform into a 12 foot tall cat-like
being resembling the Egyptian goddess Bastet. "I
thank you Potter, and you friends," she says. "Daleks.
You are far from the supreme beings. Be gone." With
that all the Daleks vanish. "I am the first in a new
race of Osirians. If you ever need my help..."
"Don’t suppose you could locate my TARDIS?" asks The

In the wave of her hand the group find themselves
back inside the TARDIS having prevented the birth of
a Dalek god!