What Lurks Beneath
Holmes & Xara meet arrive at the small town of Newburyport and
discover something old has awoken from deep below the sea.
Episode One
1. The TARDIS materialises in
light woodland. Xara, followed by Holmes step outside into the
pouring rain. It is cold, the wind is blowing and a mist rolls
across the countryside.
Xara “A space station you said.”
Holmes “Yes, well, the helmic regulator has been a bit temperamental
Suddenly a car can be heard, but it does not sound good, the brakes
can be heard screeching, followed by a heavy thud. Holmes & Xara
rush from the treeline and see an automobile off the road in the
rough brush of undergrowth.
Holmes rushes over to help the driver from the vehicle. He is a
young man with a long face and stern expression. “Thank you sir,
must have hit a pothole. Can’t see a thing in this weather.”
Homes “Well you and your vehicle seem unharmed, where are you
“The Inn in Newburyport, not far from here I believe.”
Holmes “You are shaken, and it is very wet, let me drive you.”
The stranger agrees and Holmes manages to get the car back on the
road. “This is rather enjoyable; I’ve not driven one of these for
many years.”

2. They arrive at the Inn just as the Innkeeper was locking up, but
he welcomes them and kindly makes them all hot drinks.
“I say, we have not been introduced, I am Holmes, my travelling
companion is Xara.”
“I thank you again sir, I am Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Holmes, like
Mr. Doyles detective character?”
Holmes “Quite. Lovecraft, the author?”
Lovecraft “You are familiar with my work?”
Holmes “I won’t admit to have read all your works, but yes, very
familiar indeed. You have such an amazing imagination… with all
those monsters.”
Xara gives Holmes a look.
Lovecraft “It’s why I am here. Research I suppose you could say.
Strange sightings.”
Innkeeper “It started when they found that shipwreck. Should leave
the dead to rest in peace I say.”
Holmes “Very interesting, I may well investigate this myself in the
morning. I feel we should retire for the night.”
3. In the early hours Holmes hears a disturbance, and heads down to
investigate. As he enters the bar there is a crash and a burst of
alarm from Lovecraft who is still in the bar. The door is ajar and
before it is a Sea Devil. The creature turns and flees.

Lovecraft “Did you see that?!
A creature from the deep!”
Holmes “From the deep indeed. Stay here.”
4. Holmes then rushes out to follow the creature, but in the dark,
rain and fog the creature is gone. He returns forlorn to the Inn.
Episode 2
5. Lovecraft “This is
remarkable. It was there, just there.”
Holmes “A creature? No, no. Just a man, in a mask maybe.” Trying to
bluff the existence of the Sea Devils. But Holmes is all too aware
of the creatures that ruled the Earth before humans. What is of some
concern is that the creature seemed to be looking for something.
The Innkeeper, also now awake confesses he was given something by
one of the divers to keep safe, and produces a strange artefact.
Lovecraft “That is not of human design.
Holmes “Hmm… we shall see.”
6. The
following morning the rain had stopped, but the skies were still
grey and it was still cold. Holmes and Xara, with Lovecraft in tow
head to the docks where they find the divers investigating the
Holmes “Gentlemen, I am Holmes, and was wondering if I could offer
my services. I am an experienced diver and have much experience in
these wrecks.”
Holmes is able to convince the divers to let him join them, however;
Jack, lead diver “Problem is, it’s gone.”
“Gone? A Shipwreck doesn’t just move over night.”
Despite the weather Holmes persuades the divers to take him out and
let him dive. Homes is helped into the Deep Sea Diver outfit then
lowered from the boat.
On the sea floor Holmes finds signs of the wreck, but no wreck.
Then, turning around he is suddenly faced with the Sea Devil! Is it
the same one, Holmes cannot tell. He tries to indicate his peaceful
intent but is struck by the creature. Holmes manages to raise the
alarm and is raised back to the boat.
7. Xara chastises Holmes for the carelessness. With the help of
Lovecraft, Holmes is taken back to the Inn to rest up.
8. Holmes is resting in bed when the door opens an in enters the Sea
Devil. The creature looms over Homes bed. Holmes opens his eyes and
raises his hand, holding the device the Innkeeper had.
9. The Sea Devil goes to grab the device but Holmes gestures it
Holmes “I am not your enemy, and are happy to return what is yours,
if you return what is ours.”
Sea Devil “What is it you seek?”
Holmes “The Shipwreck. Put it back. Oh, and what is this device?”
Sea Devil “It is a simple healing tool, but we need it. I will need
to consult the leaders.”
Holmes “Well no time like the present, shall we?” Says Holmes
jumping out of bed.
Episode 3
10. Xara is in the corridor
and is surprised to see Holmes in the company of the Sea Devil.
Holmes explains and they sneak out of the pub and through the town.
They path leads them to a cave at the base of the cliffs and a
passageway down into the Sea Devil lair. Holmes & Xara fail to
notice they are being followed by Lovecraft.
11. Holmes & Xara meet with several other Sea Devils.
Holmes returns their medical device and asks that the Sea Devils
return the shipwreck, they agree. They advise they have awoken too
soon and will be going back into hibernation. The passage from the
cliffs will be sealed.
But suddenly Lovecraft blunders into the room in somewhat of a
delirious state. “Monsters form the deep! They’re Real. Real!”
The Sea Devil are not happy at his intrusion, and Lovecraft flees.
Holmes is able to reassure he will handle the situation and their
secret will be safe.
12. Holmes & Xara search for Lovecraft, and thanks to Xara’s keen
senses are able to find him before he tells the authorities.
13. Lovecraft “They’re real aren’t they.”
Holmes “Yes they are. Sea Devils. Or Silurians. They existed on
Earth long before mankind. It was their world once.”
Holmes can tell that Lovecraft is finding it all very difficult to
Holmes “I’m very sorry I have to do this. But as a Time Lord it is
my duty. Had I not helped you, you would likely have not met the Sea
Devils.” Holmes touches Lovecraft on the forehead, and he falls
14. Lovecraft awakes, sat in a chair in front of a roaring fire in
the Inn. He turns and sees the door close.
15. Xara “Will he remember any of this?”
Holmes “Some. But to him it will seem like a dream.”
Xara “You told me he writes about creatures form the deep?”
Holmes just smiles as the pair of time travellers walk the long road
back to the TARDIS.
Xara “You still seem troubled?”
Holmes “Something Mr. Lovecraft said. He mentioned Sherlock Holmes.
It’s Holmes I took my name from when hiding on Earth in the past.
Too many coincidences. We’re heading for something, but I don’t know
what it is.”