CLUB SQUIRREL - Over 100 years of Role-Playing Console Room Player-Characters Non-Player-Characters Adventures Doctor Who Extras Forum



Holmes & Xara


1. London

Holmes discovers his true self as he helps a stray alien on the streets of London.

Xara is running.  She does not know what from, but knows it will kill her.  Xara loses her pursuer in the fog of London's streets.  She finds herself drawn to a house with a blue door.  221b Baker Street, the home of the great detective.

Holmes is not at home, but his servant lets Xara in and takes her through to Holmes's study, a large room with many bookshelves.  An old clock ticks away on the fireplace.

Holmes soon returns and listens to Xara's story, but she has little to tell.  She was being chased and... she believes she may have killed someone.  In his hands Holmes holds a newspaper, the headline is that of a young woman mauled to death in the street.  Homes sees the terror in Xara's eyes, but is confused why she believes she is capable of causing such injuries.  Nevertheless Holmes decides to investigate.

Holmes visits the morgue, after sneaking past the attendant.  Examining the dead girl he spots some cuts on the skin, caused by a precise instrument, not from a mauling. He believes the body was mauled AFTER death!




The investigation moves to the alleyways where the murders occurred.  It is still dark, which Xara considers odd.  Holmes dismisses this saying it is always night.  Xara questions this, but Holmes cannot give an answer.

Suddenly a man steps out of the shadows, a white featureless face except for a mouth with razor teeth, wearing a long black coat and top hat... one of the Whisper Men.

He is Ripper, he has escaped the grasp of The Great Intelligence, but seeks a body, and has been using Xara to cover his tracks.  As Ripper moves to attack Holmes a laser blast tears through Ripper, leaving a hole you can see through.  Ripper hisses and disappears.  Homes and Xara turn to see a young woman holding a laser gun. 

"And just who are you my dead?" asks Holmes.

"Why Mr. Holmes, I'm Queen Victoria, the Third."



Holmes is more confused than ever, especially when he learns that this is not old London in the 19th Century, this is London aboard Starship UK.

Victoria says she has been watching Holmes, and his house that suddenly appeared several years ago.  And that Xara arrived recently along with the Whisper Man, Ripper. 

Needing rest they return to 221b Baker Street, for a cup of tea.  Holmes sits in his old armchair, running events through his head.  Xara looks at the times, the clock ticking loudly, but the clock features the image of the moon... Xara screams in fear, terrified of the moon, and bats clock away.  The clock smashes on the floor.  Xara immediately turns to apologise, only to see a strange golden energy rising from the clock, engulfing Holmes!  In an instant the energy is gone, Holmes stands, now seemingly taller and more bold. 

"Thank you," he says.  "I must have foreseen this day, the moon would be your trigger."

"What is going on?" ask Victoria and Xara in unison.

"Ah, yes.  You see I am Holmes.  Not a detective in old London, I am a Time Lord.  I used a device to hide, though I cannot recall why,  Never mind, the game is afoot, we have a Ripper to stop."

A trap is devised, using Victoria and Xara as bait.  So they head back to the London alleyways to search for Ripper.  Triangulating the murders, Holmes narrows down Rippers hiding place, and soon finds it. An old warehouse, and inside is like a torture chamber with body parts laid out for ripper to examine.  In the centre of the room a body lies on a slab, wrapped in bandage.



Xara and Victoria join join Holmes, no sign of Ripper yet.  Then he appears, stepping from the shadows.  As he does his creature on the slab starts to rise!  It tears off the bandages revealing a creature made of body parts, much like Frankenstein's Monster. 

Ripper gloats that once he has a body he will be free of The Great Intelligence and will be able to carve his own empire.  But Holmes knows he cannot let the evil creature escape.

"You brought Xara here to cover your crimes," says Holmes.

Ripper laughs, "I do no need the feeble girl any more."

"Oh, but we know she more than just that."  Holmes then pulls the small moon decoration that was on the smashed clock, he had secretly pocketed it back in the house.  He holds it up for Xara to see.  She screams in terror, before the moon takes over, and the creature within takes grip as Xara transforms into a Werewolf!  In Werewolf form her rage is let free, and she takes that out on the one that used her... Ripper.  She tears apart his Whisper Man form, but before he can transfer his mind to the creature she rips the creature apart in a bloody frenzy!

The next day Xara is recovered.  Holmes apologises for forcing her transformation, but it was the only way to destroy Ripper.








Victoria asks what Holmes will do now. 

"Oh, travel the stars.  Adventure and discovery."

"And how will you do that?" Victoria enquires.

Holmes pulls a lever on his mantelpiece, and the room transforms into the interior of his TARDIS, the hexagonal console dominating the now much larger gothic room.

"221b Baker Street is my TARDIS."




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