The Rutan Stratagem The
TARDIS is forced off-course leading Holmes to a startling discovery
and throwing him in the middle of the Sontaran and Rutan war.
Episode One
The TARDIS is travelling
through the space/time vortex when a mass of temporal energy crashes
into the ship. The console starts to spark with several
controls exploding.

Holmes "I do hate it when that
Holmes wrestles with the
controls and manages an Emergency materialisation on the planet the
temporal blast originated.
Stepping out of the TARDIS
there is no sign of life, the TARDIS is in the middle of a field.
It appears to be dusk, with a full moon rising.
Holmes and Xara set off in
search of the local people, finding a small some altar to what must
be the local deity. Nearby are houses, but they are empty.
There does not appear to have been any struggle, but there is food
on the table, and a cold pot on a stove with a fire completely burnt
With a full moon outside
Holmes and Xara take shelter for the night, what with Xara having a
strong aversion to the full moon.
The following morning Xara
finds Holmes has made a compass of sorts our of string and spoons
Holmes "It should point to a
nearby magnetic source, some hopefully whatever caused the blast
that knocked us off course."
After some travelling Holmes
and Xara look down into a valley and spot the wreckage of a ship.
Looking around Homes is very distressed, because this is the
wreckage of a TARDIS! There is no sign of a crew or the Time
says there have been people here, and she is able to follow their
scent (Keen Senses trait).
Soon they discover a large
dome with several people working in a zombie-like fashion.
Holmes brazenly approaches one
of the worker.
Holmes "Excuse me my man, I'm
looking for some help."
The man, human in appearance
wears but simple clothes made from animal skins, a primitive by
appearance but he is carrying an advance tool. He turn to
Holmes, outstretches his hand an a bolt of electricity hits Holmes
knocking him to the floor. He moves to attack again only to me
met with a thump off Xara which knocks him off his feet. Xara
helps Holmes to his feet and the pair flee with the possessed man on
their heels!

Episode Two
Holmes & Xara try to flee but are
Holmes "Shapreshifters.
Do you smell anything, Xara?"
Xara "Nothing unusual."
Holmes "So not Zygon.
The electrical charge is a giveaway then. So I presume I am
addressing a Rutan?"
Rutan "You are an intruder.
You must be destroyed."
Holmes "Oh, I'm sure I
must, but I am not any intruder... I am a TIME LORD. Now take
me to your leader."
Holmes and Xara are taken into
the research area where they can now see a giant construction.
Holmes "Let me see that,
that is Time Lord technology."
Spend 2 Story Points - to tamper
with some tech.
Rutan "You see what we are doing
Holmes "Yes, and it is an
abomination. This is Time Lord Technology.
Xara "What are they doing?"
Holmes "This is a bomb, a
Chrono Bomb to erase, the Sontarans I presume, out of existence."
Rutan "That is correct,
Time Lord."
Holmes "Don't you see it
cannot work. If you erase the Sontarans they won't exists for
you to want to erase them It's a Paradox, one that could tear
apart the universe!"
Rutan "It is our last hope
for victory."
Holmes "And this TARDIS, a
War TARDIS, should not even be here. It is from my future.
I fear the day the Time Lords would need such a machine.
Besides, you are too late."
Rutan Guard "Scanner detect
Sontaran Attack Force entering the system."
Rutan "How did they find
Holmes "Oh, maybe you
should not have let me tamper with that TARDIS when you brought me
Rutan "You seal all our
dooms. But we shall have victory. Now we have a Time
Lord. With your symbiotic nuclei you can activate the bomb."
Holmes "I will do no such
Suddenly there is fighting as
Sontaran warriors teleport to the perimeter of the site and start
Holmes "No. Why did
they not bomb the site?!"
Xara "We would have died."
Holmes "Yes my dear, but
this bomb is now going to fall into the hands of the Sontarans!"

Episode Three
In the confusion Xara is able to
slip her bonds and help herself and Homes escape
Holmes is able to sabotage the
captured TARDIS (Story Point) and pocket a piece of the tech.
Do the Sontarans see us?
Sontaran "You are a Time Lord.
Does Galifrey now aid the Rutans?"
Holmes "Certainly not.
You and your infernal war. Do you even remember why you are
Sontaran "For the glory of..."
Holmes "...the Sontaran
Empire, yes, yes, I know."
Sontaran "This is a weapon?
What is it's function?"
Holmes "Let my companion
and I go and I will tell you."
Sontaran "I do no free
Holmes "Then battle of
Sontaran "I would destroy
Holmes "A prisoners last
desperate chance at freedom. But the Rutan injured me..."
Sontaran "You want me to
find the female?"
Holmes (looking at the darkening
skies) "Unless you are scared you might lose. I
Sontaran holsters his blaster and release Xara.
Xara backs away from the mighty
Sontaran warrior before glancing up at the full moon!
Suddenly Xara grows fangs and claws and goes into a ferocious rage
as she attacks the Sontaran. Despire the Sontaran being the
suprior combatant Xara defeats him, before turning towards Holmes.
Xara is able to calm herself.
The Sontaran guards are in
shock and Holmes twiddles with the device in his pocket he picked up
Xara "What is that?
Holmes "Oh, it's the War
TARDIS dematerialisation curcuit."
Holmes, Xara and the remains
of the wrecked TARDIS disappear.
Holmes and Xara appear in the
field near Holmes's own TARDIS.
Xara (Now back in human form)
"Where is the wreckage?"
Holmes "I sent it back
to Galifrey. Now, w had better be on our way before the
Sontarans figure out where we are."
