Guide to the Daleks
Dalek history is a long and
complicated one.
They evolved on the planet Skaro from the native Kaleds, with some
help from the mad scientist Davros.
Now nothing more than, quoting
the 7th Doctor, "little green blobs in polycarbide armour."
Below is a reference to how I
have painted some of my Dalek miniatures.
Most of the images below are
simply test models using the free figures form Doctor Who Adventures
Grey /
Black - Doctor
Who Adventures miniature
Dalek Warrior
Day of the Daleks (1972)
Frontier in Space (1973)
Planet of the Daleks (1973)
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
Silver /
- Doctor Who
Adventures miniature
Mark 3 Dalek
The Daleks’ Master Plan (1965)
The Power of the Daleks (1966)
The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
- Warlord Games
Time War Dalek
Bad Wolf
Army of Ghosts
Daleks in Manhattan
The Stolen Earth
Victory of the Daleks
Asylum of the Daleks
The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor
Into the Dalek
The Magician’s Apprentice |
Black Dalek
- Doctor Who
Microverse miniature
Dalek Sec of the
Cult of Skaro
Daleks take
Manhattan |
Black /
- Doctor Who
Adventures miniature
Supreme Council
Planet of the Daleks
- Doctor Who
Adventures miniature
Victory of the Daleks

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