The Bad Guys - N.P.C.s |
Where would any adventure be without a worthy opponent. Moriarty to Sherlock Holmes, The Master to the Doctor, Tom to Jerry, and Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker. Every worthy hero has a worth nemesis ready to unleash a new despicable deadly plan. Of all the villains that populate fiction, and especially Sci-Fi, the most memorable are those that just won't go away. In Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope, Luke Skywalker destroys the Death Star, thwarting the evil Empire and saving the Rebellion and the Princess, but Darth Vader gets away. Here you will find a few of those memorable, and long-stay villains of the Warriors of Gar.
The Empire Captain Reinhardt
"I'm Reinhardt. And if you think you can use all that Imperial red tape with me your gonna' be disappointed. I do things MY way."
Captain Reinhardt is not well liked within the Imperial Navy, with many Imperial Officers unhappy that Reinhardt any rank at all. Reinhardt was once a pirate. His outlaws of the hyper-lanes outwitted the Imperial forces for many years before his capture. His capture was no mean feat. He was betrayed by one of his pirate officers, Zola Starflare, a beautiful woman who also goes by the name of Mara Jade. Jade took Reinhardt before the Emperor, as her master instructed. Jade was dismissed, and Reinhardt was given the chance to live, and serve the Empire, and the Emperor. Reinhardt was given the rank of Captain, and unknown to all but the Emperor he serves as the Emperors Hand. The crew of the Scimitar, his Victory-class Stardestroyer are hand-picked. Many of his crew are taken from Imperial slave camps and from Kessel. Needless to say, The Scimitar spends as little time in Imperial dockyards as possible. Reinhardt is often unshaven, his clothes dirty and unkempt, and his demeanor highly questionable. The Empire gives Reinhardt the freedom to travel the galaxy as he sees fit, and he has a surprisingly high success rate in apprehending pirates an Rebels. Something else other Captains despise about Reinhardt.
"I am a Captain in the Empires service, as such I expect at least a modicum of respect."
Captain Orkon is a tired man. He knows that he has reached the pinicle of his career, and to be honest to himself he never really wanted the command of an Imperial Stardestroyer. If only he wasn't so good at his job. That, and his family connections, not that Orkan had anything to do with his promotion. Orkon has worked hard throughout his career, and just when he wanted to start winding down he was given command of ISD II Warhammer. Orkon has proved to be Admiral Xoths most competent Captain, with Xoth even allowing Captain Orkon to choose his duties. Currently the Warhammer patrols the area of space between the Tapani Sector and the colonies searching for pirates and rebels. Recently Captain Orkon was able to save Lady Savant of House Pelagia from a Rebel attack. Unfortunately for Lady Savant the 'assault', which was a pre-arranged meeting with the Rebel Alliance, was quickly ended by Captain Orkon. Lady Savant cursed under her breath as Captain Orkon escorted her safely on her way to Coruscant.
"The Rebellion is a plague. It is our duty as loyal servants of the Empire to extinguish this pestilence form the universe."
Admiral Xoth is a military man through and through. Unlike many high ranking Imperials Xoth earned his rank. From the Academy Xoth joined the Imperial Navy as a TIE fighter pilot where he excelled and soon became Squadron leader. It was not long until Xoth moved through the ranks, and his success in battle earned him the rank of Admiral of the Tapani Fleet. Xoth is a disciplined man and expects the same from his troops. Xoth has little time for frivolities, and rarely takes shore-leave. If Xoth has a short coming it is his blinkered, undying loyalty to the Empire.
Grand Admiral Kaine
"Good evening. I am the Grand Admiral Kaine. My mission is classified, so I can say little more."
* these skills are kept secret. Go to the Resurgence of the Sith to learn more. Grand Admiral Kaine remains an enigma. He first appeared on the scene in the Tapani Sector where he commanded the Sovereign's forces. Kaine is always smartly dressed, and always in his military attire. With the death of the Soverign the forces he commanded have now fallen back to Imperial control, and Grand Admiral Kaine himself apeears to have been accepted back into the Imperial ranks. Kaines exact relationship with the Empire still confuses many. How could he attain such a rank yet be unknown, seemingly betray the Empire, then be welcomed back? The Emperor obviously has some hand in Kaines affairs. There is more to Grand Admiral Kaine, a dark secret. See the Resurgence of the Sith to learn more about Kaines dark side connections.
"If you are talking to me you must be an agent of the Rebel Alliance. So lets see what secrets we can reveal today."
Commander Damon Thrall has been given charge with rooting out Rebel activity along the Rimma Trade Route from Sullust to Elrood. His track record however is very poor. The right side of his body is completely cyborged, something his uses to cause fear in his enemies. Damon Thraal is a cold blooded man who readily tortures his captives even once they have revealed all the information they know. GM Note: Not a very successful character. I have used Damon Thraal in no less that four separate campaigns and his has died within minutes of his introduction before the players even learnt who he was.
Captain Caligula
"Oh golly gosh. I have no speech prepared. How about, this weapon is the most powerful force in the universe... oh you've heard that one. What? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE HEARD OF THAT ONE! GUARDS!!!"
Caligula reports directly to Lord Darth Vader, but how such a lunatic came to Vaders employ is another mystery. Captain Caligula is, without a doubt, totally mad. Several times Darth Vader has had to intervene in Caligula's decisions, often regarding appointment of Gundarks and Nerfs as command crew. Caligula has been the thorn in the side of Rebel Colonel DAX for some time. Caligula is also believed responsibly for DAX's lack of memories early in her life. For a short period of time Caligula promoted himself to Admiral, though this was never officially recognised by the Empire. Caligula wears the white uniform of an Imperial Grand Admiral, not because he has ever held such a rank, but simply because he finds it rather fetching. After failing to provide Lord Vader with the location of the Rebel Command base Caligula was removed from duty and incarcerated in the mental prison world of Asylum. DAX crossed paths with Caligula again when she discovered this lost world, only to find the world gone mad. DAX did escape the planet, but unfortunately so did Caligula. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Grand Moff Ravikk 'Bloodaxe'
"I am more than just a Grand Moff, I am the rightful King Bloodaxe of Gar. Do you rebels really think I don't know about you little gathering on my homeworld. I will destroy your opathetic rebellion, not for the Empire, but for my own personal satisfaction."
Grand Moff Ravikk is a cold hearted man with little remorse. Despite his Imperial rank, Ravikk is also officially King Bloodaxe of Gar. His rule stretches along the Rimma Trade Route encompassing Tapani, Elrood, Kathol and the Blood Drift. Recent events took Ravikk back to his homeworld of Gar where he used his command of Imperial forces to reinstate himself as King, over-throwing his own grand-daughter, Tetris Bloodaxe, who had only recently over-thrown her father. During his new reign as King Ravikk he ordered the destruction of the Darkhammer territories, and nearly went to war with Lexgar. Ravikk was however arrested by ISB on suspicion of misappropriation of Imperial funds in his personal vendetta against Gar. Grand Moff Ravikk is currently being held in Imperial custody at an undisclosed location.
Royal Ambassador
Silas Fel
"I greet thee with an exalted welcome on behalf of his Royal Highness, the Emperor. I am the humble servant, and advisor, to our most merciful leader."
Little is known of ISB Commander-14. Even his existence is believed by many, Imperial and Rebel alike, to be nothing more than a myth. In truth he does exist and is the result of advanced genetic manipulation. A highly skilled soldier, Commander-14 has still endured much physical punishment in combat and should have been killed many times. Commander-14 is routinely given plastic surgery to alter his appearance to blend into a new situation. He also serves in regular Stormtrooper regiments, though rarely revelaing his superior skills.
Pirates & underworld - see Pirates page
Draygons Drangal Duke Crax Armageddon - Tapani Anthax & Poison (with Lockjaw)
Gar The Red King King Bloodaxe Ares
Aldis Chavekk
Dark Jedi Insidious Vile The Shadowspawn ?? Phantillian (deceased) Phantillios, aka The Blood Emperor
New Bandit Order - see NBO page
Other The Renegade Lavekk
Guild Master Wraith Kaal’Kray’Tais the Bloody Zara Silver Zarek Koln Death Machine